Pick up 2 HD 4870 X2. BAM! You got QuadFire.
kilerchese's forum posts
TSMC, the chip maker for BOTH AMD and Nvidia, is having problems with their 40nm process on their GPUs.
In September they got a new production machine for the 40nm process and they are getting it online now, slowly, so you should start seeing a rise in GPU availability here in a few weeks.
Right now AMD is only ABLE to ship out a couple thousand GPUs to board makers for e-tailers and retailers because TSMC is having yield problems.
AMD hopes that by the end of November or before Christmas shipments of 58XX cards will increase to the tens of thousands per week.
Source of this information:[H]ard|OCP
What I'm saying is that anyone thats used to playing on 50-80ms ping DEDICATED SERVERS will not enjoy MP unless they can get a 0-100 ping to the host.unless he's saying the PC ver is Laggier than the 360.
CS Nation's Site Director has revealed this sad fact regarding the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 (also on Xbox 360, PS3): Unless you are the host, your Ping sucks, basically.
Apparently, looks are truly deceiving. The next time you see three bars out of your ping, don't go sighing in relief just yet. That actually means your ping is the pits.
Said Zips, the Site Director:
The sad truth? You might wanna pound a few beers before you read this:
- The host is immediately obvious, he's the guy with 0-20 ping (full green).
- I usually connect with about 101-200+ms.
- Most people are connected at 200+ms (3 or less bars on normal cfg settings).
- On regular cfg settings, 4 bars means up to 0-100 ping, 3 bars 101-200, 2 bars 201-300, 1 bar is 301+.
If you go into a server and everyone's ping appears to be good, but there's still a lot of apparent lag and rubber-banding going on, this may be the reason why.
Here's what the Host Advantage looks like:
If you want an honest reflection of your ping, you might want to try this:
- Navigate to the folder: 'program filessteamsteamappscommoncall of duty modern warfare 2players' and open the file config_mp.cfg
- Change scoresping_interval from 100 to 20, and maxbars from 4 to 10 (10 is the max).
- This means that each of the 10 bars represents 20ms, with full green being 20ms or lower, and 1 red being 200ms or higher.
Source: QJ.Net
The Regor would be faster since it is a newer microarchitecture.
Raidmax doesn't make reliable power supplies. It would be HIGHLY recommened to upgrade the PSU before throwing in something like a 8800GTX in there unless you want to risk damaging the PC or GPU.
Core i5 750 -http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-299-IN
Gigabyte P55 UD4P -http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-204-GI
OCZ Obisidian 3x2GB DDR3-1600 -http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-179-OC
Save up ~$450 for an i5, mobo and DDR3 RAM.
For example
Core i5 750, Gigabyte P55 UD4P + 4GB OCZ Obsidian DDR3-1600 for $406.97 - $20 MIR = $386.97
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