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A Quick little update...

Hi All :D:D:D *hugs* Sorry for the lacking of blogness lately :(, been super busy. So to make a looooong drawn out story somewhat shorter :P Went in to speak with the recruiter again on Monday, I made my tape measurement requirements :D thus *drum roll* they SET MEPS FOR ME :D:D:D:D:D:D will be on Tues/Wends this comeing week...just days away :D:D:D:D. could have done it last week...but I wanted the extra week to get in as much math review as I could before taking the ASVAB... And :D:D:D... And.... MP is back open :D:D:D:D so unless things have happened to change it in the last couple days (and it could have, as it changes each day) I have a shot at it next week :D:D:D:D OCS is sort of off the table (Officer Candidate School) for now... The paperwork process would delay me for almost a year - not willing to wait that long, I have to get references from like high upps in the community - police chiefs, teachers, high ranked military members, like important people - refs from people I couldn't get as the only one in that list I know is my mom's uncle who was a high rank Navy man (but family can't be used)...Anyway, because I'm going in with no experience I'd have to jump thru a TON of hoops, sit infront of several review boards, write essays, and drive back and forth between here, Spokane, and Seattle (wayyyyy $$$$$ in gas ).... But :) if I go in on Enlisted side then most of that process will be removed, I'd get my CO's to write up the refs, have the experience under my belt - knocking off one of the review boards, and stuff, so it would be way easier to switch over to Officer after I'm in...and because I'm going IN with a BFA I'd qualify for the age waiver so even if I'm over 29 (in a couple years ) when I switch over it won't keep me from being able to switch...plus, I don't have to worry about the contract dates on the MOS because the contract would be void when I switch... And... With MP being back open, if I did get it, then when I switch to Officer, I'd most likely stay in the MOS and just bump to MPO, because it is one of the jobs that advances to officer slots, and they wouldn't want to retrain someone to a whole new MOS if they've already got the time in on one. so :D. Thus putting CID back on the table :D Well, better get back to my long list of things to get done...packing/sorting, yard work, PT, running/bike, get updated on the new BCT changes (Army revamping it's entire BCT program in the next couple months ), all before I hit the books tonight. *hugs to all* K.

To Blog, Or Not To Blog, That Is The Question.

Can't believe it's been almost a month sens my last blog, geee where does the time go :P --------------- So some things to update: 1. Only have 4 lbs to go :D, hope to have it gone by the end of the week. 2. I have had to change my plans for my enlistment tho. Because 31b - MP - is off the table (full for the year) I had been looking into other jobs, found a couple I would have liked to do for a while (before trying to reclass to 31b...) BUT! the contracts for even the smaller ones would have ended after I hit the age cap for OCS (Officer Candidate School) and I don't want to risk missing out on it, sure don't want to let my college degree go to waste (for now atleast - while I'm in the Army ) so I'll be going in as an Officer. If I don't, then I'll never get a shot at Officer because I'll be too "old", at/after 29 :lol: They do have age waivers, but, I'd rather not risk that either. Sure I wanted to wait like 2 years to get some experience in before switching over, but thanks to my first recruiter jerking me around and pushing everything back several months I'll have to skip the 2 years and just go in Gold... the near $1000 extra pay a month isn't bad either ;). So looks like I'll just have to take what ever job they give me, rather than getting to pick. And... :) The nice thing about it is that when it comes to MP there is MPO, so there are Officers for that one :) thus I'll still have a shot at reclassing to it at a later time, if I don't get it this time. ---- The strays in the yard (Max and Slim) have returned... their kitten from the fall is also back, much bigger... there are also two litle ones with them :P "Winston" and "Socks" twins, they look like them may be dwarfs, short stubby legs and tails, cute little suckers. ---- Not looking forward to the 6 week gap in eps for SN after tomorrows ep. :(, than again, I'd better get use to it, because I may already be at BCT before the season ends. ---- Hope everyone is doing well :D ---- Well, better get back to my packing - well sorting to get rid of most of my stuff. *hugs*

Just a little ranble of an update.

