@notafan: I don't have any friends on here, sadly I've found I've there are way more crap people on here than good ones. The only good thing that's come out of this so far is that we know who more of the racists are.
Good for them. But at the same time, we kinda need video games as an escape right now so it sucks for the people not being to play some gta/rdr online. But the comments, don't think I've seen so many just bad people and racists on this site before.
@johnny0779: Yea I'm not saying I totally believe it and that it is absolutely true, sony could just be doing the right thing and as his funeral is on thursday as well.
Oh man... oh well. It's, totally understandable and this is absolutely 100% the morally correct thing to do but, at the same time, can we PLEASE get something positive and good to happen? Now we have nothing to look forward to this week.... At the same time this does raise even more questions about sony and the ps5 and it's games. Was it this just an excuse to push it back?
Also, if you're waiting for trump to speak up about racial injustice, good luck w/ that w/ him and his base being racists.
@dmblum1799: lol Cause yea you know tlou and gow, are so much more adult and more mature than halo, gears, forza and all those 3rd party ps games for someone of your incredible maturity, security, and intelligence. Yea lol.
kgsg-19-2's comments