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Black and White videos.

So far, I have posted two videos from Black and White but I am expecting to upload more in the near future. Enjoy watching them.

I have created both videos on the skirmish mod I downloaded. This skirmish mod has the same landscape as the original 'Two God' skirmish does, but there are no villages and there's a total of six creatures to battle against (excluding your own). This mod, I believe, is a good place to practice battling other creatures and it's a nice break from doing your usual raising villages and stuff. After all, the other creatures are not capable in trying to destroy you or your temple; they are more interested in battling each other and your creature. You would, however, need your creature to know Heal if he is willing to survive in any of these battles unless if your creature is a cat of some kind. Even if he loses a battle, he can rest at your temple until his bruises heal naturally.

For the many times I have been in this skirmish, most of the battles I have seen occurred right in front of my temple and not too close either. When my creature is not battling, I can watch the other computer creatures battle each other. The battles between them can get long and tedious but it's fun to watch them give each other bruises and have blood splatter right at the front of my screen.

When you need to feed your creature at times, you can use the Water miracles that are near your temple to grow some crops your creature can survive on. You can also have your creature eat livestock that roam around in several places on the island or if your creature knows how to fish, he can grab some fish from the water. So, no need to worry about feeding your creature here much.

If you are interested to know where I downloaded this skirmish, here's the link to the site: http://www.kayssplace.com. Follow the link or copy and paste it and have fun shopping. There is more than just skirmishes you will find there.

Long Time No See Everyone

I know. I have been gone for so long, it's like I don't exist anymore, but don't worry, I am still here. I was just busy with many things like college and games. For a few weeks, I have stopped playing World of Warcraft just because I have played it for a few months straight and now that I am at level 70, lowbies expect me to help them with low-instance runs every day I come online. It has gotten to where it has hit my last nerve so I just flat stopped playing. Now those lowbies will have to find another level 70 to bug.

In similar news to my hunter in WoW, yes, I have hit 70 a few weeks ago and before I stopped playing, I finally obtained the dream flier mount I was dying to get and that's the Azure Netherdrake mount in Outlands. Now I won't ever need the taxi express anymore. For less than two weeks, I worked my butt off to go from neutral to exalted with Netherwing even though this was during the time Hurricane Ike hit Houston and I was without power for a full day afterward. Before then, I was close to becoming honored with Netherwing. I was hunting eggs like crazy and looked up on Youtube videos on where to find them. Competition was fierce and yet I was surrounded by mostly alliance players every night I was at the Netherwing Ledge doing dailies and finding those elusive eggs.

So, for a few weeks now, I have returned to playing an old but great game I own called Black and White. Very good game and pretty soon, I will post videos of gameplay from there onto this site for you all to enjoy. I have made one already and I think it's pretty good even though the last part of it wasn't too great because I kept moving all over the place to take care of my creature. Still, I will create more videos when I can to show you guys how great a game Black and White is.

In some of these videos, yes, you will see me owning a lion creature. However, my favorite creature is the zebra and I am only keeping the lion just for the battling scenes since he is a superb fighter. Can't say the same for my zebra but my zebra is perfect to own since he was born to do good things and I am a good god. He can pretty much take care of himself and I never have to worry about him eating or throwing my villagers around.

Stay tuned for more.

Latest news about my hunter in WoW.

Latest news about my tauren hunter who is now at level 60 (almost there). Only ten levels to go and it is going to be a crazy roller coaster ride from here on out. I am halfway there, but I need to gain nearly a half of million experience points to gain one level which is really pushing it to the limits. As I am working even harder to get to level 70, I am needing some money to get an epic mount. Buying an epic mount sounds kind of easy actually, but the part about getting my riding skill up to 150 is the real obstacle. Fortunately, as of now, I have found a current place to train and to get some money in Winterspring. It won't be easy, but I know I'll make it. I am patient enough to wait for such things to happen especially since I am not too eager about getting an epic mount as I was when I was waiting to get my kodo mount after I reached level 40.

Aside from that, I found my third and final pet to team up with. A beautiful white owl that I found in Winterspring that seems to be a pro in fighting enemies. I was waiting to get her because I wanted to get the best ranks of pet abilities my other two pets can learn. So far, they all mostly know the second best ranks and I think it is good enough. Here is what my pets know in their abilities:

Diego, my cat: Bite (Rank 7), Growl (Rank 7), Dash (Rank 3) and Prowl (Rank 3).

