@davillain-: Buy the game on disk, trade it in at either Gamestop or Amazon when the campaign is done. Or have you shunned common sense and morality for digital captivity?
@nativepixel: Did you not hear? The Xbox One base model is locked to 30fps? The base model is so weak there's no way it will run 1080p/60. The Xbox One X owners that play online can't be at 60fps while the majority are at 30fps. Why is this so complicated for you guys!!??
@Alucard_Prime: It's true, a lot of games are 60fps whether it's in a 4K mode or 1080p. Cod WWII is fantastic. Without directly a/b comparing it to my PC version at 4K I would easily think it was the PC version.
@chiefwiggum16: The reality of online play at the same framerate seems to consistently be lost on people. No game console will run a game at 60fps when the same exact community has a lesser console of the same gen running at 30fps. YOU CANNOT MIX AND MATCH FRAME-RATES ONLINE WITH XBOX ONE S AND X.
@chiefwiggum16: The added smoothness of 60fps is nice, no one can argue that but damn, it looks awful at 1080p on my 4K OLED display. I played it last night in that mode and decided, f^ck that I want my clear graphics back. It still looked generationaly leaps ahead of the base Xbox One though. I can handle the beauty of 4k just fine at 30fps. Seriously, until gaming consoles reach a point no con-game true definitive 4k/60 for everything, PC is the place to be for that. I bet the followup generation of consoles in a few years will finally get us there. I can't take anyone serious when they expect more from a $500 console than what a typical $1000 PC provides. It's a freaking miracle of science that the Xbox One X does what it does already. If all X games provided 1080p/60 and 2160p/30 I bet everyone would be happy.
Finally, every x enhanced game ive checked out these last two days have been remarkable. Destiny 2 should be no exception. The whiny kids demanding their precious 60fps need to just stick with pc and shut their mouths already. Games have survived without 60fps for decades without complaints.
KhanWasHere's comments