Does this mean that there's new stuff for Terraria now for PC? Because last time I stopped playing it because it had no new updates...Have to see if it's any more updated now
@Mega_Loser @WCK619 I am 16 and I quite agree with this
Then again... I look around the gaming media and a bit of game history and I can see that...Some games did kind of change for a worse scene (I.E Bioshock Infinite having only two weapon slots, why is that anyway? Re-played Bioshock 1 and 2 recently on my xbox and I had no problems switching weapons if that's the case, also not many upgrade-able tonics for my vigors and a few other things, but B.I is still AMAZING)
Though hey: We all have our views, mine are of an adolescent 16 year old who is delving in to matters that would be more of an adult demographic...Like I am judged for daring to read about Martin Luther King and some other things from the School Library
@Sefrix @MAD_AI Well that is why you wait around until the game is out and the reviews are out and someone is already making lets plays of it on Youtube
If you are patient, you will be rewarded, and turns out that Bioshock Infinite is mighty fantastic
Other than that: I will say that the trailer makes Thief seem interesting, all we need to do now is wait until it's out and we will see how it is, I really would like to play a stealth game that getting caught= running or fighting and lose half your HP in the process
By the way why are your words bold? and why do you have a ranger tag on you?
Oh and about the final frame: I would say...Another alternate universe where none of the comstock thing would have happened...Sounds weird indeed but hey: Bioshock Infinite is thought-provokingly amazing
I think this is one of the most thought-provoking endings that I can think of, Bioshock was one of those games that I liked the most, Infinite I think just seals the deal
But I will say this: Songbird's death....Rather tragic since I kinda liked him, also the Comstock death scene...Also not so pleasant, sure he did horrible things to Elizabeth but come on, just shoot him or something, don't hit him in the...I don't know what that thing is called but...Don't bash him in to that and then drown him, that is a bit of an overkill...Especially since he reminds me of one of those friendly old priests that really don't mean any harm...
You know....This game kind of makes me feel sad since it has some potential, if only it wasn't rushed out and polished in a way that it would make it attractive in some way...I blame Activision for this
Well...I sure am bought in to it now, but I won't be pre-ordering it because I'm not dumb enough to pre-order something I have no idea about, and for what? Black flags and an island? That would be a waste if the game will then turn out poor...Which I hope it won't
Now this is weird: If Gamespot praises a game and says that there is a problem that rarely happens, why does it lower the score for 1? I think they should probably give it a 10, but hey: 9 is still good, besides in my opinion score really doesn't matter that much, all that matters is how the game is...Well...Unless it comes to WarZ, then it's right that there is a bad score there
Now that I think about it... They gave GTA4 a 10 even though it was utter bonkers, sure the game had an interesting story but Realism is not so good
What are you going on about "Writing ranges from mediocre to comedicly bad."? I think the writing is really fine, also what's so bad about Kerrigan? She can't be that boring, you expected her to be Lara Croft in a futuristic jumpsuit and dreads? Be happy she isn't as boring and bland as non-baked toast...Though she would be even worse if she were burned to the crisp toast.
kalgert123's comments