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Stressful day...

So as of last week my stress level has increased a few levels. [color=blue]Now before I get started, keep in mind that I talked to the DEAN to set my final class schedual on MONDAY of the first week of THIS quarter. She knew full well I needed an internship for the quarter.[/color] On Wens when new Career Services guy, who took over after Kev was fired, came into our class to talk with us about getting our Exit Interviews scheduled, I mentioned to him that I'd been trying to talk with him. Needed his help on finding an Internship - required to graduate. I talked to him really quick, he told me he'd email me stuff to read so I could talk to him the next day. I get the emails, later that night - after classes - I read thru it. On the first page I find a problem. In big bold letters it states that we have to talk to CS and get an internship found and authorized by the school NO LATER THAN WEEK 8 OF THE QUARTER BEFORE THE INTERNSHIP IS TO START. OTF!!!!! That's a problem, beings all the crap around here was going on then - all the fireings, Kev gone, Robbie gone, I was literaly in limbo at the end of the quarter so what the heck. Then I read the next page, talking about the Internship Orinataion class being required!!!! Again WTF, when the heck did that become a class??? And on and on, so lets just say no sleep that night. On Thursday I went in to talk with Scott - who totally forgot we had an apointment :roll:. Anyway, I start talking to him about all the stuff on the paper. He's like well, if you don't have an internship by NEXT WEEK (This week) then you are at risk of not graduating :evil::evil::evil: and that the Dean Pam is extremely strict on the rule, the required hours, and the paperwork. So, he calls her while I'm sitting there. She, thankfully is nice enough to say I have a couple extra days to find one - BUT [color=red]I will have to work atleast 30 hours a week, plus my hours for class[/color] to be able to have enough intern hours to graduate :evil::evil: [color=red] It really ticks me off that when I talked to her (at that point) over a week and a half eairler and pointed out I NEEDED the internship, help finding one, and she SAID NOTHING OF THE ISSUES I'VE COME UP AGAINST!!!!! Now with graduation soooo close I may not graduate because THEY screwed me over with all their stuff going on. As of Thursday night I didn't know what to do laugh, cry, or jump infront of the train. [/color] Now today I'm still waiting on someone to respond to my resumes I sent out with an offer but none, and the only response I did have was just one of them wanting to see one of my tare sheets - examples of my work - but they haven't contacted me back sens I sent it to them, and they close in a few min. So I'm stressed to freaking H*** today. I have to call Scott in the morning to tell him if I got an offer or not. ---------------------- [color=blue]In other news. I found out why there has been so much cop activity in the area around my apartment in the last few weeks. Some huge overseas drug syndicate has taken up shop in Bell Town - the area of Seattle I live in *gulp*. There have been over 25 arrests in the case - most of them happening in the alley behind the apartment, and along 2nd - the street I walk home on every night *gulp*. So let's just say mom isn't too thrilled about where I live. Had I been in class lastnight. I would have walked by 2 of the arrests on the corner I walk by, around the same time at night when the arrest was *gulp* [/color] ------- And last before I go. I totally spaced posting the motivators last Thursday like I said I would. So I'll post them this week. ------------- Gotta run, there is a class starting in here in 10 min. Later. *hugs*

Couldn't believe my eyes... Or my EARS...

This is going to be a rather quick blog - as class is about to start, but I HAD to post this. Now those of you who are regular visitors to my blog will find this one out of my normal rhelm of posting. But, I found this soooooooo freaking amazing I had to say something. Lastnight on the TV there were several shows that mentioned Susan Boyle - a contestant on Britains Got Tallent 2009 - they showed quick clips of her, talked about how no one wanted to give her a chance when they saw how they looked, but when she begang to sing :shock::shock::shock:. From those quick clips I wanted to see the full song, so I looked it up on YouTube - the clips across the net have gotten over 12 million hits in less than a week. I found the full version, and I have to admit, for the first time in many many years I was actually moved by a singer/song - almost enought to bring a tear to my eyes, ALMOST. She is 47, not professionaly trained, and has one of the most amazing voices I've ever hrd. Here is the URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPZh4AnWyk She was even able to make Simon smile the kind of smile I don't think I've even seen him smile on AI. Like I said not my normal post, but hey, something getting my attention like this I gotta say something about it. :D ---------------- Hope you enjoy. *hugs*

And I'm back...

