Hybrid SLI
kilerchese's forum posts
You should be able to, but I really don't trust multiple rail power supplies.
One problem that you may face is not being able to supply the maximum number of Amps to both cards if the rails aren't setup accordingly.
Two 9800 GTX+ draw a max of 282w(23.5 Amps). You should be able to get away with that power supply, but don't expect to last more then 2 or 3 years more likely. Also don't expect you to give you any good upgrade room.
If your getting it now, get this power supply instead.
Corsair 750TX - Discounted $60, Free S&H, $20 MIR, $119.99 before MIR.
Get it while you can at this price, this PSU will be perfect even for GTX 280 SLI.
yes, but its not good to do that.
It's not like a laptop's shared system memory though. If the system needs it it gives it to the system, if the video card needs it it gives it to the video card.
It's not where it's not usable by the system.
The 9800GTX+ can max out both with ease assuming you have a processor to keep up. :)deathseeker41
If your going to suggest the 9800GTX+, might as well of suggested the GTS 250.
Practically the same card, except the 250 is shorter, uses less energy and has a better cooling unit.
Well the GTX295 is just two GTX275's on one card....so 2 GTX285's would perform better although if you spend that much money now i promise you will be kicking yourself in a few months when the new range of ATI cards come out!
Thought it was 2xGTX260's on the 295 board (correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the 295 released quite a few months before the 275).
The 2 GTX285's are gonna perform better but they will be limited to their individual memory capacity of 1gb each while the 295 can utilize all of its 1792 (or whatever it is).
Don't listen to all the people on this board laboriously clamoring for the new DX11 cards, sure they will have new architecture and all that but how many games are really going to have dx11 support by the end of 2010, more than 5?? Current high-end cards (both ati and NVIDIA) are going to be good for a good long time. My advice: buy a current one, skip the first offerings from the new lines and get a good one from the second (thats my plan anyways).
The GTX 295 really only has 896MB of VRAM. It has a total of 1792MB though. When using SLI or CFX configurations the memory for each GPU doesn't add up. Essentially all that is going on is that whatever the first GPU is working on, the second-fourth GPUs are working on at the exact same time.
FRAPS is the best one out.
FRAPs isn't the best for me. I when I record my FPS goes down to about 30 or so when it's usually up in the 100s or so.
Fraps caps the recording at whatever framerate you set. Obviously it goes to 30 because its set to record at 30 fps. Anyways why would you want to record at a high FPS? Just going to take up more space. When you watch a game recorded at 30fps it looks great in the video.
I'm not a newb or anything. I have it manually set to over 60 FPS. It drops down to the 10s and 20s. I need a better recording program.
I think the only reason for me to go back to non-modular is to get like a PC Power & Cooling Single +12v Rail 1200w PSU.
Greating f'ing PSU on the market in the US.
But right now I'll stick to my Corsair HX1000, which I get for under $170. Which costs $240 on Newegg right now.
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