Scorpio, my scorpion: Scorpid Poison (Rank 4), Growl (Rank 7), and Claw (Rank eight).

Ariana, my owl: Claw (Rank eight), Growl (Rank 7), Dive (Rank 3), and Screech (Rank 4).

Apparently, Diego's Dash and Ariana's Dive are the same thing but are used by two different animals. Also, all of them can learn Claw, but I decided to stick with Diego's Bite instead. Not much, but it helps a little. With my scorpion, he seems to know only three abilities. He can learn four actually, but I don't care for Cower at all. At least, his scorpid poison is killer and with it combined with my Serpent Sting, it makes our opponents even sicker.

So, that's is my latest news about my hunter. I am even working on a new gnome warrior that I made just like my old one, but gave her a different name. I got rid of my old one before I did that.

Saw a DeLorean today.

As I was working out earlier today at 3:30, when I took a look out the window, I saw a DMC-12 DeLorean across the street. For a moment, I almost thought it was a dream, but nope, I was really looking at it. After I was done working out and stepped outside, I took a closer look at the car just because I couldn't stop looking at it. I figured out it was a 1983 model from the way the name logo of the car was stamped onto the lower right section of the hood, and only 1983 models were built that way. A couple of minutes later, the owner arrived and we chatted for a brief second. He said the DeLorean was considered an expensive toy, and I believed it.

So, now, I decided to make a little banner related to the DeLorean. You'll see it; I am not done with it yet, but it will show my dream car. Of course, the newish DeLoreans that those people are starting to build again is very expensive to buy. About $57,500 expensive, and that isn't just pinching pennies.

Here it is, the little banner I just made for the car. You would have to click on the picture to see it in full detail.

New WoW character.

Before new year's eve, I decided to start off with a new character and adventure. I reckoned that my first file, the one where my character is a gnome warrior, just wasn't working out for me, so I decided I wanted my new player (a Tauren) to be a hunter. The reason for that is, I would have a much easier time doing certain quests if I had an animal companion helping me out in different battles. Not only does it even things for me more but I would have an easier chance just in case I get confronted by two or maybe three enemies at the same time.

Now, I am at level 40, and I am now working to earn enough money to buy a mount for my player to make traveling a breeze. I decided that I want to ride on a Kodo (I call them rhinos really) even though they don't look that fast. I have been playing nonstop since before new year's eve, and this is my result from the over twenty days I have been playing the game constantly day and night.

I only have two pets, and I am kind of struggling to find a third that I like. I am thinking about getting a flyer but I haven't run into one I like yet; just flying snakes and wyverns. I have a cat that I named Diego and a turquoise scorpion called Scorpio. I have a big thing for scorpions mainly because I happen to be a Scorpio myself in zodiac terms. Both Diego and Scorpio are kind of small compared to their not-so distant cousins I've run into occasionally, but that doesn't mean they're weaker. It's too bad, however, that pets don't grow as they level up because that would make a whole lot more sense.

However, I have also learned one thing while I was leveling up throughout this whole time: I have been hearing of constant attacks from players (I call them hackers) that want to make trouble by attacking and killing innocent citizens and other players without warning. After witnessing a few of these attacks, I declared a promise that after I reach a high level (60-70), I will try to give these troublemakers justice whenever I am there. Obviously, that is what the game needs anyway.

So, in conclusion, I will continue to have fun with the game, and not only helping myself, but also my pets and whomever players out there need some help with a quest. I mostly do soloing though (because it prevents death), but I like to help out sometimes.

More videos made.

Yes, I just posted a few more videos just a little while ago, and they are based on an old game that I own. There are supposed to be eight tutorials in this game called Afterlife, but for some reason, I can't see one of them even though the server says it's there. For those of you who have been wondering about why I mentioned this game a few times, well, it's because this game is my all-time favorite and I still like it even though it's old.

So, grab a popcorn, watch these short videos, and let me know what you thought about them afterward. :)

P.S. I used CamStudio 5 since Fraps can only support newer games.

People with no respect.