Got back from break on Saturday, today being the first day I'm back at school. Monday I spent 4 hours in the Dean's office trying to get one of my classes switched to a BETER instructor. Thankfully I got the class I wanted. I graduate in 11 weeks :D:D:D:D:(*GULP* Grades for last quarter were great!!!! A,A,A,A, B+ for an overall 3.9 GPA :):D so I believe I made President's List - or at least Dean's List for sure. --------------- [color=blue]Break was rather DULLLLLLLL. I almost didn't make it out of town on that Saturday for break. It was snowing so hard on the Pass for days, and had been closed off and on for most of it. We just happened to hit the window in the storm where we got over less than an hour before it was closed again. It was cold and rained for days and days - so none of the outside work I needed to do got done. Didn't get out to the garage to get the RC stuff inventoried - not that I wanted to waste my time doing it anyway ;). Bazil and Savannah were happy to see me. But mom's cat officially HATES me :(:evil: If I even try to pick her up, or even touch her, she hisses, claws and bites at me. I got some of the screen caps for SN season 3 done, and will hopefully have some Mots up next week :P. Other than that it wasn't too eventful..... Well... Unless you count what happened on April 1st. WE GOT 6 INCHES OF SNOW IN LESS THAN 3 HOURS - NO JOKE. Let's just say I didn't like nature's idea of a joke that day :evil: It lasted for most of the day. This weekend on the other hand was VERY NICE. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were wonderful here. Sunny and in the high 60's to mid 70's :D:D:D:D:D I went on a several hour walk on Sunday. Then was out and about for a few hours on Monday before I went to the movie. Saw Fast & Furious. So-so of a movie. It was hands down better than Tokyo Drift. BUT... The way way way overuse of CGI for the car stuff :( not so good - during the race and in the cave. Plus, beings we know Dom was in Tokyo the ending of this one was a bit tooooooo obvious... The plot was okay, liked seeing Brian and Dom back behind the wheel.[/color] ---------------- Only have 3 classes to take up my time this go :D:D so hopefully I'll have some free time to get some stuff done that I haven't been able to - I've lived 5 blocks away from the Seattle Aquarium for 3 1/2 years and have never had the time to go for 1. But than again, 2 of the classes will have twice the amount of work to do in them :roll:, so who knows. [color=red]----------------- The shake-ups at the school just keep going. 2 more instructors were fired, AND... Even the President was fired and replaced :shock: I ammmmmm sooooooooo glad I'm getting out of here. When I was in the new GAD Director's (temporary Dean) office on Monday it was kind of hard on the emotions. She is in Robby's old office. He use to have all kinds of cartoon toys, posters, Star Wars stuff, toys, all over his office - from floor to ceiling, even the nasty florescent lights had stuff covering them, so he had one lamp up in the corner for light - a nice soothing light. There was a nice warn leather couch in there for the students to sit on. Now when you go in to the office P has taken EVERYTHING out, so it is just bright clean white walls, her desk - nothing on it except her computer - and a hard plastic chair for the student. Both the overhead lights were on - my eyes were burning in there. If it wasn't depressing enough they fired Robby but to have his office like that :cry:. Several other students have already said they won't go into that office ever again. -----------------[/color] I figure that's enough for now. *hugs*

Asylum Project Renders.

