@bat725: I'm dying to get my hands on the X and experience better quality titles at or near 4K. No matter what Sony does, the Pro rarely reaches 1800p half the time and pushes a ridiculously low 1200p/1440p. That's no where near good enough for 4K TV owners (the Pro's target audience). Exclusives sell systems, but power and performance sell the rest. Either way, both the Pro and the X will serve very different and equally important purposes in my system.
So basically, a new Sucker Punch game. More trailers for the same games was unnecessary with no dates to provide. At no point leading up to this event did I ever feel it was more than a fluff piece to remind everyone their still here. The exclusives are so rare they need to supplement with events like this because the community has short term attention spans.
Damn, WWII will be the first Call of Duty I'll play on an Xbox console since MW3 back in 2011. Weird how the exclusive deals changed and just about everything else since then.
While they're waiting around for this resolution, how's about they get a nice 4K X patch out the door of the first game and let those us of waiting for the best experience play it.
KhanWasHere's comments