kenmid's forum posts
Well, can it really happen?? Please discuss. (In terms of graphics)
yeah, why not
Who is constantly bringing this game? Xbox fans? Is it because it is the most comparable game to Motorstorm? Well for instance, both relate in the sense that they are arcade games. Dirt isn't exactly a Richard Burns Rally game and that puts my whole interest way lower, in my opinion.
The other issue is that I've been watching some videos on Gametrailers, and I've noticed the terrain doesn't deform. You can't even see the trails the cars leave. The graphics also look like Rallisport II in HD. Doesn't look nearly as good as Motorstorm.
I'm getting the feeling that you never played the game.(because you said you watch the video on gametrailers, then you said you play both. and motorstorm is better) And if you did play it, your compairing a full version to a demo.
I think what the PS3 is doing is just pure genious. Everything they have done in the past year is not because of faulty workers, and because Sony is losing it, but its actually just their huge plan.
You see the only way to sell a machine so great, so advance, and just so technilogically superior, they had to spend a lot of money, which means the systems had to start out at a high price. Sony knew people wouldnt want to spend a ton of money, but they had to make a really good system. There was only one solution from that.
Sony made people hate them. Soon their stock started to go down, not as many machines were sold, and people started to lose faith. So soon once their stock is low enough and not as many people are supporting them, they will have the extra money to quickly boost the PS3 sales and materials, thus being able to make it much cheaper.
What many people believe all these previous made for PS3 games were now just going to the Xbox360, but in reality they had to help out with the plan. Since the PS3 is so expensive, not enough people were buying it, and thus the game companies weren't making enough money. So they switched over to the Xbox, which made many gamers switch, thus propelling sony's plan.
Once Sony can finally make the PS3 cheapers, more multiplatform games will be realeased and people will soon realize the PS3 games are far more superior. Thus propelling sony and all of its compaion companys through the roof in money.
We can now see that sony is still not letting us down.
Are you serious?
[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"](...)PC games are still using CDs, why would they suddenly leap two generations into using Blu-RayKane04
Blue Dragon takes 3 DVDs, and Gears only takes 1 cuz it has 8 hours game play..
and with the new high end graphic cards games will sure still coming out on CDs, by the way, tell me 1 resent game that cames on CDs?
Ugh, the whole 'gonna add a bunch of unneeded crap to make the 360 expensive approach'. PS3= $600, 360= $300, $400, $479. Get over yourself. If you want to play that way, why not add in the cost of gas it took to drive down to Best Buy to get the PS3. Hell, why not the car itself? And the electricity it sucks up, and the freacking HOUSE, etc. Verge_6
PS3 is more expencive cuz it does more stuff, as more equipment like HDmovies drive and its more powerfull..
gas and the car itself you also need too get a X360
Looked up at the PS3 power rating. It's 3.2A at 120V. That's 384W. That's a lot, right?
The 360 power supply brick is 5A at 120V. That's 600W. add the HD DVD (it has its own power brick) and the quick charge...
X360 + its power brick alone is bigger than the PS3, and the X360 still have ALOT of other stuff... not to mention extrely noisy..
You have to much time on your hands.
The PS3 is from the future. TSHBO, TLHBO.DaysAirlines
Guess who didn't make the list.
Sorry SONY....
EA is slick I'll give them that. They know many people rag on Madden's sluggish gameplay, choppy framerate and animations and so this year they say they are going to focus on the gameplay and really fix it. But that is all a smokescreen to the real fact that nothing will be done to the graphics making it the THIRD year in a row that the game has looked the same.
Oh they will add another game mode and make a couple of tweeks, but Madden 08 will essentially be madden 07 with a different cover and updated rosters. When will the masses realize how crappy EA is? Please let me know when their monopoly runs out and I might get interested in football games again.
if you did in kind of research, every game website has said this is the best madden that they play, it runs at 60fps, improve graphics, and a whole new aniamation system.
Gamestop had 4 million preorders.
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