Yo!!! -------- Happppppy that most of my shows are getting geared back up...Sad that Dollhouse is coming to an end - with as HUGE as the last couple eps have been it is doubly sad FOX fudged up and cancled it :(. Only 7 days till SN's return :D:D:D:D...7 loooooong days. Can't wait. -------- Things are going well with the diet/PT, dropped just about 8 lbs in less than a week :D:D:D:D... Today was the first day I didn't go to the gym, took a day off, but will be back tomorrow. Mega Green-T works wonders :D. The recruiter will be happy. Had to slow down (not a ton but a little ) the last couple days, blisters=hard to run on a tredmill :(. --------- Not much else going on around here, cold and wet outside. *hugs* **early to bed, early to the gym**

New town, hopefully better results.

[color=purple]No I didn't move... :P[/color] ---------------------------------- [color=blue]Yesterday I spent a good amount of time makign calls, tracking down a new recruiter... Had to laugh because the first number I found was for the MEPS office in Spokane... after all the cra* with the one here it was funny to get hold of the one out of town... Thanks to a contact on FB Army page I got the number of a recruiter in Spokane, made an appointment to go in and speak with him tomorrow. Actually I talked to 2 recruiters in that office, the first one I talked to in the morning, while explaining why I was looking for a new one he asked for my FORMER one's info - guess to contact him to get my paperwork, or to find out what his problem is, he said he'd call back... but didn't, and when I called back at 1 I got a different one - the first one was out of the office... Anyway, this one took down some of my info, asked some basic info questions (paperwork stuff), told me what paperwork to bring in (all already gathered :P ), I'll stop in the other ML to pick up my High School transcripts before heading into the office, going to Seattle this weekend and will pick up my AIS transcripts on friday - just going to give him my unofficial ones off my online account. Thankfully it is a bigger office in a REAL town, so I'm sure it will work out - plus it is the same office that my contact's son ended up going to when his recruiter in Idaho flaked out on him (also from a small town). If all goes well I should hopefully be scheduled for MEPS rather soon - maybe even next week or this weekend if I'm lucky. Don't like the idea of driving nearly 2 hours each way to talk to a recruiter, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And I'll have to make the drive atleast 1-3 times - tomorrow, MEPS, and any follow ups I have to do in office. I know there is a bunch of stuff I've got to do between MEPS and BCT, so there will be a few trips involved... The rain/snow should not be a prob in the morning :D thankfully. It has sucked here for days = streets, sidewalks, and even yards flooded, but today if finally stopped raining.[/color] ---------------------------- [color=pink]Like I said we're going into Seattle this weekend, going to help my grandfather start clearing stuff up in his house. He's doing much better now, friends/family keeping him busy most days so he's not sitting home alone all the time. First time in a few years that he's been able to get out of the house and see them, he spent all of his time caring for grandma he never went out.[/color] ----------------------------- [color=green]Bobbie is getting HUGE, we figure he's gonna be bigger than Little Bit in no time at all *gulp*. He's only like 7 months old and he is taller in his hips than the other three, and his tail is longer too, stil getting longer between his shoulders and hips. If he grows into his feet *gulp* he is going to be one scary lap cat - we're talking the size of a small bulldog. He still loves to cuddle :lol: it is soooooooo cute how he demands hugs and to be held, and his throat hugging is gettign a pit painful with the claws out, but still cute.[/color] ------------------------------- [color=purple]Me thinks I'm in a rambleing mood again :oops: :D[/color] ------------------------------- [color=red]The thought that I've got to start clearing out some of my stuff is scary... I know it is time to get rid of some cra* that I don't need, but :( can't seem to part with. But, it's gotta go, won't be able to take it all with me, and why waste the $$$ to store it somewhere and never see it. And need to convert my VHS collection into DVDs - clear up a ton of space that way. But, I'll worry about that later :P[/color] ------------------------------- Okay, I'd better stop or I'll keep rambeling :oops::P so I'll say goodnight for not. *hugs*

...And it happened AGAIN!!!

