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killroycantkill Blog

Two swords, two games, one is way to short

The two games i have been playing are Zelda Phantom Hourglass and Hevenly Sword. On the Zelda side game in super fun everything works amazingly well with all the controls on the touch screen and really easy to pick up, so easy in fact im only not playing it right now because my sister is playing it and addicted to it, and she have never played a video game in her life.

On the hevenly sword side i rented it yesterday and i beat it this morning. Super short game but the story is awesome and cinimatics are AMAZING and the combat is meh. But the Kai sequences are awesome its just so satisfying leading an arrow into a dudes face and hearing the arrow just crush into the brain.

Its been a violent week but its awesome cuz i worked canadian thanksgiving yesterday and i got paid 12 bucks an hour yesterday so jobs plus money equal more games, manga and CD's.

Skateing with my Loco Rocos

Sorry i havent posted in a while i have been addicted to skate and the new loco roco game for the ps3.

Skate is wicked awesome and really fun. And Loco Roco is well... Loco Roco but its also fun.

So fun is keeping me from the internet. Oh also before i forget i got a job so i can finaly buy my own games.

Wrongfully Suspended

I dont know what kind of people gamespot is giving mod privliges to but this is getting rediculus. I understand my first suspention with the negitivity towards gamespot but this is stupid. Get this,I got suspended for "trolling" know by just hearing that you might think that is reasonable but this so called "trolling" charge was for posting A PS3 POSTITIVE STORY ON THE PS3 BOARDS!!!. Yea thats right i got suspended for supporting a system i like on the proper board. This articlewas responsible for this. It was about how the PS3 is built for the long run and the 360 is not and how it will be like the sony vs N64 all over again. I dont know what kind of MS fans are mods but its supposed to be non biased right... i thought so to.

On a good note though Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is fun and dose not derserve the score jody gave it, at least give it a rent. (Sorry Jody luv ya but i just dont agree with the review.)


even thought my pants were already off if i had some one they would have been forced off. I got through bioshock and was able to run it on DX10 at max thanks to my dads new laptop (itswicked awesome)right now im going through it again to get the bad ending because i just couldent bare to harvest the girls first time around. Its the only game where i accualy felt for the chars in the story since Indigo Prohacy(even thought the ending in Indigo was horrible).

On the PS3 sidei bought Warhawk retail version with the headset but i cant get it to work i dont know whats wrong i got it fully charged and its paired with the ps3 but when i go on games like RB6 Vegas the little voice icon dosent show up by my name saying i have a mic hooked up.

Oh and ive been addicted to BF2142 over the summer i have gained like 8000 points over the past month or so.

Oh was right now my WASD arm hurts so im going to stop typeing.

Bioshock Problems and New Portable HDD

I bought Bioshock for the PC buti got i big problem with it i can get through the first sceen where hes on the plane but after the watery bioshock logo it just crashes.

And i got a new portable HDD 320Gigs for 128.99. It was a pretty good deal.

A show that you should watch.

Even if you dont like anime i recomend you to watch this its called Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and it is an funny show about a teacher who can only see the negitivs of things and a student who only sees the positivs of things and dispite my exsplination and spelling it is a really good show.

For a more detailed exsplination go here.

Oh also i have started watching Bleach and im hooked im on episode 73 and its awesome, and also i i have been watching more Lucky Star and its wicked funny.

Final Fantasy (An addictive substitute to a social life)

Im rehooked on Final Fantasy 12 i literaly just stoped playing a couple minutes ago and i started at 4pm and it is now 3am. Doing all the hunts are just addicting i beat Giglimesh (i forgot how to spell his name) and Ixion the two hardest hunts for me and im right back into the game. Its like crack but no harmful side effects, accept not comeing into contact with real people for a while.

Oh also i went up a lvl on my gamespot profile i am now SUPER BAGMAN!!!! LOL that just sounds awesome, like it should be made into a movie or something.

P.S. Still need a job, but final fantasy wont let me go outside (plz help me i think its watching me type this)

Man im about to put a foot up my computers @$$

My desktop has so many problems first my hard drive fries then my motherboard fries and now my comp wont start properly or display anything on my screen. LIKE WTF!!! This is driving me insane i have to fight my dad and my sis to get on this laptop now and even when i get it i cant be on long enough to even play a round of Battlefeild 2142. So i gotta get my comp fixed.

On other platforms i went back to FF12 and am trying to do go all the hunts and its hard. Also on the PS2 i got Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s and its really fun but the song list is too short and there are no bonus songs so that disapointing. Also i am thinking of buying Persona 3 because RPG's where you have to shoot yourself in the head to summon a demon to attack is awesome in my book.

On the PS3 i am playing Ninja Gaiden more and i am on Very Hard right now and am stuck on the Dragon in the Aquaduct level its hard. Also i downloaded Castlevania Symphony of the Night and that was fun put it on my PSP and played till my hearts content but i still havent the castles fully 200+%.

Oh and July 20th was my Brithday and i got a real guitar, acoustic and its really fun i have been playing it enough to have my finger tips starting to peel.

Well thats my long overdue blog and i need a job so i can buy my own computer.

NINJAS > Pirates

Its true and you know how i know this? I just bought Ninja Gaiden Sigma for my PS3. It is so fun the new updated graphics are amazing and the new smoother animations are awesome.

The new added rachile missions are well placed and fun plus it tells more of the story so it accualy makes sence in this version. Plus the new levels are well made and dont look like add-ons they really took care of this new port.

Well im on Chapter 14 now and its really fun i suggest you go out and buy it.

Oh and if anyones up for some Rainbow Six Vegas online then add me to ur PSN friends list well shoot it up together or shoot eachother either way vegas has addicting multiplayer.

Reminder to me: Find your PS2 mic killroy.