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Here's The Story I promised

Ok heres the story about the fight me and tyrivers were in.

Ok It all started when Tyrivers came to my Basketball game. We lost our game incase you were wanderin'. After the game was over Me and Rivers decided to go shoot hoops in the court beside the one i played my game at since we were at the Rec Center. There was this kid in a pink shirt and me and Tyrivers were playing horse and shootin' around and he said 'Can I play' and we were like what ever so we played for a while and then another kid can over and played so we started a game and played for another while and then Another kid came so then we had a clean 2 on 3 game. We were playin' clean and then they started bein' jerks and getting ruff and knocking us down so we got rude with them to because they were gettin' real dirty. And they got real snotty and started callin names so again we did the same, Witch was kinda wrong because we were playing dirty as well. we'll anyway one of the kids big brother and sister were there watching and they were like 20 so they to tyrivers in the hall and said dont push my bro on the ground witch they did as well and they were about to beat us up but we snuck out of the gym and went home. It was Real Crazy. THE END

Something Important please read

tyrivers's computer is broken so he will be inactive till its fixed and i'll keep you updated about him.BTW we got beat up by some men at our rec center. i'll write the story later it will probobly be called rec center. By for now!

Union Help?

Can I be the leader of 2 unions? If so what are the rules? Will it affect anything? Please tell me I dont know much about it.


Yay or Nay?

Would you join a sims union? Iam thinking about starting a second union. other than a sims union what do you think I could do that you would join instead?

The weather here+ My ankle

Well Tyrivers & I our town got snowed on! We were supposed to have snow on Saturday But when we wook up we were real surprised. At basketball practice I was warming up & shooting and I wasn't looking at anything but the basketball and the rim and this dude was baking up and didn't see me and I landed on His foot and twisted my ankle. I felt this insne stinging and then i could bearly walk. So we ran sprints and I only got second with a bad ankle. My dad says I spranged my ankle a little. It still herts today.

Tyrivers's First Union PLease help!

Thank you all for tracking Tyrivers but he needs more help. He is starting a Microsoft Union & its his first Union!PLEASEEEEE Join PLEASE! Please post here if you want to join & i'll have him send you an invite. Please!!!!!?


Tyrivers needs a friend he only has me & pepsi-KFC! So sad. please track him

Ask Me anything you want! ^^

Ask Me Anyting You want! If it gets WAY too personal i wont awnser but i'll awnser Most of all questions ask Me ANYTHING Dont be shy! I'll PM you the awnser