[QUOTE="kissthedingo"][QUOTE="Djmaster214"] [QUOTE="papardarpop"]Halo and Oblivion, open world shooter =DDjmaster214
wait you mean far cry.
[QUOTE="kissthedingo"] I would like to see a Resident Evil and GTA hybrid game. Zombies everywhere with a freedom to roam around, car jack and kill anyone with the use of any sorts of weapons and vehicles.
That would be awesomeand i believe you mean left4dead
Can you use vehicles (including helicopters), car-jack people, prostitutes, customize your outfit, etc... in left4dead? If you can do all of these then I probably mean left4dead. Plus left4dead is a FPS. Have you played any GTA game before? And I don't think he means Far Cry. Far Cry is not an open-world-free-roaming game. Have you played Far Cry before?
have YOU played far cry? its the definition of an open world shooter. argue other wise
and i guess you gotta point with left4dead but why would you want hookers and helicopters in a zombie game? thats like wanting glass in your cereal
Far Cry is NOT "the definition" of an open world shooter. It may be non-linear but it certainly is not free roaming. Just try going to different islands and a helicopter will shoot your butt! And for you to say "Argue otherwise" doesn't make your point any stronger. I have played and finished Far Cry many many times thank you very much. Why would you NOT want hookers and helicopters in your game?! My point was sticking to the element of GTA and mixing it with some Resident Evil. You can't have a GTA type of game without HOOKERS AND HELICOPTERS! Otherwise I wouldn't be talking about a GTA game now would I? And for "Wanting glass in your cereal." I honestly don't know what you're talking about. You probably like some glass in your cereal.
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