So there is only 2 (well 1) days left to the quarter. All my finals are done - with one to turn in in the morning. Then on Saturday I'm going home for the break - a week with no internet :(:( Returning for my FINAL quarter here at school :):):) --------------------- Next quarter in ModTeam2 we will continue to work on the Asylum project :) so I'll have even more goodies to post then, but for now this is what I have done.           So when I started working this quarter the only room I had to do props for was the daycare/childrens room. But after I got started on this next one I opted to start working on a second room - a school room. So this will be the teachers desk and I'll take the chairs from the play room and put them in a classroom setting. I'll be building more props for both rooms.   +++ I've also got several other props "in-progress" - a Tricycle (looks freaking cool ), some book shelves, some lab pieces, and some other odds and ends - dolls. I plan to have them done during break. ----------------------- Other than that, not much more to say for today. I'm still sick, the voice is STILL gone. *hugs*

One step closer to getting my Supernatural Tattoo :D

[color=green]I've finally found where I want to get it done. One of my proff's has a tattoo place around here, I've seen some of his work and it is freaking amazing. Better than what I've seen at the other local places. Plus, I know he won't rip me off, his place is clean, and I'd rather have it done by someone I sort of know. The design is almost done. I took the one the boys have in JIB then added my own creative touch to it, looks way cool. Going to have it done on my back - the design will span my shoulders, go slightly up my neck and down my back. The whole thing takes up an 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Black ink only. Two things holding me up for now. 1. He can't do the tattoo until after I graduate - school would see it as "Conflict of Intrest" if I were to pay him for services outside school that they could see "affecting" my grades :roll:. And 2. He charges $100 an hour for the tattooing, so until I show him the design tomorrow I won't know how much I'm looking at - around $200ish. Now... Before you ask, NO I'm now going to post the design just yet :(, sorry. I want to have it done before I share. It may take a while to get it done, and I would rather not have someone decide to get it before I can. I trust you guys, but we all know that things on the net aren't safe from other people. I've already found some of my (demon/skull drawing ) stuff on Photobucket being linked to other people's sites :evil::evil: so when it comes to line drawings I won't be posting them up anymore. Motivators and SN art will still be posted :D I have no problem sharing them, but when my personal art is jacked it makes me mad. --------------------- Okay, so when I told mom I had finally decided on the tattoo she wasn't too thrilled - especially hearing that the center is a pentigram - he hates all my intrest in demons/symbols, and the like. She's always had 2 rules No Morot cycles and NO TATTOOS. And this morning I sent a copy if my working file off to her, she had to admit she LIKES it, not exactly like the idea it will be on me, but likes the design :):). --------------------------[/color] SN was great last week, looks even better this week :D:D:D Pain, Blood, Torture :twisted::D Bones was good, made up for the stupid Princess ep before it. I do wish they would get back to the type of stuff they did in Season 1 + 2, this season hasn't been all that great. Some good eps, but some realy bad ones too. Missed Dollhouse :(:( Been sick for the last 2 weeks, and Friday night I totally just crashed. Fell asleep at 7pm, woke up Saturday morning at 4 something AM. Not only did I miss DH but I also missed the Left4Dead gamenight compitition down in the RA office :( --------------------------- [color=blue]The movie shoot for Saturday was cancled :( - apparently some of the people that lived in the apartment building we were to shoot at refused to sign the release froms - eventhough their apartments/side of the building WASN'T going to be used. But beings I was sick I wouldn't have been able to make it anyway. [/color] -------------------------- [color=purple]Two weeks to go for class, it is week 10, Finals are next week. The DFT ( Dark Fairy Tales )stuff is done. I need to finish my files for the AA ( Asylum ) tonight to hand in tomorrow. My Character Animation finals are due next week. A Walk cycle with weight change, and a Lipsync video - yes the same EXACT stuff we did in the Rigging class. ----------------------------[/color] I guess that's enough for ya'll for now. *mime hugs, to keek germs to self:)*

Today's Blog... Dark Fairy Tale project finals.

