"Avant-Garde"? I believe you are asking a bit too much out of the users in this forum subrosian. How would someone even come across such a concept in their daily lives? I sure didn't until I took my art history classes. Perhaps a working definition is a good start.
For a game to be considered avant-garde it would need to push the bounderies of what we consider gaming (in the same way that the Arts and Crafts movement, Futurism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, etc., pushed the bounderies on what was considered art)at that moment in time.
Going by that definition, I would seea "non-games" like Wii Fit to be the very definition of an avant-garde video game. It pushed the bounderies of what would be considered a game and introduced a new way to experience the genre. The whole Wii control scheme in itself is avant-garde because it requires a new way to interface with games.
Now, perhaps you don't want to push the defintion of avant-garde that far. The gameplay of Portal could very well be considered avant-garde since it takes a very unique approach to the FPS experience.
In any case, perhaps this will familiarize people with what it is your asking. Judging by the posts so far, they aren't sure what you mean.
Good post, though I don't really agree with subrosians definition on avant-garde. The games he listed all only seem to bring relatively small innovations or just do some things really good (without really doing anything new). None of it comes close to pushing the boundaries of gaming.
I think that the best way for people to get to know avant-garde is by music.
Examples of what I would consider avant-garde myself:
Avant-garde seems to be something that doesn't happen a lot in gaming. Which isn't weird since most games need a big budget for development. There are exceptions though :) Games like Vib Ribbon, Katamari Damaci, Toribash and flow are some I can think off.
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