@Rocker6 Yeah, i do agree with some of their ideas. The thing is they dont think about their actions most of the time. I give them the benefit of the doubt, they are still way too disorganized, maybe in the future we'll see them doing thingS properly, and thinking more about the outcome. I've seen good and bad stuff about them, and sometimes its hard to tell them apart. The Internet can be used for good or evil, were just not sure in which side they are placed yet. Anyway, if this bill passes, they are in for a hell of a fight. Not only are they going to fight anonnymous but also the gamming community. Lots of hackers, thats for sure.
the only way they can stream it for free is because of the advertisement, stop complaining its not like they are taking you hostage, if you dont want to hear it put on mute, if you dont want to see it wait until if finishes while doing something else.
kkxtrouble's comments