Stressful day...
by kdtfiles on Comments
So as of last week my stress level has increased a few levels. [color=blue]Now before I get started, keep in mind that I talked to the DEAN to set my final class schedual on MONDAY of the first week of THIS quarter. She knew full well I needed an internship for the quarter.[/color] On Wens when new Career Services guy, who took over after Kev was fired, came into our class to talk with us about getting our Exit Interviews scheduled, I mentioned to him that I'd been trying to talk with him. Needed his help on finding an Internship - required to graduate. I talked to him really quick, he told me he'd email me stuff to read so I could talk to him the next day. I get the emails, later that night - after classes - I read thru it. On the first page I find a problem. In big bold letters it states that we have to talk to CS and get an internship found and authorized by the school NO LATER THAN WEEK 8 OF THE QUARTER BEFORE THE INTERNSHIP IS TO START. OTF!!!!! That's a problem, beings all the crap around here was going on then - all the fireings, Kev gone, Robbie gone, I was literaly in limbo at the end of the quarter so what the heck. Then I read the next page, talking about the Internship Orinataion class being required!!!! Again WTF, when the heck did that become a class??? And on and on, so lets just say no sleep that night. On Thursday I went in to talk with Scott - who totally forgot we had an apointment :roll:. Anyway, I start talking to him about all the stuff on the paper. He's like well, if you don't have an internship by NEXT WEEK (This week) then you are at risk of not graduating :evil::evil::evil: and that the Dean Pam is extremely strict on the rule, the required hours, and the paperwork. So, he calls her while I'm sitting there. She, thankfully is nice enough to say I have a couple extra days to find one - BUT [color=red]I will have to work atleast 30 hours a week, plus my hours for class[/color] to be able to have enough intern hours to graduate :evil::evil: [color=red] It really ticks me off that when I talked to her (at that point) over a week and a half eairler and pointed out I NEEDED the internship, help finding one, and she SAID NOTHING OF THE ISSUES I'VE COME UP AGAINST!!!!! Now with graduation soooo close I may not graduate because THEY screwed me over with all their stuff going on. As of Thursday night I didn't know what to do laugh, cry, or jump infront of the train. [/color] Now today I'm still waiting on someone to respond to my resumes I sent out with an offer but none, and the only response I did have was just one of them wanting to see one of my tare sheets - examples of my work - but they haven't contacted me back sens I sent it to them, and they close in a few min. So I'm stressed to freaking H*** today. I have to call Scott in the morning to tell him if I got an offer or not. ---------------------- [color=blue]In other news. I found out why there has been so much cop activity in the area around my apartment in the last few weeks. Some huge overseas drug syndicate has taken up shop in Bell Town - the area of Seattle I live in *gulp*. There have been over 25 arrests in the case - most of them happening in the alley behind the apartment, and along 2nd - the street I walk home on every night *gulp*. So let's just say mom isn't too thrilled about where I live. Had I been in class lastnight. I would have walked by 2 of the arrests on the corner I walk by, around the same time at night when the arrest was *gulp* [/color] ------- And last before I go. I totally spaced posting the motivators last Thursday like I said I would. So I'll post them this week. ------------- Gotta run, there is a class starting in here in 10 min. Later. *hugs*
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