I would love to see any reviews from you of AAA titles though since at the rate with which new games are released it is almost impossible for almost all of the gamers to find time to play older games especially if they aren't very famous.
If you had to play either Chronicles of Riddick Escape from butcher bay or Assault on Dark Athena which one would you chose?
I suppose sequels of video games tend to improve in usually most aspects of the original games but I feel I have to ask you this since I have downloaded the two but I don't have the time to play them both.
"...if both individuals had not been exposed to anything that they have not experienced before (including even something similar or equivalent), they are likely to have the same reaction to said anything..."
I thought you included the case that i reject in the above
"The example that..."
I know that that this is just a specific case but i think it illustrates that general tendency and it indicates that the main reason is the cognitive decline and not jadedness.
"Here, I will put a link to an article on.."
I agree that people at any age can have that attitude .I just think its likely that people like Munger would have much different ,more informed opinion about it(he doesn't seem to understand how bitcoin works but he speaks as if he does).
In order for it to be proven conclusively we may need at least some sort of statistical analysis.
Most of the argument's that i make as you already know are rather subjective and you can easily knock them out.I doubt it that we could reach anything that is both interesting and definite from this discussion.
P.S Munger seems to have a significant following in China for some reason perhaps its due to his "rules" and theories for financial success(If you ask me his success is mainly the result of being extraordinary lucky in many things like being born in a high status family ,being a genius and being associated and admired by Buffett very early in life.'His rules' probably came naturally to him when he needed them..)
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