Was going to make today's blog longer, but I forgot my pic files :oops: and can't get into the other computer lab to get my backups. Anyway... So my stuff for the Dark Fairy Tale project nolonger looks like  It now looks like  These are some (crappy) renders of the textures. Didn't spend much time setting up the lights for them, yet. Next week I have to get real lighting done, so they can be put in the game and the game document. Also putting the finishing work on the Asylum stuff, will post that next week. "Booth3" is just a run of the mill shirt gift shop for the Emo band - will add more props to it later. But this is what is going into the game.  "Booth2 AKA Firey Subject (play on words for Hot Topic :P )" Is where I spent most of my time this quarter. Making the props, then doing the textureing.  On the opposite side is the vines with a skull where the blade is.  I call him "Buddy". Liked Buddy so much I turned him into a shirt design.  The Skull on this shirt is one of my old 3D things form like 10 years ago.  "Booth1 AKA Big Bad Wolf's Meats" I didn't have much time to work on props for this one, but have plenty started. The textures on this one is rough because they are the files I left at home, so I just put on a quick one, just to give an idea of what the final one looks like.  For a pig that just got slaughtered, he sure looks happy.  So that's all of that, for tonight. --------------------------------------- School just keeps getting more messed up... Kevin - the Career Services guy - got fired on Friday. So that's now 8 that are gone. Although, his being fired was well deserved - unlike Robby who shouldn't have been. Kevin hadn't been doing his job in like a freaking year. He is supposed to help current and recent graduates find jobs, help with resumes and such, but has ignored emails and calls for months from them. So now yet again I am suck trying to figure out who I need to talk to to find my internship for next quarter :roll: ---------------------------------------- Saturday is going to be crazy busy for me. In the morning I need to go up to First Hill for the first day of shooting for the "Penny Candy" film project, going to be a crazy shoot. The project is being directed by one of the students here - this isn't any cheap "Student Film", Tim E. (Hollywood FX guy) has been helping on it, he wants it sent to Sundance when it is done, trust me it is going to be good. Started meetings and planning sessions on this thing for almost a year. Anyway, have to get there early to get the set done. The actors will be there by 10am. For the last two weekends we've done the promo shoots/cast photo shoots. I was at the first week one. Had the actress that plays the mom, the actor that plays the dad, and a baby and toddler to use as the younger versions of Penny in the photos to decorate the house with. This past weekend was with 14 teens who play the kids in the movie - thankfully I missed it because apparently it was a crazy shoot. Then... I'm supposed to go to David's party at 7PM over in Ballard almost an hour on the bus to and an hour back. Haven't fully decided if I want to go or not, depends on if it is going to be freaking cold again or not. ---------------------------------- New episodes!!!! Finally, there is going to be something to watch again :D:D:D:D Cold Case and Without A Trace are getting the ax :(:( ----------------------------------- Oh, and before I forget again. My stupid computer tried to crash AGAIN this morning :(:(:(:evil::evil: It did it to me last thursday night and I lost 2 days worth of work ( thankfully it was only 2 days and not the entire quarter's work ). I sure as heck don't need it to do it to me again!!! ----------------------------------- I guess that's enough for tonight. Gotta get home. *hugs*

Best Graphic Novel EVER

So about a month ago I was watching the special features that were on the Hills Have Eyes 2 Unrated DVD. There was this feature about the Hills Have Eyes Graphic Novel :D:D:D:D:twisted:. I ordered it "The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning" at a local comic shop, and it just came in today :D:D:D:D. I haven't had time to really sit down and read all the way through, but flipping through the pages :D:twisted: It is freaking AWSOME. very graphic and bloody :D:D:D:D. And from the reading that I did, has a well though out plot. Gives a great closure to the first Hills movie (the remake) :twisted: Now I think I have all my bases covered for collecting things in the horror genera. I have: clothing, books (of the novel type), video games, movies, TV show DVDs, Computer game, music, movie posters, random skeleton statues and movie statues, comic books, and now Graphic Novel :P:P ---------- Well, gotta get working on class stuff. *twisted comic hugs*

I might be crazy but I had to do something...