First off. Sorry I haven't been on here in like a week... well longer than that. The stupid site hasn't let me log on. Love how each time there is an update on a site I get less and less access to it :roll:. --------------- Anyway. So last Tuesday recruiter told me (over the phone) that they had finally tracked down somone to run MEPS :D:D:D and it would be set for Monday the 21st and Tuesday the 22nd, but to call back on Friday to make sure nothing changed... On friday I was working out at the gym (going to go home and call recruiter after the workout, beings afternoon seemed to be the best time to get hold of him....) Anyway, when I was on the tredmill who do I see getting out of his car, the recruiter - in to sign up somoene with a membership to the gym. I asked him if things were still a go for next week (this week). He said it was a go, to call at 10am on Monday to check in, "We'd be leaving at between 2 to 2:30 pm" - same plan that had been set up the last 2 times. Early monday I call at 10am on the button... no answer, but left a vm to check in, figured he just didn't get to the phone. I had things to get done and was going to be downtown around 1:15 so I could just run in the office and check in with him in person - had to get to the bank to get my paperwork... Well... I tried to call again when I was at the bank (to make sure I got all the paperwork I needed....) again no answer... again not to worried, figured I'd just go across the street to the office and if I needed somehting else I could just walk back to the bank... BUT!!! when I walked down the hall to the office to go in the door... locked... see a tag on the door saying it would be closed from "Dec 21 - January 5th 2010" ?!?!?! :evil: WTF!!! It annoyed me, but... I figured he said we'd be leaving at 2-2:30 so maybe he'd just be out in the parking lot with the van... beings he said the 5 of us were going... so I start calling both numbers over and over left a couple vms just to make sure things were still happening with MEPS... no returned calls... So come 1:50 I get there and start waiting in the parking lot, calling over and over... by 3:30 not only am I pi$$ed off but I decided to go home, because obviously he wasn't going to show, nor answer his G-D phone :evil::evil::evil: So let's just say I've been rather MAD for a few days. As soon as the recruiting offices in Spokane open I'll be driving out there to try and find a new recruiter - yet to find any other recruiters within like 100 miles of here, so looks like the over 300 miles round trip drive I wanted to avoid is the route I'll be taking. Not to mention I'll be reporting him to his chain of command, he thinks I'll just let him jerk me around and delay my enlistment for over a month now... he's got another thing comeing. I've already been informed that the MOS I wanted won't be an option for me, unless I wait like 6months to a year. Because training slots for it are already full for the next two cycles :(. So now I have to come up with an alternative option - nothing I want as much as I wanted MP. So unless a new recruiter can get them to take in consideration that this recruiter delayed me - costing me the slot - I won't get it. It really ticks me off because I know I'd be able to score high enough on ASVAB to get it. Figure there are only 3 reasons he didn't show on Monday. 1 - It was cancled and he didn't bother calling me to tell me. 2 - The time was changed and he didn't bother calling me to tell me we would be leaving eairlier in the morning, so by the time I called at 10 they were already gone. 3 - he lied to me on Tuesday the week before because he didn't want me to call him everyday asking what the progress was, and he lied to my face on Friday that MEPS was happening at all - beings he knew full well the office would be closed and locked on Monday. HE NEVER MENTIONED ONCE BOTH TIMES I TALKED TO HIM THAT IT WOULD BE CLOSED, he made every indication that it would be open, he'd be there, and we'd have MEPS. So now I'm stuck for another few weeks, have to wait till I can get a new recruiter, will have to start all over with the paperwork (atleast I've got all my stuff gathered up so I won't have to wait a few days contacting my references again, or tracking down addresses), and have to figure out how to get in and out of town when we have 1 car and mom needs it for work - not to mention it is going to suck driving that far when there is no heat in the car, and we gotta have the engine worked on before it can be driven that far - taking it in on Monday to see how much it's gonna cost. ------------------------------------------ [color=green]Got gym membership for my birthday :) so it's one less thing to worry about. also got Bones s4, SV s8, and K XY s3 for Christmas. Gave mom new slippers and a couple movies (Night at the Musium 1+2, National Treasure 2, and a Leathal Weapon 1-4 combo pack) how I love the bargin bin at WalMart. we used part of her bonus to buy her a new DVD player (her old one sucked bad, wouldn't play any newer dvds without freezing, or messing up the picture) also got us a Metal Detector - we've wanted one for a few years and found a nice one, ON SALE :D, so it was like 1/4 the regular price. Tried it out at the sand dunes yesterday, but we only lasted like 20 min outside....toooooooooooo cold (25 degrees).[/color] ------------------------------------------- Other than that nothing going on. Job hunt is totally stalled out, no one is hiring. so that's all I have Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas/holiday. *hugs*

