@GameBeaten @D3dr0_0 They are evil masterminds, they put the cooler charizard in the version with the lamer legendary.EEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLL
After watching some gameplay of the game on youtube, it just doesn't seem fun.
You don't you a lot of you "scribble" power in the game, and it is so focused on fighting that it loses a lot of its appeal. It is scribblenauts without the puzzle elemtent, I'll saty with unlimited, thank you.
@Angrypcgamenerd Nop, You are assuming that, All we know is that 3 want him to leave, for all we know the other 17 haven't yet said anything. Maybe they don't want him to leave, maybe they don't care, maybe they want him to leave but want other peole to do the "dirty work" of taking Gates out of his spot.
@WICGuardian Sc2 doesn't have huge pots, It is hard to tell how worth it it is without knowing their salary. The biggest pots were from early gsl if I'm not mistaken something like 80k. Nowadays it's at most 40k for the winner. WCG is where the money is at, last year it was 100k, but you have to qualify first haha.
kkxtrouble's comments