knowledge83's forum posts
I disagree, I own both aswell. and the graphics in halo 3are amazing. check out a saved film andzoom in on some stuff, the textures are amazingly detailed. imo halo 3 is one of the best looking games on 360 right now. and a hell of a lot more fun than gearselmafia
I own both as well and I fully agree, plus the enemies move much more smoothly and AI is much better. I was suprised and some of the tactics the enemies used. This game is fantaastic, graphics are amazing, and I am one happy camper today.
the good old chunky 1, that slim piece of junk is TOO light,what happens wen u drop a 200 bucs handheld dats lighter than the DS?gibson-les-rick
The heavier it is the harder it falls... I dropped my clunky fat one and it shattered into plasticy badness. The new slim does not hurt your hands when you hold it for a long time like the clunky one.
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