[QUOTE="dubvisions"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="cardiac_cat"][QUOTE="blackace"] The 360 sold what 176,000 units last month and the PS3 sold 82,000 units. So the PS3 will catch the 360 when? :lol: It won't be this year and maybe not next year either.
The PS3 is not matching the 360 sales. People keep forgetting the 360 had shortages for the first 5 months, while the PS3 didn't. The PS3 is actually selling worse because they only sold a few thousand more units then the 360 the first 3 months and they had NO shortages. The PS3 should have sold at least 200K-300K more in the 1st 3 months, not 3,000 more. As we stand right now in the month of May, the 360 is well ahead of the PS3 in sales.
Just look at the weekly sales for week ending May 27th. - http://www.vgchartz.com/aweekly.php
XBox 360 - 52,809
PS3 - 16,945
Um where did u hear that PS3 didnt have shortages???? Ok i guess you were on another planet or something i guess i can excuse that. But what i cant excuse is you or other X180 customers that are in denial. PS3 is far more advanced than that other box. And what you ignorantly failed to notice about that chart is that at this same point in the box's life it was in almost the exact same position as the PS3. Also at that time there was no competiton for it either. When the PS3 launched it was already coming in after the box and the n64....i mean wii. So given a little more time and more people already getting bored with the Halo 3 beta, and there will be nothing left but the PS3 rising from the ashes of the fad that is the wii, and the halo360.
You're saying he's the one in denial when you're denying that the PS3 isn't supply contrained, when you're the one making childish console insults (xbox 180...lol, I r teh witty!!1 OH! And teh Wii....n64!!1 LOL!), AND when you make another 'just wait....just wait' statement. Honestly, it's people like you that make me reluctant to get a PS3.
360 had shortages a year after launch during Christmas time. Its now 6 months into PS3's life and the beginning of June. How does that compare???
How does a system that launched twice and now is at a downard trend compare to a system that launched once and is a still at a steady pace?
Thats sucks for you cows because our downward console keeps outselling your steady pace.
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