Oh look, it's last week all over again :(

So yet again I call at 10am to make sure MEPS is a go... get told he'd have to call me back in 15...Gets the nice sinking feeling. Well nearly an hour goes by before recruiter calls back...CANCLED AGAIN "No estimation on when there will be one" :(:evil:. Apparently last week when it was cancled, it wasn't because of Thanksgiving the week before. But it was because the Proctor incharge of running it just up and quit, to go work for the A.C.E. So now we don't have one for the area. They are working on trying to get someone in, but it will take time, plus, with Christmas coming up, it is going to be hard to find someone to fill in. :(:(:(:(:(:( Now he's trying to get hold of the local Job Corp campus to see if he can't get me and the 3 others in to take the ASVAB there, so atleast we can get that out of the way, so we can try and SAVE A SPOT IN OUR MOS (job), becuase they are still being filled by alllll the other locations and the longer we go without saving a spot the greater the risk we can't get a slot for training, so eiher we have to take a different job - don't want anything different - or we have to wait for another 5 months to get to BCT/AIT. I already know that in the last cycle the slots for 31b were filled and over filled, so a bunch of people had to be delayed to this one - the cycle I SHOULD be going into. So the slots that were already hard enough to get are even harder as it is. So at this point it looks like my shipping to BCT will get bumped later no matter what :(, March is lesssssss and lessss likely each day I get delayed. And it sucks. If I have to wait till Aug/Sept to go, then I'll be heading to Ft. LW, MO in the onset of winter, and it gets freaking cold there at that time of the year :( been told by many is sucks there in the later months, I won't be able to do nearly as well as I could in better temps. I really don't want to have to switch recruiters, because mine is really cool, but... I can't sit around and wait forever, if I don't get to MEPS soon, and risk losing out on 31b because they can't do it here, then I'll have to find a recruiter in Spokane to work with so I can get this done already. Or demand that my recruiter sends me to Spokane for MEPS next week if he can't work something out this week.

Same drill as last time... hopefully it happens.

Okay, just like last Sunday when I posted... I'll be going to MEPS tomorrow and the day after (as long as they don't cancle it AGAIN :evil:). ASVAB tomorrow evening, and physical/eyes/ears/teeth/paperwork/ sworn in on Tuesday. Had time to get in a few more practice ASVABS, up to 87.9% on there :D, good score overall. I found out that to get the MOS 31b (MP) I'll need to get a "ST:90. Skilled Technical: GS+VE+MK+MC" - combination of 4 line scores - General Science (GS), Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehention (VE), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), Mechanical Comprehention (MC). So I'm not totally sure how my total practice scores broke down only gave me an overall number. I know on the real test in those areas there are 110 total questions (thus I can only mis 20 questions or no MOS) 200something total questions for the test. There are also other subjects covered that will count for overall score, but not included in the line scores - Auto / wood shop, electronics, and something else - those only matter if that's the type of job you are going for... Okay now I'm rambeling again :oops:. I've been using a free pass to Anytime Fitness :D. Nice place, Wens - first day - got in an hour, just tryin the place out, did the bikes, olyptical mac, some weight machs, and wht not. Not tooo hard of a work out, but good. Thurs I got in 1 hour 15 min, more reps on the weights, felt it a little that evening. On friday I got in a full 2 hours and 20 min NONSTOP, worked my ars off. was a little sore that night, but felt fine yesterday :D. [color=red]I would of spent more time there Friday, but these two guys there were being total jerks, kept laughing AT me, making snide remarks, because I only had 50 lbs on each side of the butterfly thing ( I don't know what it's called for sure) = 100lbs total, and they were benching like 250lbs. They kept it up each time I went onto a different station. I acted like I didn't notice, and I wasn't going to tell them to shut up or the trainer to tell them to shut up because I didn't want to give them the benifit of acting like it was pi$$ing me off. Yes, I'm a girl, Yes, I was lifting lite, but I'm just starting. By the time I ship to BCT I want to be doing atleast 200lbs. In the 3 days I've been there I've added to how much I lift, how many reps at th machs I do and how long I'm there. So those two guys can just go *bleep* themselves.[/color] Starting to see som definition in me muskles :P, not a ton but some. Lost a few more pounds :D:D:D Couldn't go in Sat or today - closed to non-members this weekend. So they'll extend my pass two days this next week. Going to start up a membership, 129$ for 3 months, to get into shape. It's gonna be my birthday + Christmas prez. With the membership I'll get access to a trainer so he can whip my a$$ into shape, no letting me stop/slow down when I'm tired :P. Can't do the bike outside anymore, waaaayyyyy too cold now, been in the high 20's in the day to like 7 at night. Although I do find it sooooooooooo freaking funny that when the kid at the print shop - 20 - found out that I was starting at the gym he made the comment "Oh, she's gotta man up?" (mind you this is the guy that is like a foot and half taller than me, skinny as a pole) he about died when he found out I put in over an hour the first two days, he can only last 15min each time :lol::lol::lol: And on friday when I went in to pick up mom the boss asked how my day went and I said I did over 2 hours, her son Mark - a County Sheriff - jaw dropped, he couldn't even believe I could do that much :lol::lol: -------- Gotta try and contact AIS again to get my transcripts... still haven't gotten hold of anyone in person yet, just a stupid automated system. It's a little hard to have them sent if they only take the order by Fax if I don't have access to a Fax mac :roll: and I need them ASAP, because they'll be going on vacation in a few days and I can't wait till they get back. I so don't want to have to drive over there to get them... over the pass in the mid of winter with a crap car and no heat in it... Anyway, it all things go well I'll be back Tuesday night with good news :D. Later for now. *hugs* P.S. Today would have been grandma's 80th birthday :(.

