I played metro last light today and the game is amazing .I have never seen anything quite like this game. If you like post apocalyptic games at all, you owe it to yourself to try this out .If you don't want to get the two games together you can buy the digital versions of metro 2033 and metro last light separately on ps4 and i assume also on xbox one.Unbelievable experience .How did I miss this game last generation?Strongly recommend this game .You won't regret it.
I am excited by the rise of interest in horror games for the new generation and this looks great .I can't wait to play this .I love the idea that decisions you make at various points will affect the course of the game and who lives or dies
is it time to get the xbox because of Rise 0f the tomb Raider becoming an xbox exclusive ,No .It sucks that this will be an xbox exclusive, at least for now ,but it doesn't change the fact that there are more games I am really looking forward to playing on the ps4 than on the xbox one. One game, no matter what it is will not change that .
I like what I am seeing so far especially the ability to customize my soldier and choose whether to play against other players or against ai This is something that worked great in black ops 2 and is a feature that has been missing from battlefield.I am getting this for sure
Although the game does look interesting ,I can't afford to get it when it comes out because I am getting payday 2 the week before and then getting saints row 4 the same week that xcom comes out .I think many other gamers will be in a similar position
I have been a fan of the xbox for the last few years but I think Microsoft has lost me as a supporter after all that I have heard about the new xbox one compared to the playstation 4 1. Playstation 4 will be cheaper 2.. You do not require an always online connection 3.You do not require kinect to be packaged along . You can do what you want with games for ps4 instead of facing the draconian restriction xbox wants to impose. Look at this quote that sums it all up very well :
Sony unveiled the new PS4 console at this week's E3 gamers conference in Los Angeles, and it undercuts Redmond Xbox One by $100, has faster graphics, won't require an internet connection for gaming, or make users jump through tortuous DRM hoops.
The link for this is at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/11/sony_undercuts_outpowers_xboxone_dismisses_drm/
Microsoft is going to lose a huge share of the gaming audience over this fiasco.
Very cool game so far . I am really enjoying this and finding its a challenging game .You really have to watch out that your stamina doesn't drop too far when on a mission or you become zombie chow .And Once your character dies they are gone forever .You have to play as a different character
Activision surprised me with this announcement of the new call of duty .Previously I had thought that Battlefield was the one to do something innovative and Call of Duty was always same old, same old ,but the new call of duty ghosts actually looks far more interesting than Battlefield 4 .I Will definitely be following this one.
kian681's comments