@gamerlegend888: Grab the Watch Dogs 2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider demos off PSN afterwards, they're good showcases if you don't yet have any Pro enhanced titles.
@UnrealPro: The Pro made a huge difference on my 4K TV. Considering you still game on the Xbox One on a 4K TV and are ok with it maybe better hardware isn't for you. Strange that you even have to ask with a 1080 in the mix. Are you even running 2160p from your PC?
Once I went 4K with my GTX 1080 you would have to put a gun to my head to tolerate gaming on the Xbox One again. PS4 Pro with games upscaled from 1800p are SOOOOO close to PC level graphics it's difficult to decide whether to buy the PC edition or the PS4 Pro edition of a game now. Whichever is cheaper I suppose. But if quality isn't your main concern and "hassle" is, stick with your Xbox. You will be required to unplug a few cables and plug them in again, I can see why that would be stressful.
@Barighm: And you believe people would buy it at a higher price point? Comprehending the reality of Xbox's situation is that no one wants to buy it and they literally have to give it away for people to consider it. "It's still selling but at a lower price and they aren't making much money". I guess fanboys can interpret it however they want, and they do. There is literally no incentive to drop the price of an item if people want it and are buying it.
PS4 sells with rarely any sales or significant discounts because there are too many reasons to list for buying it. Day one, out of starting gate it was the superior visuals that started the console wars, now it's a matter of Xbox being incompetent with actual original and exclusive IP's. Let's see Microsoft be honest for once and have the courage to admit that to their investors.
People just don't want poor quality graphics... bottom line. The console isn't bad, the services are good, the third part support is on par with PS4, it even has a UHD player in the S model and it's cheap. By all accounts this console should be leading the way. So the only logical conclusion is gamers are and have been for a while, ready for advanced visuals no matter how many times certain people claim graphics don't matter. They do and poor sales prove it. Cannibalizing themselves with a pre-mature announcement of the Scorpio out of knee jerk reaction to the PS4 Pro rumors and releasing their console exclusives on PC after nearly 15 years were bad decisions. <- from a console sales standpoint, not consumer. I 'm thrilled to play those exclusives in 4K on my PC instead of the junk dynamically scaled 720p/900p nonsense. Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC in 4K compared to the Xbox One was a massive improvement, so much so it was the last game I ever played on the console and sold it.
I care less about VR on a console than I do the Scorpio claiming to be a "true 4k" gaming experience and then end up only being 30fps because it is still only a 6TFLOP device.
Unless Microsoft screws up again and does something stupid like go full digital and diskless or charge more for the games supporting it, Scorpio should be amazing.
Pretty sure Microsoft knows what half-assed is. However, right now in comparison, the Xbox One is half-assed compared to the 1800p PS4 Pro counterparts so I'll take those till they prove they can master 4k/60 and prove themselves worthy of their slandering.
KhanWasHere's comments