Unfortunately, even though Gamespot is friendlier than Youtube or any other similar site, there are places here where people just won't give you respect no matter what. I have been facing this problem tons of times on the Pokemon Sapphire board. Among my recent attendance, every time I give out helpful information to people that need the help, I receive constant negativity from the non-newbies and it causes my blood to boil. I can normally deal with people like these, but when it just constantly keeps going, it's almost like I am dealing with some real trolls with no feelings there, and I do get offended easily. I haven't participated in that board for a year and a half, but as far as I know, the negative vibes that hovers over it has not changed a bit and probably never will.

Also, that board has been receiving less topics ever since two years ago, and this is probably the reason. Two years ago, I remember that board had as much as six pages worth of help topics and similar topics. Flaming definitely brings the frequency of activity down, and it can make anyone burn in rage. However, it happens everywhere, and even though it is kind of fun to read that stuff, when you're involved, it's definitely no fun whatsoever. In a way, I feel like I should do something to keep this from happening like reporting this behavior, but I don't squeal. I know I should let it go, but unfortunately since I am a girl, it's much harder to forget things like this.

Fortunately, not all boards are "flammable" like that. I am happy to be part of some organizations with very friendly people that give respect no matter what kind of information a person brings, and if he/she is correct or not about it. Not everyone can be correct at everything all the time, but positive criticism helps us more if we can withstand it. I admit I am not always right about some things, but I do try to explain something to the best of my knowledge, even if it doesn't exactly make sense. Sometimes, the message has to be dug in deep enough to have a better understanding.

So, for all my buddies out there, if you have not dealt with people like this yet, be prepared when you do. No one will ever win a flame war, but if/when you do get involved, get out of it as soon as you can.

Sorry about this, but right now I feel angry from what I experienced just a little while ago on the Pokemon Sapphire board and I hope you understand. Thanks.

World of Warcraft.

This may be interesting for some of you. I am now a member of the World of Warcraft online game, and it has turned out to be a very good game. It is kind of like Pokemon in a way because you can gain levels by gaining experience as you battle endless enemies amongst the land you are on. I was introduced to it when I visited my sister in Austin this Thanksgiving, so it's only been almost a week since I started playing it. I am using my sister's account, but she knows she can trust me, so I am cool to use it whenever I want.

For those of you who are also a member and would like to know my whereabouts in World of Warcraft, I used my name Karin for my character, the character is a little female dwarf with silver hair and blue eyes, and I am currently located near the starting point in Don Morough or that snowland island. I believe that is what it's called.

Let me hear from you. ;)

My B-Day last Saturday

I forgot to mention this throughout this whole time, but yes it was my birthday last Saturday on the 27th of October. Not much happened during that day, and funny enough, being as I am now 21, I feel so mature now that I wasn't completely cheerful about this birthday as I did among the years of my youth back then. I guess it happens to everybody.

Anyhow, aside from my sister coming to visit for a whole, I did some things with my mom and dad. First off, my sister and I went to my mom's work and we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant called Escalantes. My sister and I only had a small appetizer because we were going to have a big dinner afterward. Then, I got some little gifts from my mom and my sister and I headed back home.

Then, for dinner, my sister, my dad, and I went to Steak & Ale, where I had two lobster tails. This was my first time trying out lobster tails, but it was very good. When we got back home, we had my birthday cake and I opened my presents and cards. For presents, I mostly got grown-up stuff like a bathroom rack, a toaster oven, and a couple of movies (Finding Nemo and Wildhogs). Then, we watched Wildhogs until nearly midnight, and my sister decided to head on back to Austin.

I had quite some fun that day, and yet, I feel so mature now that it is going to take me a while to get used to the fact that I am an adult now. I have always been feeling young this whole time and the only thing that keeps my youth strong now are my video games. They've always me of how much I enjoyed playing then ever since I was just a toddler. Those were good times and ended up being good memories for all the years to come.

I got my Photoshop back and working again.

That's true, and I'll start making things again with it, so that's awesome. I feel like I am way behind on a lot of things ever since my Photoshop hasn't been working, but I will catch up. I still have college to do, so work will come in slowly but surely. No worries to all my buddies and future buddies who hold their own unions. I am back in business. :D:P;):)