|You ever noticed how game-makers promote their games, especially the upcoming ones?
Yes i noticed the game-makers promotion of games through social media and the trailers is trying to appeal to as broad an audience as possible but this is as far as i went. Actually i rarely watch more than one trailer about potential game buys.In order to evaluate a game and its chances of entertaining me i usually look at it's aggregate rating at sites like meta-critic and perhaps the gamespot review and a few select reviews by users whom i deem similar in taste to me(okay other times i buy games that i know i won't like just in order to play with some friends online)
What you write is extremely informative to me since i knew almost nothing about it.
Your ability to analyse the interplay of different aspects and elements of gaming industry like the companies responses to different sorts of situations ,conjectures about specific game devs and the gamer's responses to different kinds of ads is one of the things that struck me when i first saw your posts several years ago.
"those people who follow those games, and whose queries are responded to straight from the horse's mouth, they are likely to have good opinions of those games, or at least of the game-makers - despite them being very different people, including of different ages"
That's very interesting
As for your previous post i have some objections:
"..they are likely to have the same reaction to said anything"
I disagree with that.The 70 yr old variant is likely to have a very different and watered down reaction to the said thing and he is unlikely to have the drive to examine it in any detail or the ability to remember or integrate any new info he obtains about the said thing effectively.You see intellectual reduction seems very frequently to go hand in hand with disinterest.
I can show you(sort of) a concrete but slightly different example for that(and rather subjective).
Take a look at the views of C. Munger on crypto currency:
Assuming that what was written in his "Poor Charlie's Almanack" is accurate( among others Gates and Buffett heap praise of his genius and its even written in it that he "aced the military IQ tests" )
I think that if he was 70 years younger he would have formed a different much more flexible view and probably had a much better understanding of the thing(i am not saying he would have seen it in positive light or anything but he would have probably a more balanced view of it).Eventually he improved his criticism on bitcoin but that was probably due to some of his surrounding people explaining to him where he was wrong.
Munger is more like an intellectual fossil nowadays.For anything sufficiently different from his previous(prob much much older experiences) he has a somewhat infantile opinion and for things that require small creative leaps from what he already knows he still has some very nice opinions and all these while seemingly trying to keep up with the current major technological stuff.
Needless to say i still like all the kinds of his responses for different reasons .
@Gelugon_baat:I was hoping you could delve deeper into the subject.
I think 'satisfaction/gratification' can be divided into different parameters for some of which something grounded well in reality could be said.
Lets say a game like hoi 3 would likely not be particularly liked by a person who can use its interface but has no fluency in using it effectively and no real possibility of becoming fluent and vice versa.
I would go on to say that i think that gamer playing a game at 20yrs old would form a vastly different opinion of the game than the opinion he would have formed if he lets say 'aged instantly' 50 years before playing the game.
I believe that several cognitive skills such an intelligence which are adversely effected by ageing and directly effect a persons perception and liking of intellectual activities like gaming(hell even ambiguity tolerance is considered to be related to brain structure and volume and thus somehow effected by ageing (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4318272/))
If you have some ideas on that i will be glad if you share them here.
Excellent Post.I would love to see some of your opinions on the changes of the typical gamer's taste and gaming ability as he/she ages(if you have made any observations on other gamers or read any papers on that subject).I doubt that work/other 'real life' responsibilities and previous(gaming) experience itself can satisfactorily explain the fact that people as they age are driven away from games(at least the more complicated ).
Assuming that movies are roughly analogous to games one can see this with many professional movie reviewers too.As they grow older they fail to appreciate movies with novel and subtle elements(that are much more appreciated by younger audiences) which they compare them dis-favorably with previous movies which are perhaps a bit similar.
Of course someone like you may be able to keep appreciating new games until his late 80s(assuming that you will remain relatively healthy) but i started noticing the decline(and i suspect it will be increasing in the next years and that is irreversible).
@Gelugon_baat: I believe you.That somewhat explains that your post number is steadily decreasing since at least late 2010. I guess i should feel lucky for being able to chat with you on a one to one basis.People of your intellectual caliber rarely hang around in forums and have little to none online presence .When they do are online they are in sites like Quora where they reach a wide audience.
You are speaking about Meryl.I barely remember anything from Trigun myself although only around 6 years have passed since i have seen it.My favorite episode is the one that Vash fights Rai Dei the Blade, one of the few Gung-Ho Guns who are skilled enough in order to notice Vash's extraordinary abilities in battle.
Btw I have to say that your writings are really extraordinary , some of your reviews are reminiscent of academic papers about historical events.Your analyses are almost always multidimensional(beside your usual observations about the gameplay).At other times your reviews remind me a bit more of reviews of scientific papers in top journals where you even suggest what may be missed opportunities of the game designers.
I will also like to know if you have an active quora account.If the answer is yes and you like to share the name i will happily follow you.
If you don't, i think if you create an account there you will quickly amass a much greater audience due to the fact that insightful answers tend to be upvoted by people with large audiences which in turn makes these answers more visible to their audience some of which also upvote the answers which are then visible to their audience etc.
Although the top authors(and usually (self)proclaimed geniuses with iq's in the mid 160s(sd16) (for an intellectual dwarf like myself these people look giants whose height i can't really determine)) that i am following there usually give extremely well written and logically well connected answers i will have to say that you have the edge on them in terms of philosophical and verbal originality(of course they seem to spend only some minutes for most of their answers and are not native english speakers).
Since quora requires a name you can use a pseudonym if you have a privacy concern(i am assuming that this is the main reason that you may not have a quora account).
This is not directly related to the post.I am not sure that i am right to assume that you watched Trigun but if you did i was wondering of which is your most liked episode from the anime .
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