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kholdstareo1 Blog


Haven't been up to much lately, just school and **** but just afew days ago i got really into tf2, man i freakin' love that game.

uh, i got rock band for the 360 last Saturday, but haven't opened it yet. Might take it back. Really lookin' forward to brawl, but not really anything else. Haven't played Crysis yet, not even the demo. Maybe i never will, don't really care about that game anymore.

I'm tired, went boarding last night from 12am-12pm, and should probably get to sleep soon, but I've got wicked munchies and have a pizza coming, so I'll sleep later. Maybe i'll watch a movie. God knows if this isn't the most uncharismatic blog post i've ever made, but i don't make them often, so i don't get much practice :P


Here I am again, your long-time friend.

wow i never blog... well, since my last post, i got a 360, halo 3, guitar hero 3, gears of war, guitar hero 2, and dead rising. And the darkness. For the 360. For my delicious computer, i got the orange box (the box is better than cake, and a bonus: it isn't a lie), and Bioshock. Also picked up Phantom Hourglass for my DS. thats a pretty sweet game. I may be afew hundred bucks behind, but whatever.... its only money :P

planning on picking up logans shadow sometime, becuase my psp has become nothing more than a paperweight/portable porn machine. Not looking forward to Crysis so much, BUT only for 2 reasons: I've been anticipating it long enough that i've run out of anticipation (seriously, since that, i can't get excited about anything), and i see no point of playing it until i build my new computer, as it would only serve to dilude the borderline sexual experience of playing the game in all its sweet, graphical glory.

My ps3 has been drying up lately (glad i didn't buy it), but R&C:ToD looks pretty cool, but i dont want it enough to buy it, so ill probably make my brother buy it. The Wii doesn't see much use by me either, but hopefully that will change when Galaxy and Brawl come out. My computer is busted, it says its missing a system file so it won't start, and apparantly i need to put in the original installation disk and hit r to repair it. so, i just need to get that disk, which is at my dads work, which he has forgotten to get oh so many times. ill hopefully hav it working by tomorow.

School has started, and i'm doing really well. im holding and 85-95 average in all my classes, and term 2 starts on friday.

So yeah. Good times. Hey, i promised i would make an informative blog post sometime, and ive held up my part of the bargain. but what good have you done me, jackass? thats what i thought.

till' next time i get bored, later


Well, it's been 154 days since my last blog post, so i decided its about time that i made a new one.

things have been going cool for me, and im getting a 360 possibly this week... but not for sure, as im debating whether to get one now or to wait for the 65nm processors. I'll probably wait. I'm sorry i have nothing to bich about that would cause great discussion or provacative thoguhts, but thats something ill do later, i promise.



Happy Birthday ME!!!!

well, its been a great day so far, and i just want to say I GOTS A WII ZOMG!
happy bout that, been wanting one for awhile. luv it!
too lazy to make a longer post tho so i will say that i got god of war as well

Retractable? NO WYA!!!!!

no wya? yes wya!
i retract my statement 2 posts ago where i said id rather have a 360 than a wii. 360 can eff itself for all i care.
see, with the wii, first i was a f-nintendo guy, then i was an "ok nintendo's cool but the wii is gay guy, then i was a "wii's sorta cool" guy, but then i actually got the chance to try the bee-hotch out at an EB Games (F gamestop, btw. eb was way cooler before it was bought out kthnx), and damn it was fun. i had to ahnd over my drivers liscence just to use it, they didnt want people running out of the store with the remote. anyway, the controller was a bit smaller than i had originally thought, and really light too. anyway, i played excite truck, which is probably a really bad game, but it was fun as hell anyway. point is, i want a wii now, and ill get one soon (i hopes)

Another game reviewed.

Here is my review for Resistance: Fall of Man,
written on my new Saitek Eclipse II keyboard! Christmas FTW!

to wii, or to 360?

well, just when i thought i couldnt get a 360 (parents :P),
my parents start talking about how the wii would be good for my brother and sister (theyre 7 and 9). so im like "ZOMG!!".
hey, getting a wii would be cool, but tbh, i would much rather have a 360. so, im going to have to convince my parents to get a 360 instead of a wii, if we get one at all, but hey, i would love to get a free wii.

PP premiere

this is episode 5 of hack.5, a videro blog, and it has coverage of the pp prremiere.
cool, check it out!

OHMIGAWD at the end where they interview ppl, like around 83 mins, look for me in there **** YEAH!!!!!!!!

i change my position.....

yeah, afew months back (or something like that anyway...),
i posted in my blog "...i hate consoles...".
well, im sorry, becuase if youre following my blog and you seem confused, thats because in the past month or so, ive changed my opinion on them. it's mostly due to the next-gen hype, plus me winning a ps3, adn now i want GoW...... yeah, theyre fun. i still think pc is alot better, but pc isnt for everyone, and its hella expensive to have pc gaming as a hobby (upgrades!), and the new consoles>the old ones by far, so now, i view them in a new light.

GoW ftw!

Gears of War is THE game that makes me want to own a 360. I mean, it looks frickin' awesome, its gotten such great reviews..... i mean, holy crap. for me, that is THE game for the 360, such as for the ps3, Resistance is pretty much it, but youve got such returning favorites like tekken, which looks awesome.... but what the ps3 really needs, what sony really should take the initiative to do, is to get some guys, some fresh guys with great ideas and tons of talent..... to make some games. i mean jesus, get a couple teams working on some ps3-exclusive games, and this console becomes a must-own. Sony really blew it on this one. That kind of makes me respect nintendo, im not really a fan, but i think theyre a hell of alot smarter than most dumbasses (ie, microsoft, sony). they actualy took the time to make a console, they made sure it worked (ffs, sony!), and any problems that arose, they dealt with them quickly and efficiently. like, if your wii's system files are corrupted, theyll send you a new one within a couple of days, with new accessories and they replace your games! unlike microstoft, where if you wreck your 360 wait 3-6 weeks for it then discover the disks are all scratched. And also, they took care of the BS problem (weak straps.... you dont need to fling the controller, just a tiny flick will do, and youre not supposed to let go....), and they got straight to work on it as quickly as they could (this has been a known problem for about 2 weeks, and already theyve recalled them, and any new wii's will have new straps). and 2 weeks is pretty quick, too, because they have to get to work on re-doing the strap, producing it on a large scale, getting ready for recalls, etc...

but yes, GoW looks amazing, and ive entered some contests to win a 360, and i cant wait to get the chance to play it.

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