So far the Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2 is the best looking console game I've ever played. And I own both a PS3 and Xbox 360.KC_Hokie
Indeed, i own all systems too and it is the best looking hands down
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So far the Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2 is the best looking console game I've ever played. And I own both a PS3 and Xbox 360.KC_Hokie
Indeed, i own all systems too and it is the best looking hands down
So, is Crysis 2 the best looking console game ?
I will post reviews and pics from xbox 360 version for reference, to make the final judgement
Xbox 360 pics above
"best looking shooter on PlayStation 3"
Crysis 2 for the PlayStation 3 is an exceptional shooter and perhaps the best looking game on the system.
PSN atHome
"Every level has such attention to detail; it's amazing what the CryEngine 3 can do on consoles."
"I find Crysis 2 visuals to be superior to similar shooters like Call of Duty: Black Ops or Killzone 3."
"Crysis 2's visuals is superior to many similar FPS like COD: Black Ops or PS3 exclusive Killzone 3"
"My preference is towards Crysis' overall aesthetic over Killzone. The game simply looks stunning and the sense of scale, with the sky scrapers and expansive draw distance makes for a truly phenomenal visual experience."
"best looking fps ever"
"Crysis 2 is outstanding in almost every department, not least its visuals, which are the very best either PS3 or Xbox 360 has to offer right now"
"Crysis 2 is definitely the best looking game on consoles and PC"
"I honestly think that this may well be the single best looking FPS I've ever seen, on any platform. It really does look that good."
"The games visuals were just jaw dropping and I have to agree when Crytek says it is setting the bar in console gaming graphics. Just wow."
"Though about the millionth FPS built around a plot of an alien invasion, give or take a few, it's also the most beautiful."
"Naturally, the gameplay is all wrapped up with some of the most gorgeous visuals you'll see in a videogame."
Digital chumps
"Again, I've never seen a more beautiful game on a console in my life. It will take years, possibly even the next-generation of consoles, before this is trumped."
"I can safely say that Crysis 2 will be the benchmark for any upcoming games when it comes to comparing visuals"
The Straight Goods
"The graphics of Crysis 2 are absolutely unbelievable and are a sight to be seen – this has got to be the best looking console game I have ever played"
"Absolutely incredible, the new benchmark in game graphics, and the fact it works so effectively on consoles is pretty staggering"
"Crysis 2 still is, by far, the sexiest looking shooter out there"
PC Games MAGAzine
"Crysis 2 is among the best looking console games on any system."
"Crysis 2 is one of the most detailed and beautiful games on today's consoles. Viewed in HD, it knocks spots off pretty much everything else"
"Graphics. The most beautiful game I've seen. Crysis 2, wipes the floor with XIII; the level of realism is stunning, and the graphical textures are perfect."
"CryEngine 3 has the best lighting effects used in a video game to date, and it enhances the already stellar graphics into a different realm."
"Credit to Crytek's CryEngine 3 as Crysis 2 is again one of the best-looking games available"
Gamespot Kevin VanOrd
"Crysis 2 does an admirable job of living up to the original's reputation of sheer technical prowess"
"Crytek manages to live up to the hype with Crysis 2, the best-looking console game ever made."
"Crysis may have been the benchmark game on PC but for console owners there might be a new kid on the block as Crysis 2 really is a sight to behold."
"The game looks utterly stunning and is arguably one of the best-looking shooters on consoles."
"Crysis 2 does run on consoles, and it does so beautifully. We're calling it now: Crysis 2 is possibly the best-looking console game ever."
"Crysis 2 is just as visually impressive as its predecessor, even on PS3 and 360."
"This world sits next to Uncharted 2's as the most detailed and well-expressed yet seen on our TVs."
"Crytek wisely sticks to the traits that made the first game successful while simultaneously pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity."
"Crysis 2 is bloody gorgeous, and by far one of the most polished games we've ever played."
"Although Crysis 2 swaps an actual jungle for the urban variety, the level of near photorealism remains. Despite the impressive scale the attention to detail is second to none"
"It might come up slightly short compared to Killzone 3 in raw mettle, with an occasionally inconsistent framerate on our PS3 version, but the game is leagues ahead in terms of artistic accomplishment."
