Microsoft's X-box 360 is clearly the worst choice a consumer who wants to play video games could make. The lack of quality games exclusive to this system is astounding. The PC, a far more advanced piece of technology, can not only play the best of X-box games, but also run them with improved visuals and higher frame rates. Even though the X-box features the amazing Halo 3, one can be positive that the finer version will arrive on PC sooner or later. Also, very few people will actually care about Halo 3 on its destined release date; the Crysis demo, with enhanced graphics and gameplay, will seep out Halo's awe-inspiring effect. Gears of War, one of the X-box's most touted titles, makes its appearance on the PC with the entire campaign, not just a portion of it. Another exalted game can also be enjoyed on the PC with better graphics and framerate: BioShock. Even if the PC had a dearth of games, consumers can be sure that they made the right choice by obtaining a PC just by judging the quality of the hardware.
A computer is not susceptible to the infamous three red rings of death syndrome that makes a common appearance on the X-box 360. It can easily last over six years without any hardware issues, unless the owner is semi-retarded and pours Sprite into the system. On the other hand, a X-box will need to be replaced every six months. There are some lucky ones who make it past that time period, but many of them are almost "anticipating" the insufferable moment. In fact, owners of X-boxes that have survived for a year like to show off the fact to others, and then pray that their hardware will just last a little longer. Such intolerable problems are quite rare on a computer.
The X-box also lacks the pliability of the PC, which can be made to fit your lifestyle. It can print documents, make power-points, surf the internet, organize data, create 3D art, manipulate photos, and so forth. The amount of features to be found on a computer seems endless, especially compared to those on a X-box.
It is fairly obvious that a PC provides for a superior experience and fulfills whatever needs may be aching at your stomach. There is simply no reason to buy a X-box.
A gaming PC should be more superior granted your spending 1500 for the system compair to 400 for the 360.
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