@mtait01 Did you read it? They list the reasons why, and they are logical. And the explanation for the Ms and Nintendo are not about dropping out of games. MS would just drop out developing the hardware, and Nintendo would become like Sega which could be a great deal. I'm not saying they are not earning money but they could spend less. Lets say they spend 200 and get 300, it would be better to spend 100 and get 210.
Crap, we them to compete, thats how we get great exclusives. Maybe some of you cant fully realize but if one of them falls we are the ones to take the blow.
Yay, Bastion is in some lists. Thes lists consist of the best games this year, so they wont be bad. Its weird that Forza, or better yet, any racing game arent in any list ( so far). I guess they are not racing fans.
@revway I loved ragnarok online, love emp war... Teorically pretty much every mmo can be played as a single player game, and for the most part of the time they are played as sp, with the exception of pvp, market and group quest there isnt much difference between sp and mp.
@rocker6 The problem with them having an actual leader is that it becames easier to take them down. They work in teams, some are actually trying to do something, some are just trying to cause caos. Now regarding their attacks on pedophile sites... it may seem they did the right thing but they actually didnt. They released the information about the owners and people who had accounts on those sites, but because of the way the information was obtained the police cant use it. - they might - But the most important thing is to save the childreem who are being abused, and with the information release the pedophiles could escape, or "get rid of the evidence". They had their hearts in the right place but most of them are too young to understand how things work, thats why many of their actions seem a bit harsh and unthought.
kkxtrouble's comments