Cancle that - well Delay that order.

Called the recruiter at 10 to find out what other papers I needed to take with me... he got called earlier this morning, MEPS was cancled for this week thanks to Thanksgiving last week. It has been moved to next Monday/Tuesday... Yay, more waiting.

M E P S MonTues.

Aaahhh I hate that freaking "HTML not well formatted" crap. Tried like 6 times to post the original blog, but the darn thing won't let me and I don't have time to retype it... THERE WERE NO TAGS IN IT :evil: So here's the super short version. I'm going to be out of town for the next two days. Going to MEPS - for my physical assesment for the military. Taking the ASVAB tonight - been doing good on the online practice ones so hopefully I do well on the one tonight so I can get my MOS 31b - MP. Although the thought of takign it is kinda freaking me out, because if I do bad I'm S.O.L. and have to wait longer to retak it so I can get the job I want. Tomorrow is the rush and wait stuff - physical tests, check eyes/ears/teeth. fill out more paperwork/contract, and get officialy sworn in (as long as all els goes well) Thanksgiving didn't help with the weight loss - oops - food was just toooooooooo good. But have been able to do 2-4 miles a day on my bike for the last few days. Didn't expect MEPS so soon, but there was an open slot for this one, so I can get it out of the way. Gotta find a gym when I get back to town - sucks being in a small crappy town... only found a Curves and 123 Fit thus far - only circut training places so 30 min a day with no more than 3 min per station not helpful when trying to build up for BCT. Gotta find out from a cop friend where he goes. Well, gotta run and get ready to go. Talk to y'all in a few days *hugs*

Big announcement... well not huge, but may be a shocker to some.

