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killroycantkill Blog

Games, Games, Games and Anime

Well as the title shows this blog post has games, games, games and anime.

The first game is that I bought Rainbow Six Vegas and its really fun. The graphics are amazing and the multiplayer is simply addicting. The controler button lay-out is really good also everything is in reach and nothing seems like it was shoved in.

The second game is God Hand the 3D brawler by Clover Studios now known as SEEDS. I beat the game a couple days ago and the game is just fantastic the original gameplay with the camera locked behind you works surpizingly well and also the game is very challenging it has this little lvl meter at the bottom of the screen and the better you are doing the higher the lvl will go starting at 1 then 2 then 3 the DIE the enemeies get harder as you get better at the game and that always keeps the action fun. Also the humor in the game is wicked funny and there are a whole bunch of reffrences in the to other games and real life people. Overall i would give this game a 9.5/10.

The last game is Superstar Dust HD which i downloaded via the Playstation Store. This game is really fun and always hectic. It is possibly the PS3's Gemometry Wars.

And last but not least anime. I finished watching Fruits Basket and it was really good the last couple episodes were a real surprize though. I started watching a anime called Lucky Star, it is a comedy (the best kind of anime) and the humor is really funny. Think of it as the Seinfeld of anime.

Well im off to go to sleep now its currently 1:15am as i am typeing so goodnight and remeber if you act up il have to "Dragon kick your ass into the Milky Way" (God Hand Quote)

Quite possibly the best news story ever

Ok i was on and i can into a story titled Kids Scares off Burgaler with Samurai Sword. And i was WTF so i clicked on it and came to this. This has to be the coolest thing anyone can do. Some guys broke into there house while the parents were out and they wanted this kids ps3 so while they were looking for it the kid got his samurai sword and stabed the dude and went for a second swing. I was like 0_o.

Oh also i got a Hella Old School emblem which is pretty sweet considering i dont have that many old school but i do got some awesome ones but maby they counted N64 as old school now.

Update: WTF they took my old school emblem away. T_T

Your speed is now +5

Yea my level went up awesome.

On the game side i got C&C3 and its wicked fun but i cant get online to work correctly.

And im waiting for my school to end. I only got 2 exams this semester and thats awesome.

Oh i cant wait for Ninja Gaiden Sigma and R6 Vegas for the PS3 cuz those are going to be fun.

Question: Who did i steal this questions feature from?

Lingxor's not the only one with a new TV

Yea thats right i just got a brand new tv for my basement.

It may not be 1080p like Lingxor's but its still pretty awesome. Plus it was originaly 899 but me and my mom talked the guy down 100 bucks. I also bought a HDMI cable for the tv and i cant wait to set it up my ps3 is going to look so good in 720p.

Question: Whats better 720p or 1080i?

Back on the Blogosphere

I havent been blogging lately because I has to study for a computer exam and do a Major Assignment worth 30% of my mark. So now im back and ready to blog.

In the gameing part of things i have still been playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo like crazy I have upgraded to Karma runs on VH mode and the last time i checked i was in the top 60. Also I was lucky and got the Rampage DL from the PSN before the took it off and its a really fun party game. Also i participated in Gamespots Community Gameing Night on Motorstorm and on the video at the Union at 3:18 it shows me in second place i was like YEA.

On the Anime side i have been watching Fruits Basket and that show is really funny but dose get serious at sometimes, sometimes a little teary-eye serious. After Fruits Basket i am planning on either watching Hellsing or Excel Saga but its most likely gonig to be Hellsing because its shorter.

And on the book side i finaly got the last volume of Yotsuba&! in and now i got all of them that are out in english ther just soo funny you guys should go pick up a copy you wont be disapointed. I am planning on buying some more manga either going to start reading the Air Gear manga or i was going to buy Great Teacher Onizuka the early years.

This would normaly be the end but i got some bonus content and that is that i am trying to find a job becuase ive realised i need money so i have put in a couple applications at certain places but i hope i get a job at this one toy store because they sell some sweet stuff there and to get discounts on come action figures would be sweet for me. Oh also before i forget i put my first video blog and if you want to see what i look like and see my awesome dog go to the videos page and check it out.

Ok so bye bye until next time.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Demo: Thoughts

Well i have been playing this demo about non-stop and i think it is finaly time that i gave my opinion about the demo.

