Please someone buy Volition and Saints Row to keep that franchise alive .The game is fantastic to play and one of the most fun experiences I have ever had with a game. Ubisoft has done an impressive job with Ghost recon, Far Cry and Assassins Creed and I think they would do justice to Saints Row. Saints Row must survive !!!!!!!
The co-op campaign is a lot of fun and I have spent most of the last few days playing and replaying all chapters of the co-op story with friends .I am playing on the xbox 360 so it sucks that the initial dlc expansion to this campaign is only on ps3 .Ubisofft better make this available to xbox 36 and pc later .
I hope the new patch does fix some of the issues with Multiplayer - I have been stuck in the air, had enemies stuck in the air, fought invisible aliens, had my gun refuse to shoot ,been unable to revive my team mates etc . despite these glitches its still fun to play . I am less enthusiastic about returning to the main story though.
This is the co-op trailer fro Far Cry 3 for anyone who is confused. They have created 4 characters especially for the co-op campaign for Far Cry 3 that has its own separate story from the main one where several college kids get stranded on the island. This is a great bonus for those who enjoy co-op play.
Quick time events in games really frustrate me. Some games are impossible to advance in the campaign without mastering them .This ruined the Battlefiield 3 campaign for me.
kian681's comments