[color=blue]First, sorry I didn't get the planned motivators posted this past week. Thanks to PhotoBucket upgrading I can't just put the pics in my albums like before... have to do the email thing, so it takes like 20 min per pic to send... if it dosen't time out that is. Can't upgrade my webbrowser at all, running windows 98 and they stopped making upgrades for it :evil: and not going to put the money in to buy a new OS - plus buy upgrades in hardware for the comp torun the OS, just so I can upgrade to new browser. I've got to go down to either the print shop or to the library to upload them. Will do as soon as I can. Trust me they're worth the wait... even if it is a little longer than expected.[/color] ---------------------------- LOVED the new SN ep... *cry*, (spoiler) [color=white] So at first when I thought they were just going to kill off Jo hated her - like right after the attack - I was all happy because she was finally going to be gone :D, but then later when she was being all honorable with the plan to kill the hell hounds, I was actually beginging to like the character, even somewhat sad for her. But then when Ellen said she'd stay too [/color] *cry* [color=white] Darn that EK!!!, turns Jo into a hero, and kills our beloved Ellen.[/color] Just when you think the show is kind of hitting a lul, a slow run in eps, now sure there were several humor eps in a row, but not high on substance, they throw us a HUGE ep :D:D:D:D. But if they are still considering a 6th season they may [color=white] want to stopp killing off characters, come on they are running out of recuring characters there's only Bobby, Cas, and Rufus left (and Rufus isn't really a popular character as of yet ), I'd say Meg, but come on, the new actress is no where near close as NA was as Meg so if she goes noone would really care.[/color] But dang have to wait till the end of Jan for the next episode :shock:... May not get to see the end of the season... ***leads to the big news*** --------------------- [color=green] So some of you may or may not have seen mentions in past blogs about my considering joining the US Army. Let's just put it this way, it's more of a set direction now. It's time that I do something important with my life, rather just sitting around and thinking about doing something. I've been in to speak with my local recruiter, I've been on the GoArmy.com site - reading and requested an informational pack (have to say I was a bit let down that the info pack - a 6 page pamplet - didn't help, just restated nearly word for word what was on the site) also been talking with Army soilders on FaceBook, looking at the sites for both Ft. Jackson and Ft. Leonard Wood aka "LostInTheWoods", and several other sites. I will be going in on Monday to begin the process, take in the documents I have, possibly take the moc ASVAB test (basicaly an aptitude test that covers Math, English comp, and some other stuff)- get an idea of what my score will be on the real one, so I know what MOS (military occupational specialty - job) I'd qualify for. Hope to go for 31b - Military Police, my grades in college, and the fact I have no criminal record will come in handy. If I don't take it Monday I'll be taking it soon, need to get stuff rolling so I can go to MEPS (a processing thing so they make sure you are physicaly able to join, also where tyey give you the real ASVAB test ). According to what the recruiter said (yes, I know not to take him fully at his word... but he was upfront about he dosen't get paid if I join, no bonus for it) if things go well and I clear thru everything I need to get thru my ship date - to BCT (Basic Combat Training) would be at some point in mid March, but it all depends on training slots, and if I'd have to wait longer for AIT as 31b (AIT is the advanced training that covers your MOS - job) so it would be a 22 week long boot camp all together. But if I have to wait for AIT then it won't be till after March... Thus not seing the end of the season. During the wait between processing and BCT, I'd be a FST - Future Soldier Training. where basically I'd still be at home, but in constant contact with the recruiter, ensureing I meet specific goals - weight, fitness, and be given information that would come in handy during BCT - military phrases, map reading, stuff that will make BCT easier. Because I'm female I'd either go to Jackson for FLW, they are the only two that offer training for women, the other 3 are men only. If I make 31b I would deff go to FLW because it is the only base in the country that offers the Police training. Thanks to the college degree I'll be able to go in as either an Officer, or E-4 rank (Enlisted with higher pay). Will go in as E-4 because I'll have better options to repay my school loans, get the training I'd miss if I go directly to Officer School (including working as part of a unit, drills and such) then I'd be expected to be incharge of people and not know specifics behind it. Plus, at any time I can go "Green To Gold", put in my papers to go from Enlisted to Officer, pay bump to E-5, but I'd like to start at the mid bottom and work my way up. And, going in as an Officer I'd have WAY less choice of what MOS I'd want, as an Officer, they tell you what job you will do, because they fill the spots they need. So My luck I'd be placed in Water Purification, or some job I'd really hate to have. At least the way I'm going I can pick my top few choices. I had considered going into the military before. Right after high school I thought about it, but the timing just wasn't right, stuff with the family was really messed up. Was looking into it again before I got into AIS, but when I got accepted in the school I knew it would be better to have my degree either way, so I chose school. Now that I've done the school route, I've done what I wanted to do outside the military, it's time to follow my other life's path and join the Army. [/color] I'll try and come on here a little more, but don't know how my schedule is going to be, know I'll be busy during the days, but not so much at night, so we'll see. ------------------- [color=purple]Going to go in later this week to see if the temp place has anything for me... not that they have in the past 6 months. Two of the places I've called about job postings told me the postings were wrong, so no jobs, why is it lately every place I call tell me they don't know why the job search sites have them listed when they aren't looking???[/color] -------------------- Guess that's all for now *hugs*