Can you cite a specific article that has a more complete account of what sort of images/color changes are more likely to cause someone(presumably with predisposition) a seizure?
Some of these flashy bosses apparently are so flashy that their mere appearance causes some gamers to go insane.
As expected the xbox version is the worst of the three .But they said it that they where going to make the ps3 version the best because they allowed them to run the steam on it also they got pissed by ms because they didn't allowed them to run steam on the 360.Well this is the result!
Xbox360 has better grafix in almsost all the action games and PS3 has lost the war.The ps3 versions of the game are blurred,they have low quality textures and they take the minimum 10minutes to be installed on the ps3 with absolutely no advantage o in most of the games..I don't think the ps3 games quality will be improved in the next 3 years and ps3 will be replaced soon by a new "version" so to be able to afford the xbox360 pressure
kletoskletos' comments