All these online shooters are garbage. Nothing but maps for kids with no attention spans to run around and shoot each other in. They should all be sued into oblivion for ruining the gaming industry and dumbing down an entire generation of gamers.
Many gamers are maturing and making the switch to 4K/HDR, ATMOS/Surround Sound etc... There's so much more to the gaming experience packed in the bits that a lot of people are never really experiencing all that the developers poured into the game. The Pro, while has excellent exclusives that for the most part really take advantage of the processing power of the Pro still doesn't come close to what the Xbox One X offers in terms of complete experience and hardware muscle. The next generation PlayStation cannot come soon enough.
Now that the X has been out for a while, I've spent way more time enjoying insanely good graphics on the X on all multiplatform games compared to the Pro. It's almost as if no one wants to support the Pro when those games typically look like ass now in comparison on a 4K TV. God of War however is remarkable in all aspects as is Horizon Zero Dawn and Detroit. That demo was shockingly good. It seems the Sony exclusives are able to tap into the Pro in ways multiplats can't and this is why true gamers with 4K TV's and nice gaming systems really need to have both. It's too bad braindead drones pick sides now that there are strong arguments for both of the latest console platforms. I haven't gamed on PC once since getting the X and have no desire to. That wasn't the case prior to it's release with a Pro sitting on my shelf waiting for it's exclsuives.
KhanWasHere's comments