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killroycantkill Blog

The only time I want to read and they dont have the book

Well i accualy steped into a bookstore because i got a Chapters gift card so i thought i should go get this manga called Yotsuba&! but they dont have it and i was like Waaahhhh!!!! So i checked the search things and NO CHAPTERS HAS IT WITHIN A 100KM RADIUS!!!! Well kind of to be exspected with this book because it came out in 2005 but like comeon 100km radius.... Well after that whole feasco i did get a manga and its called Q Ko-chan and its from the guy who created Fooly Cooly and its pretty good.

Well now i am going to see if the bookstore will order me Yotsuba&! Volumes 1 2 and 3 cuz i really want them. Bye

Note to self: Dont play videogames in school

Yes its ture i was playing my PSP in school during religon class and i got it taken away... We had this supply teacher and i was done my work and everything and shes like go down to the Vice Principles office now my VP has it and i dont get it back until tuesday at the end of the day.

Man and just when i was getting addicted to that Metal Slug Collection i bought so now i have to hope my VP dosent take my game or my memory stick cuz i left both in the PSP.

New Hard Drives = Pain in the A** (Plz Respond)

Well my old Hard Drive burnt on me so i got a new one and i installed my OP but i am haveing some problems like installing all the updates.... also my screen is really slow for some reason like when ever i scroll or drag a window it looks like its refreshing the page all the time and i cant get my comp to stop beeping when a program get up like when im on msn instead of makeing the sound the computer just beeps and its anyoing


The Gods Feel My Wrath

I bought God of War 2 and i have to say this game is amazing its even better than the first one.

I am really far into it about the last chapter and i loved every minute of it i cant wait to face the final boss.

Well peace out and i gotta return my copy of NBA Street Homecourt cuz it dosent have any lasting value.

5000 Views and a 5 day suspention

Well i finaly got up to 5000+ views on my profile and i guess thats good but the bigger thing is that I got suspended for 5 days for my topic on the ps3 fourms about gamespot being biased to the ps3 i have proof and everything but they still suspended me.

Well I have been still gameing and I downloaded Flow and i love that and in VF5 i moved over to Lau and he kicks ass. And i am planning to get Motorstorm today if anyone has it in (Prolly not because no one ever gets games in on time)

Kung-Fu Fighting

I finaly got Virtua Fighter 5 and i have to say its better than an 8.1, theres the main arcade secion which i still have to try but i have been spending all my time in Quest mode with Kage and i have to say the char cutomization is really deep and i cant wait until i start using the other chars because they look really cool but it is really hard to earn gold.

Space Pirates Ahoy!!!!

Well i went out and bought Rouge Galaxy and i have to say this is a really good game and its showing how the ps2 has alot more life in it with more games to come. Also there is a cool thing with the wepons where later in the game you get this frog and it can mix to wepons and make a more powerful one it soo cool.

Stuff I did

Well I havent really got alot to talk about so ill be posting what i have done resently.

Well first off i went to see my first concert it was a band called Rain and there a Beatles tribute band and they were really good, they went from when the beatles first came to North America to about the end of the hippy days, so they didnt get all the way through but to be honest to get through all of the beatles and there songs you would have to like have a 3 day concert.

Second I rented Fight Night Round 3 for the ps3 and its really fun, there are sometimes that i get fusterated and almost throwing my controler and then relizing wait this thing has motion sensing in it and il screw it up. Some things are that i dont have down yet like blocking and parrying also conserving my stamina so my weakness is long matchs.

Third i went back to playing FF12 now that i know what to do and i got to this new empire city after getting out of this hobo town and beating these like 5 vegitable looking things and this Ghost Lord thing. Also i got a new mist combo record which is 14 it deliverd like 24k dammage to this hunt.

Well thats about it I still havent beatin Jordan on GH2 and i downloaded the multi-player pack for Blast Factor but i should read into it because its not online multi-player so i was bumbed and last i have become a officer of a Union which short form is BooBs soo thats pretty hilarious and well being a guy how could i not resist being a main member of that place soo ya... thats about it.... until next time try to figure out where the white goes when the snow melts.

Five Star Shmive Star

I finally did it, i five stared all the regular songs in Guitar Hero 2 and got the final guitar. And it is accualy a log.... i think it was suppost to be ironic but i have hopeing for like some awsome log with like sap coming out of it. Oh's well now i got to 5 star all the bonus songs i have all of them 5 or 4 stared except for "Six" which i have 3 stared and Jordan which i have still not beatin. Until next time keep thinking on way how to make engine powerd rollerskates.

I thought I would never do this

But I have i have gotten in a war or words on the VF5 preview page... (ARG!!)

Like both systems have great games but some people are just stupid like PGR series VS Grand Turismo Series, the GT obviously wins because A) Hella more driveing options like Stability Control and such.

 B) Just because the PS3 graphics arn't leaps and bounds over the 360 right now (No one exspected them to be) thats fine because the fact that resistance looks hella close to gears I say is a huge accomplishment for a LAUNCH GAME!!!

And C) Well i dont know why people are saying this but VF5 looks hella awsome and no HDR dose NOT make the graphics look flat and the reason it is not online because VF5 is very frame specific and slight lag the fan would be in a uproar and dont compare it to DOA because the fighting mechanics are wat diffrent in that game then in VF5 its more user friendly letting you hit buttons for combos a little late or early.

I dont know what these people are smokeing but they better get off it before serious brain damage happends