the 2nd law of thermo dynamics is and equations that represents the increase of entropy to the increase of heat. The more heat the more entropy. Entropy is likewasted atoms or elements, in other words the hotter things get the more random atoms get, it isbasically the exact opposite of what the big bang theory states.that a infinitely hot explosion or expansion created an ordered universe.
Entropy simply says that a closed system will lose energy over time. The big bang does not violate this. The universe started off with a certain amount of energy,and its continually losing energy to this day. But the "order" as you call it, in the universe comes from the fundemental forces. Namely the two atomic forces and gravity. They are what allow atoms to form, matter to pull itself together, and all large structures in the universe to exist. Entropy will one day far far in the future overcome these forces, but for the time being, the fundemental forces hold everything together. Thats if you exclude the universe from the closed system theres nothing stoping us from icluding the universe in the system which would make entropy a factor.If you look at stephen hawkins he said that the universe even in the beggining abided by the same laws. Also another subsection to the bigbang is that the universe is eternal which means that the universe should no longer be around because entropy should have already done the job in destroying the whole universe.
the 2nd law of thermo dynamics is and equations that represents the increase of entropy to the increase of heat. The more heat the more entropy. Entropy is likewasted atoms or elements, in other words the hotter things get the more random atoms get, it isbasically the exact opposite of what the big bang theory states.that a infinitely hot explosion or expansion created an ordered universe.
the 2nd law of thermo dynamics is and equations that represents the increase of entropy to the increase of heat. The more heat the more entropy. Entropy is likewasted atoms or elements, in other words the hotter things get the more random atoms get, it isbasically the exact opposite of what the big bang theory states.that a infinitely hot explosion or expansion created an ordered universe.
Im a christian but i was thinking about believing Big bang and chritianity. Until i found a major hole in the big bang theory the 2nd law of thermo dynamics it completely violates it.
I didnt know where to put this at . But if im trying to join and online game and it wont connect me to the master server what could be the problem. I can start a game but cant join one .
So you dont call millions of witnesses all around the world as proof.
Anecdotes are not proof. I could probably find a hundred people who could swear they've seen a real-live T-Rex. Does that make it true? Nope.
And subjective experience can be influenced by other sources (like sickness, extreme grief or mental illness) and cause hallucinations, but you can't prove "but I saw it" to anyone else but yourself.
There is not a single piece of conclusive and testable evidence that shows that something like a ghost or spirit exists. All we have is grainy photos/videos that have rational explanations and a bunch of anecdotes.But could you find millions of people who swore they seen a real life t-rex. I get what your saying but if you got 12 witness's in a murder trial with miiniscule diffrences that would collabarate one story would you not call that proof.
To make a decent argument i would have to have time to explain myself thouroughly in a 8 vs 1 argument. Im only here when im at work and im doing multiple things at once.
I love how when you make an unarguable point you get no replies! Oh how I love the OT!
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