Well first off is the graphics are just beautiful and theres really nothing to say about them that could possible be bad and i only play in standard def and it still looks amazing the animations are fluid and the new animations are really cool like the new rolls now if you roll backwards from an enemey you will do a backflip and side rolls are well... side rolls.

Weapons are all the with the new addition of the incredably badass Duel Katanas which are pretty much usable as a other main weapon other than the dragon sword. The Lunar is there and its my first time using it because i only played the original one at my cousins and not black and its really good for takeing out dudes in more confined spaces becase of its reach and multiple hits and it is really good. That super big sword (forget what its called but it starts with a D) is in the demo but in this lvl there is really no use for it that i can see other than giving some devestaing wall hits. The dragon sword is well the dragon sword all the combos are there. And last the always cool but utterly usless nunchuks which i havent used because of my non liking of them in Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. Also one thing i noticed while playing is that you now get the flying swallow move as a scroll and it seems that after you use it, it takes longer for ryu to recover but this is prolly because you now basicly warp to the enemy and i think is might be weaker also.

Some of the new features of the game are the new start menu which in my opinon is easyer to navigate, the new potion system which you use the D-Pad to scroll through them using left and right and then pressing down to activate the potion which is way better in tight spots and better than pauseing it all the time.

The Rachle mission is really because it gives you a really good fealing of what Rachle (I think im spelling her name wrong)is going to play like and i say its pretty fun. There are alot of moves she has just with the War Hammer and her secondary weapon is like this point on a  rope thing kind of like scorpions "GET OVER HERE" move in Mortal Kombat that i really dont use that all that much but on of the moves i really like doing is that if you roll over an enemy by doing a dodge into one and you time your triangle button press right you will just slice through the neck of you foe and maby even decaptatiing them.

Also it feals like the difficulty has been ramped a little because the enemey tend to use ther surikens more (Espesaly those windmill shurikins on Very Hard Mode) and also they seem to be smarter because i just hit dudes into the air and slice away but they seem to know what im going to do the more i use the combo so you have to mix up your combos.

Well they have added some new sixaxis stuff like when your using Ninpo/Magic you can charge it to make it more powerful by shaking the controler(It seems to work better in small fast motions) and also the demo has full blown leader boards which is a really nice touch and makes you want to keep playing the demo to up your rank but with all this and most likely more surpises to come thing way Ninja Gaiden Sigma looks like it has a really good chance of being better than its Xbox counterpart and at the price of free ont the PS Store i sugest everyone to download it and try it out.

My Stats

Normal Complete: 2
Hard Complete: 1
Very Hard Complete: 2
Master Ninja: Working on it
Rachle: Done all dificultes once.

Oh and useing new font tell me if you like it.


Finaly Level 21

Yea i finaly got outa the grind that is lvl20 and i am finaly a rescue ranger.

Oh and i bought Shivering Ilse so i guess its back to the land of Oblivion for me.

No Pants Rule in Effect

After reading way to much Yotsuba&! (Volumes 1 and 3 came in so im waiting for 2) I have taken the dads outlook on life and i am decided that when there is no company in the house i am not going to where pants. Its just so weird to wear pants for no reason when im not going to go out it just ruins a good pair of pants.

/goes to read more Yotsuba&!

Gotta Catch Them All!!!

Yea i got the new pokemon diamonds (My friend is gettin pearl) and yea its fun. Apperantly theres 482 pokemon in the game and you can transfer them over by using the gba packs and even go all the way back to blue and red by transfering them from blue/red to silver/gold to spahire/ruby then putting them in Diamond/pearl im shur someone will do that but it deffinitly wont be me.

So im off the play it bye.


Books, Videogames, and Anime

These are the three things i basicly do all day and books are a new addition.

Today i went to the bookstore and ordered 3 mangas Yotsuba&! Volumes 1 2 and 3. I am soo excited that there comeing in but I feel soo nerdy because i just spent 40 dollars on books.

In the anime section of things i just finished watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and that show is AMAZING!!! So now im either going to go watch Hellsing, Fruits Basket or Excel Saga so well have a vote. Vote for which anime you want me to watch.

And in Videogames as of this post only 4 more days until Pokemon Diamond comes out (Yes i said pokemon) and that game is soo fun and also i have gone back to Resistance online and also Motorstorm online and i redownloaded Battlefeild 2 and i still got my account so I got all the unlocks i want.

So thats what i did and if anyone wants to play some PS3 online or Xfire my username is killroycantkill (its the same for both xfire and ps3)