ok so i never picked anyone to tag so i choose....
kbmars Blog
IAM IN a BAND!!!!!
by kbmars on Comments
ME AND Tyriversare now in a band! We are lead and backup GEETAR! on may 19 we are playing Smoke On the Water for our whole school! Watchaa think about that? :)
I was tagged! (Tagged by Crushmaster)
by kbmars on Comments
I was taged by CrushMaster so here it is
1. I play many sports
2. I have had video games for at least 7 years
3. I have dark hair
4. I love to play Baskatball and footballl (not soccer)
5. A few of my GS friends are Papaermariofan59, mario brawler, tyrivers, rio117, and crushmaster but i have 115 friends.
6. I like steak!
7. I SkateBoard
8. I have never Been Taged Before
9. I have one union
10. My favorite unions are nintendo alllstars and my union
Time To Blog!!!
by kbmars on Comments
Wussup guys! I thought i'd mention some of my favorite GS users and unions.
Favorite Unions!
Big Nintendo Nations-Papermariofan59
Nintendo All Stars- Mario_Brawler
Nintendo Gamerz- myself
Sims Authority
Favorite Users
and FullMetalwwant but so many more i couldnt post them all but you will probobly be on this next time if not this time so don't worry! :)
And I'll be on easter Vacation so i will be gone three or four days but i will make up for it when iam back. Thanks Guys! Keep Posting In The Nintendo Gamerz!:) BTW the gamerz will have their newsletter again today. See you soon!
Nintendo Gamerz
by kbmars on Comments
I need to restore my Nintendo Gamerz union sooo. could you either join if you arent in already or if you are post at least three times a day thanks :)
Well.... IAM BACK!
by kbmars on Comments
I couldnt stand not coming to GS so i am back to stay. Please visit my Gamerz union I am restoring it and making an icon to put on so see you around glad to be back!
Computer Crashed
by kbmars on Comments
my computer is broken and iam borrowing tyriver's computer so i wont be back til its fixed so dont demote me or anything.
See ya, ~Kbmars~
Christmas Night+ Christmas Party!
by kbmars on Comments
Iam Starting my Christmas Party in about a half hour from now! I cant wait for tomorow morning How about you guys? Well Ive gotta go help out see ya guys tomarow!
BTW if you were wondering the Nintendo Gamerz will have a celebration Tomarrow morning from 7am to 6pm at any timezone, See ya guys tomarow!
Tonight is Christmas! Merry Christmas!
by kbmars on Comments
Merry Christmas! Iam takin a 2 day break! Have fun on Christmas!
Iam Throwing a party!
Merry Christmas!
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