This is pretty cool...hopefully more devs will give players more option...just saw the improvements on hit man on another website. Unfortunately, the pro updates are not as comphrensive as Tomb Raider's.
this is only to show how awesome BC is on Xbox One....having said that, the only thing that interests me in Switch is Nintendo nothing has really changed for me.
This is a Nintendo console for Nintendo games. I don't think I would replace an Xbox or PS console with a Switch...Switch will be great to play Nintendo games. If Nintendo drops their portable devices (DS whatever) and only focuses on Switch, that should mean more Nintendo games which may make Switch a more attractive product in the long run.
ah...pretty poor from Sony...and this thing will never do 4k 60fps (ok, maybe in house devs will go through the trouble to reach those numbers)...Microsoft will be using the native 4K thing as a marketing tool with Scorpio, same thing Sony did with 1080p on PS4....funny how quickly things can change.
KkDrummer's comments