@abHS4L88 @deathstream I'm not saying the games are bad, Fable 2 was actually my second Xbox game and i loved it. I'm saying he made choices that didn't please the gamign community at all.
The multiplayer in Bioshock 2 was fun but not necessary. As long as they keep the quality in the single-player i am fine with it, even though i think co-op would be a nice addition.
@MuggyTadpole Yes, terrible things happened there, but that doesn't mean they should'nt show it. People just wanna see what pleases them. It is okay in a game to kill thousands of people if the enemy is shown clearly as the bad guys, but god forbid if it is something real. It is okay to glorify WWII in hundreds of games because it has been a long time, but this shouldn't be released because it is recent and people still remember this is actually real?
@goodbye77 Not neccessarily, if it does deteriorate their image then i'm against it, but if they make it so that the muslims are portraied as real people and not walking bullet magnets then i don't see why censor it. BF or CoD is okay when you kill literally thousands of muslims but when they try to add some reality to it then the game is an absurd?
@MuggyTadpole @timoteo2k1 at least this one doesn't treat muslims like walking targets like, say, Call of Duty where you kill thousands of them like it is nothing.
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