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kbmars Blog

IAM IN a BAND!!!!!

ME AND Tyriversare now in a band! We are lead and backup GEETAR! on may 19 we are playing Smoke On the Water for our whole school! Watchaa think about that? :)

I was tagged! (Tagged by Crushmaster)

I was taged by CrushMaster so here it is

1. I play many sports

2. I have had video games for at least 7 years

3. I have dark hair

4. I love to play Baskatball and footballl (not soccer)

5. A few of my GS friends are Papaermariofan59, mario brawler, tyrivers, rio117, and crushmaster but i have 115 friends.

6. I like steak!

7. I SkateBoard

8. I have never Been Taged Before

9. I have one union

10. My favorite unions are nintendo alllstars and my union

Time To Blog!!!

Wussup guys! I thought i'd mention some of my favorite GS users and unions.

Favorite Unions!

Big Nintendo Nations-Papermariofan59

Nintendo All Stars- Mario_Brawler

Nintendo Gamerz- myself


Sims Authority

Favorite Users





and FullMetalwwant but so many more i couldnt post them all but you will probobly be on this next time if not this time so don't worry! :)

And I'll be on easter Vacation so i will be gone three or four days but i will make up for it when iam back. Thanks Guys! Keep Posting In The Nintendo Gamerz!:) BTW the gamerz will have their newsletter again today. See you soon!

Nintendo Gamerz

I need to restore my Nintendo Gamerz union sooo. could you either join if you arent in already or if you are post at least three times a day thanks :)

Well.... IAM BACK!

I couldnt stand not coming to GS so i am back to stay. Please visit my Gamerz union I am restoring it and making an icon to put on so see you around glad to be back!

Computer Crashed

my computer is broken and iam borrowing tyriver's computer so i wont be back til its fixed so dont demote me or anything.

See ya, ~Kbmars~

Christmas Night+ Christmas Party!

Iam Starting my Christmas Party in about a half hour from now! I cant wait for tomorow morning How about you guys? Well Ive gotta go help out see ya guys tomarow!

BTW if you were wondering the Nintendo Gamerz will have a celebration Tomarrow morning from 7am to 6pm at any timezone, See ya guys tomarow!