Okay, so first off. All my school stuff is taken care of - classes are set and my money for school IS done, the Finaid lady has no idea why the Dean told me there wasn't funding for my last quarter, it is already in the system :roll: Talk about one hand not knowing what the other one is doing... --------[color=blue] Back to me being crazy :P Ramble warning... I'm in kind of my stream of consciousness mode today, so I may jump around a bit :oops: So thanks to the stress of the last week's issues, and the extreme lack of new episodes for most of my shows. and the EXTREME Supernatural withdrawals I've been having I, for whatever reason, decided to paint my clock... Get your mind out of the gutter, that isn't what I meant :lol: Actually I think I can blame part of it on my screen saver - all Supernatural pics I've collected over the past 4 years :):). Well, the rendering of the tattoo the boys had in JIB came up and in the span of like 2 seconds I knew what I wanted to do with it. - I collect old/bad CDs and strip the print off them to use for art projects, and the clear ones that come in the new containers of burnable CDs. Just so you know where the ones I used came from. Okay so quick and simple I painted the symbol on the back of a CD and was just going to use that as the background of the clock - behind the hands. But when I put it in the clock it just didn't look right. It looked better in front of the hands. But then the back looked kind of lame, a flat green-ish color. So, I had to come up with something to put behind it. Well, I had 3 more clear CDs, I used one for experimenting on, came up with an easy way to make a "fire" look, then painted it on the back of the 2nd disc.  Well, then the rest of the clock looked wrong, so I painted the inside all black. and the arms of the clock black, with the second hand yellow. - Later I stenciled the hours on the clock with black on the front side of the disc. Went back and painted the hands yellow-brown last night, they were too hard to see behind the symbol. I used some hot glue to glue the disc with the symbol on the clock face - have to find a better way to do it later, because the glue is distracting in the center. So I got that done, but it still didn't look right, so I painted the season two "Supernatural" logo - in reverse - on the back of the last disc. Can't get it connected to the front of the clock face yet, need different CLEAR glue to do it, so for the pic it is just sitting on the front rim of the face.   It was hard trying to get a good picture, the CDs and the clock glass had waaaaaaaay too much glare. Have to say it looks much much better in person. What can I say, I get scary when I've got nothing better to do :P:oops:. [/color] ---------------- I think that's all I got for today... If I don't stop now I'll just keep writing on who knows what :lol: *hugs*

And they just piled more S on the BS pile.

So the meeting today didn't DO A F****** thing. They didn't tell us what was going on, what happened, or why. The Dean (one of like 6) spent the entirety of the meeting just shoveling more and more BS onto the pile. She refused to answer the question of what happened with Robby, was he fired, did he just up and quit, did they part on good or bad terms??? All she would say is "Out of respect for him we won't share any details. We'll let him tell you if he wishes." :roll: So how exactly can he tell us if he is banned from the buildings??? Several people demanded answers and she would deflect the question or reword it to suit what she wanted. She never answered a single question with a strait answer :evil::evil: She spent the majority of the meeting singing the praises of the Administration, the faculty, several names we didn't know. Talking about how well renound the programs here are :roll: How the standards of exelence here are so high. She wouldn't go into any details on how/why people are in danger of not graduating this - and for me NEXT quarter. GAD currently has no Director, so I have to try and find someone who can get my classes set for next quarter. And now I have to find a new adviser to help me find an internship. By mid way through people started to just get up and leave, people were angry, and she did noting to help. I talked to a couple of other students before the meeting started, their funding and classes are frozen until things are straitened out... Things are really messed up right now :(. As of a few days ago I was glad that I was about to graduate, with a slight feeling of being sad, cause I'd miss being in school (yes, strange notion from me to miss school but hey ). But as of today I'll be glad when I'm out of here. --- Robby is gone, Tim and Seth are leaving for better jobs(Tim was the dude that worked on films like The Last Samuri, The Guardian..... Seth was the key animator for Blues Clues for the first several years into the actor change, and he's done a ton of stuff ). Kathrine left - because they kept cutting back on her classes. She is an amazing amazing artist, but because she didn't have her Masters Degree they wouldn't let her teach the advanced classes anymore. So now the tide has turned and there are less and less great instructors here, the ones that are coming in are good yes, but not as highly skilled as teh others. They spent more years in school to get their Masters, and don't have nearly the industry experience as people like Tim or Seth. Well that's it for the update for now. *hugs*

