After the epic failure of Prey not having ANY PS4 Pro support I'm highly discouraged by the fact Microsoft and Sony are both leaving important technological decisions up to the developers. There are too many devs that are notoriously lazy when it comes to fine tuning and optimization on multiple platforms. They're too concerned with DLC, Season Passes and Micro transactions to give a crap about why gamers bought their preferred console or PC.
@Smith7010: Proper recollection and paying attention to things would do you kids a world of good instead of demanding links every time your memory fails. Take some vitamins or something. You're the reason Xbox is still partially popular.
I know for a fact that Bungie said players characters and gear will carry over to a new game. Just like everyone in the game development world, they change their story's or flat out lie about things to make people happy and to get their money.
KhanWasHere's comments