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killroycantkill Blog

I got my ps3!!!!!


Well i got my ps3 and it is freaking awsome i uploaded all my music to it and videos and i also got taledega nights with it.

Well you may be asking "how in the hell did u get it?" well boys and girls i pulled a jeff. My cousin knows this guy who got 3 and couldent sell the 3rd one on ebay so he called me up and ask and i said FO SHO and he came over with it and even though i had to pay 100 bucks extra cuz he wanted to make a profit i was still willing to give it up.

I also went out and bought Reistance witch i am loveing alot and the co-op is soo good just wish it had online co-op though. And i went and got a extra controler.

Well my name on the ps3 is the same as my user name Killroycantkill so if you got one add me and we will chill and who knows i might just pull out my eye toy and video chat. O.o

New Avatar

Well i got a new avatar up cuz i was kinda tired of reppin the mega man boss but i cant take credit for this.

It is from my favorite blog it really cool blog we show our art and other opinons on stuff in the fourm i sugest you check it out.

Well peace and until next time im going to play more guitar hero and ponder on how the heck im going to get a ps3 before the chirstmas rush.

Thinking of getting a new game

As you can read by the title i am thinking of getting a new game but i am kind of at a crossroad.

I was thinking of getting Elite Beat Agents for the DS because my DS is getting kinda loanly since i havent bought a game for it since i hav bought it.

But i am thinking of trying out some RTS's but i dont know witch one to pick up i was thinking either Company Of Hero's or a Warhammer game.

So of you guys could help me with my decision that would be helpful.

Peace ^_^

P.S. I have no idea how to use the blog header properly could someone give me some tips?

Level Jumping?

This is werid just yesterday i was lvl 16 at 38% on my account now i went all the way to lvl 17 in one day????

Its weird cuz it took me like 2 weeks to get out of lvl 15.

Oh and WTF i didnt get my PS3 launch video emblem thingy.

Tommarow is the day!!!! oh and friday.

Well tommarow i am going to have the pleasure of sitting out in the cold canadian winters night to get my PS3 with my cousins.

I orginaly was going to go by myself but since my cousins are going i decided to go with them. (Also a less likely chance of me getting jump)

Also the place that i am going to is a Wal Mart, even though i dont like shopping there they are supposedly getting 50 PS3's so that is going to up my chances.

What i am going to get with it is the 60Gig version, Resistace, Prolly the new Tony Hawk or something else, extra controller, and the memory card reader.

Well thats my campin plan in a nutshell, and also i am going to try and get some pictures of the insanity (If there is any) it if i get any pics worthy of posting il but then in my next post.

WTF Another Warning!!!

Ok now this is getting outa hand i just got modded because i said 10 minutes left on the comment board on the button mashing page.

Like WTF this is getting way out of hand the mods have to start learning when something is a modable offence or something.

Like gamespot's gotta put out a training video out on how to be a mod.


P.S Y dose it say i have -1 comments on this.... weird....

So i beat guitar hero 2 on Extream....

So as u can read in the title i beat guitar hero 2 on extream yesterday and well.... this was mostly because i played for 7 hours stright...

Well i beat all the licenced songs and the message before you play free bird is freakin hilarious and the guitar you get is another axe but its cooler looking.

So ya... i beat it... if you dont want to belive me go ahead but il post a pic of my completed free bird. I would put up a vid but i dont have a video camera or editing program so...(Man i got to get one of those)

But when i do il prolly upgrade my account to plus soon since i might get a job soonand il post up some vids of my guitar skills. So until then peace.

Oh and i got a new phrase to counter the famous MEOW.... il tell u next blog post.

Fishing in Video Games?

Well i have bought FF12 and Okami and i recently started playing Zelda Ocirana of Time again and i have noticed something...

Whats the deal with fishing in video games.

Not that im complaning there really fun. Im just wondering because like all the big games have them.

And also i have realized that the games that have the fishing in it do it better then they accualy fishing games that you can buy.


Juggleing Games

Well as you can see by the title at the monment i am juggleing some games(Not in the literal sence) but im trying to have a balence between Guild Wars: Nightfall and BF2142 and it going pretty good.

But soon i am going to get three more games to my list witch will be Final Fantasy 12, Okami and Guitar Hero 2 and so this is going to be weird cuz i want to play every game but i dont want to play one too much than forget about the other one.

So i am in a delema.... this is the only part i hate about the end of the year because they always bring everything out at once. Why cant they bring them out in a even stream of awsome games all throught the year... cuz you know i got a bunch of time in the summer but no games to play.