String of coincidences turn into a long list of connected movie and TV viewing.

*Edit After Original posting a few hours ago* Yeah, that was a mouth full :lol:. Literrally this weekend, starting Friday night (around 6pm ish) EVERY last bit of TV/Movies/DVDs were linked by an actor that was in one thing, and then the next. And for once I didn't do it on purpose. It got to the point that it was really kind of starting to freak me out a bit. A quick example was I'd watched The Ringer, then stuck in a ER DVD and low and behold the guy with the glasses from Ringer was a patient in the first ep I played, then in the next ep there was a lady patient, who I knew I knew from something but couldn't quit put my finger on it. I got tired of watching ER so I started up my computer to watch some shows I recorded during the week - and couldn't watch then. And the first thing I turn on was Flashpoint - with the lady. Other ones include the guy who now plays Boyd on Dollhouse was in Ray - that I just happened to turn on when his character was introduced to Ray. The kid from 2 1/2 men was in a quick scene on ER, then when I truned off the DVD caught the end of Men :shock: Sunday I though I'd be safe watching CSI: Miami. But no... So let's just say I may not be watching TV tonight :lol: Think it is safer that way. ----------------------------- Got more Ryan info. I guess from what Pat told mom. The Bit## was ordered to return to the state - and did. There is now a custody thing, where Johnny gets his son on the weekends :D:D:D, Pat got her Grandparent's rights put into court papers, so she gets visitation with him. Bit## was told she tries to leave the state again she will have Federal charges for Kidnapping brought against her, AND she will get them if she tries to leave the city :):):). The judge told her she has to have a psych evaluation, due to her past issues and threats to kill herself. She has to do random drug tests, take anger management classes, and a bunch of other stuff. Johnny is still going for Full Custody. --------------[color=red] Things here at school just got FUC##D up BIG TIME... The Director of Animation and GAD departments was fired today :(:(:( He was a great guy, tried to get the company incharge of the schools to do stuff they promised to do - and haven't. So now the one guy who fought for us students is gone. Things seemed strange around here all quarter. And on Friday when I tried to set my schedule for next quarter he didn't even want to deal with it, seemed destracted. Today I tried to go and talk to him again and his office was locked. Even some of the instructors had no idea what happened until just a little while ago. One of my friends in the tech office said that the security officers got a pic of him to bar him from coming back into the buildings :(. So he can't even talk to us about what is going on. The peolpe in the Animation/GAD programs that were set to graduate in 4 weeks may not graduate - ALL OF THEM. One of the guys in my movie project group said a bunch of them were calld into the office and told that they need to talk to the Dean to find out if they are going to graduate or if they have to come back for MORE classes. I have to find out if I am in danger of not graduating next quarter because of all the crap going on :cry: Several of my friends here have to drop out :(:(:( because their funding has run out and Salae Mae pulled the rest of it. A couple of them said that with R being fired they won't come back here, they will finish school online (When they get funds to finish) or they will transfer to another school. Three of the really really talented instructors are moving on to better places - two of them are the really amazing guys who worked in Hollywood. There is going to be a All Hands meeting tomorrow to talk about the "Sudden change in leadership".[/color] *Hugs*