PC Gamer absolutely loved the gameplay.
*whispers* You know the 98% review the consolites curse at night?
Yeah, I still can't believe that score. It is really is something rare and amazing for PC Gamer to give that out.
People downplaying the signifance of that review have no idea what they are talking about.
Only Half-life 2 and Alpha Centauri ever got that score from them, which says something... ;)
I have a question for you... What's so great about a quad core? Do you really need 4 cores? I mean, don't you only use one for Crysis and the others for applications outside of it?
I don't know much about processors, but isn't having 4 cores kind of a waste?
Just curious on how the quad core works and all.
The game look friggen sweet. DX10 is a must for next-gen gaming.
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