Starting to question if games are worth playing anytime soon after release. For all I know, after I finish it they'll decide to suddenly patch in HDR support or Multi GPU support or something else that I would have rather waited for on PC.
Too bad 4 way SLI isn't viable for 98% of the games out there. Those clowns over at Coalition just yesterday finally patched in support for 2 way SLI after delaying it several months for Gears 4.
@Barighm: I'm quit thrilled with my 65" 4K OLED HDR panel and all the other amazing experiences to be had, I'll live. Perhaps revisit your own advice when it comes time to troll someone online about how great the Scorpio is.
There are a few I would buy in a heartbeat if they were completely remastered using modern game engines. The Star Wars catalog has some great titles but are so horribly dated they're joke to try and play now.
I played a bit of the demo on PS4 Pro. Besides the bad graphics, which I later found out were due to no Pro Enhancement for the demo, something really bothered me. Those little black spider things took out an entire facility, yet I was able to fend them off with a simple wrench..... video games.
I'll still be playing this on PC either way. Looks like a great game.
As long as devs develop games based on my pc config for the best optimisation i can assure them that there will be no endless public ridicule and badgering by me. Starting with multi gpu support, not 7 months later.... gears 4...
KhanWasHere's comments