This is hardly an issue. Forgeting slavery and forgeting that there aren't many multi cultural video game characters aren't comparable. (not to mention black people were not the only people in this world to be enslaved but another story all together) You my friend are using a strawman, presenting an argument both extremely simplistic and completely missing the point. The asian devs are not saying looking Asian is wrong by creating white characters, how you even think you are qualified to make that assumption in itself is ridiculous but the fact that you think that there is some sort of hidden agenda pushing is what I find the most amusing.
Let's break it down. No actually let's make it simple. You aim a title towards the west, you better have characters that appeal to western audiences. The majority of western game purchasers are 18-335 year old white males. What type of character will appeal to them must? Well I would assume someone who is white and in that age range. If that is your target, you shoot to appeal to them. So be it, its not going to be the end of the world. It won't make lesser quality titles. It might offend people who are hung up on race I suppose but they probably don't even buy games as a whole. Would more multi culture in games be a plus? Yeah I would agree it would. Is it a big deal as of now? I would argue its not.
So you are saying that all Japanese games with White leads are made solely to appeal to the West? onbiously you are wrong there because most of the Japanese classics were made with Japanese language as the prime, then later dubbed in English when the West get a grip of it years later. And I'm sure the Japanese dont make games solely to target white males ages 18-35 yrs in age...if that was the case they wouldnt have characters looking like this
No, I'm saying however that you target your audience. Dynasty Warriors, Sengoku Basara and Yakuza for example have distinctly Japanese characters. They sell best in Japan. Resident Evil for example has characters from america, it also sees the majority of its sales in america. Make sense?
How about Final fantasy, Devil may cry, pokemon, yugioh, old resident evil, silent hill, etc. All these games were made before they even cared about appealing to the West.
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