I agree with the concerns expressed by several of the gamers here .I am concerned that $60.00 is not enough for many developers and publishers anymore .(yes I am talking about activision ) . Increasingly, gaming seems to be a big business and this means more and more copycat games, shallow experiences,generic landscapes and superficial characters . For most of us, $60.00 is still a fair amount of money and we do not have either the time or the money to play everything that comes out. We have to focus on the games that will provide the best gaming experience for us .Spending a lot of money on mediocre dlc or map packs and item packs is going to reduce the gaming experience (our love of the games) , shrink the money available to experience other games that are worth trying and deteriorate the quality of games to the point where they start to resemble network TV more and more .(no !!!!!) Some games such as the fallout series do provide entertaining and worthwhile dlc's that take the story and the character in different directions than the original game did and are worth embracing .Some are so bland and boring that they look like the developers simply recycled some of the content from the original game to make a fast buck . These should not be supported by gaming fans. Thats my rant for today.
kian681's comments