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kholdstareo1 Blog


Well, it's about damn time they made a Halo movie. We knew all along it was gonna happen (by the way, i hate Halo's gameplay, but the story is f****ing awesome). But, i thought bitterly, it's gonna suck ass if they don't get someone good on it, and it's probably gonna have like, Uwe boll directing it (he made movies bloodrayne, dungeon seige, all sh*t movies), but alas, no. Peter Jackson (king kong, LOTR trilogy), the moviemaking supergenius will be producing it, and he chose some little-known short-film director to direct it. With PJ on board, im fairly optimistic about the fate of Halo, but filled with sorrow as it will be rated PG-13 when it gets into theaters.

at least the halo-loving kiddies will whoop with glee at the prospect of getting into the movie with their friends, us older folk will sit through a movie with no blood and gore (*tear), or any content that would have the movie dubbed R. of course, there is still a chance it will be rated R, but of the smallest kind. oh, and if it is rated pg-13, at least the dvd will come with unrated material :D

And back to what i said about Uwe Boll, it makes me incredibly angry about the fact that he has the license to make a Far Cry movie, which (if he makes it) will sally the record of an excellent game. The long-awaited Simpsons movie will come out in 2007, with Halo an anticipated summer 2008 release. For those of you who dont know yet (as i just found out) this isnt exactly new news, being announced last year. :(

xbox ftl

I personally cant wait for the day when i can pwn all the nubs who play xbox. once the multiplatform thing is released, i shall pwn as many xbox gamers as i can. Just so you know, i hate consoles. I hate xbox, i hate gamecube, i hate the wii, and i hate the ps3 (i have an xbox, but its a modded one, so thats OK :P)

ah, what a joy that shall be. all of you console dicks out there.... im watching you.

2nd week of school

the second week of school is coming to an end, and ive already had enough of it! at least i have F.E.A.R. Extraction Point and GTA vice city stories to look forward to......

BF2142 FTW!z

yeah, i pre-ordered battlefield 2142 last tuesday, and i couldnt be happier. i loved bf2, and bf2142 is going to kick ass!the #$@% pre-order box hasnt come yet, even though it was supposed to be here already. anyway, yeah, bf2142 ftw!

It's about time.

yeah once again i havent been active in my blog.... im just not a blogging guy, unlike PC teh_blogging mast0r, whose blogs are interesting not just the lame drivel spewl left by some teenage beatching about how her boyfriend dumped her.

anyway, E3 is over, which sucks cuz you can never have enough E3. Its just that cream-alicious. But, now, i can finally show you my most-anticipatd games.

1. Crysis: HO-LEE-CRAP have you seen the graphix on that baby? the gameplay preview didnt look that good, but thats an early build and it didnt show off the graphics that much, but if you see a render of someones face...... whoa thats awesome. I loved Far Cry, really getting into that now (played it, didnt finish, uninstalled it, then played it again and got addicted), and its a pwnzorz game.

2. Battlefeild 2142: Yeah BF2 rox and BF2 set a hundred-thirty six years in the future will most definatly rock. what can i say?

3.Brothers in arms:Hells highway: yeah never payed the previous BIA games but this one looks really cool

4.Call of Duty 3: looks cool as well

5.Halo3: im not a big fan of halo, its gameplay goes nothing beyond killing every living thing, but the story is awesome.

6.Spore: not my kind of game, but it is something different from any game that has come out.

7. Dark messiahs: looks cool. might get it.

8.UT2K7: i have UT2K4, and its fun, but that kind of action gets boring after awhile.  im not gonna get it, but it looks cool.

Yeah, thats my top 8. ill try to post more, but ive said that before and i didnt follow throgh, so, till the next time i get bored! L8R!


our clan is entering the TeamWarfare League, and our irst battle is gonna be starting soon, which is really cool.

yeah, sorry im nto very interesting, but nothing interesting happens in my life.

i just fool around, get in trouble at school, do homework, and hang around on the pc all day.

id rather get a headshot than throw a football.

too much work :P

anyway, tilll next time, I PWN JOO

guess what


yeah, thigs are going ok.

i just got strep throat, and i got to miss school.

my birthdays coming up in like 14 days, and I GOT SM IN MY CLAN wOOt!

yeah things are goin pretty good.

except for the throat thing. :P

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