resident evil silent hill dead space blue stinger dino crisis condemned none above have now where's the surival horror games with a jump button? no jump button is too cliched in survival genre.
even ut2k4 on max texture settings on pc destroys the character model textures on masterchief. they dont lose detail upclose as bad as that masterchief pic is all blurred and low res pixels
Who the hell is gonna have a zombie scanner in a zombie apocalypse?? Most your're gonna have is a damn frying pan or gun like left 4 dead. having only bare essentials is alot freakier lol. no game exist that is anything like a real zombie apocalypse would be though.
left 4 dead 2 having jump button makes it feel more like a real zombie apocalypse if there was a crowd of zombies 10 feet away running towards you and there was something to climb up on like a tractor trailer u'd do it and shoot the mother f*ckers trying to climb up the truck lol.
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