"Somehow the team over at Crytek has found a way to make their sequel just as visually remarkable as the original and without the need to spend a fortune on a fancy new video card and extra RAM (on the console at least)"
"This is a gorgeous game, certainly one of the best-looking console titles to date"
"Crysis 2 looks fantastic. What Killzone 3 did for the PS3, this game just about does for the 360"
"Simply put, Crysis 2 is the best looking game on the Xbox 360. Period"
The GX
"Graphically the game is phenomenal"
"Visuals will make you cry tears of joy"
Digital Foundry
There's little doubt that the Xbox 360 is the cleaner, crisper experience and for the most part it commands a small
but significant frame-rate advantage and fewer little glitches; especially outside of combat scenarios,
the game just seems to run that much more smoothly
Lens of Truth
Xbox 360: 29 fps
PS3: 26 fps
"The visuals will blow you away, there are some slight differences between the two consoles I felt the Xbox was slightly better looking but it's very marginal and in terms of gameplay they are identical."
"Its official. Crysis 2 is the best looking game on Xbox 360 and it will leave you speechless with the eye candy, spectacle's of a very torn New York, and very engrossing story. The Xbox 360 was the console of choice."
"Crysis 2 on Xbox 360 has taken the crown for best graphics in a console game"
Graphics xbox 360 - 9.5
Graphics xbox PS3 - 8.5
The xbox 360 doesn't really have a lineup. All I know is that it has gears of war 3 and forza 4. The last exclusive they had came out last September. The people that have an xbox 360 are better off buying multiplats until exclusives come out. Sometimes the graphics are better on the 360 version of a multiplatform game and sometimes its not and sometimes both the ps3 and 360 versions graphics look the same.GameboyTroy
It does not have a lineup ? What are you talking about ?
I have already bought Divinity2 Dragon Saga, Grey Matter, Torchlight, Wakfu, Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2 and soon will get Dishwasher Vampire Smile
Xbox 360 is all that i play since the beggining of the year, nothing else, is the only system with an actual lineup and big games
And soon i will get Clash of Heroes on XBLA, and Rise of Nightmares, Child of Eden for Kinect
And dont expect me to play Mass Effect 3 on PS3 and miss my Mass Effect 1 heroes either
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]they are not contradicting themselves, your "added thoughts" are a serious joke LOL. how come you didn't change the PSU quote "best looking shooter on PS3" face it your in denial, you need to listen to the guy in my sig, seriously go listen (to all of it) and then come back and tell us that he is wrong. campzornot contradicting themselves.. i mean 1 reviewer contradicting another. for example.. gametrailers dont even think its the best looking 360 game yet alone the best looking console game. I didnt add onto that one because he didnt say anything wrong. If he had said ONE of the best looking shooters on the ps3 then i might of.
No, they are not, all say that Crysis 2 is either one of the best (playing it safe) or hands down the very best on consoles (the most say that)
So, one thing is for sure, Crysis 2 is the best looking game around
Unless reviews only matter for PS3 exclusives
^Killzonedad, i read in a 360 mag (not official mag) that Rage was leaps and bounds above every other game they have seen on the 360, almost so good it was as if it was running on a next gen system. i am not sure, we will wait and see. but its pretty clear that crysis 2 is the best looking game on consoles. if anyone can pull that many reviews & quotes to that effect for UC2 / KZ3 they would have an argument, but its virtually pointless arguing about this now.sts106mat
I am sure Rage will have its own perks, but i doubt anything can be overall far better than Crysis 2, also the Rage article was far before Crysis 2 final version arrived
Rage will have a texture advantage probably, but i dont see anything as dynamic as Crysis 2 yet in lighting
Even if it is comparable, Codenamer Kingdoms that will come later and be a 360 exclusive with enchanced Crysis 2 engine only on 360 and 2ond generation (their 2ond 360 game) will easilly top both by far
[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"][QUOTE="killzoneded"]Yeah because MGS4 is VEEEERY casual :| Of course. It's an interactive movie. Lol.Actually the 90+ are games only casuals will enjoy, usually are linear and 5-7 hours cinematic titles with basic gameplay
This generation the games with the most shallow, repeatitve, cinematic,linear and short gameplay get all the best scores and attention
It is the generation of the casual gamer
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