Before I mention about the holidays, I thought I might tell you on what am I doing right now. Anyway, life for me is doing pretty well. I already know the marks of some of the subjects and so far it's not too bad. I got an A- in Mathematics, a B+ in Biology (which is an improvement for me) and History and a B in Malay (which is really obvious) and....yup, I think that's all I know. I do know some of the marks I had on a paper for some subjects but I really can't be sure on what grade I got. And fortunately no C's, D's E's or G's yet although I've a bad feeling that I'll get an E or a G. Especially for the you-know-what subject. :P
There's also been a case of fever going around in my family. The only ones that didn't get fever are me, my mother and my father. In other words, all of my younger brother and sisters got fever. My youngest sister got it first then the second oldest sister got it and then my younger brother (by drinking my youngest sister's water, at least that's what I heard from my mother). I'll admit, I'm surprised that I haven't got it yet, although I do have a feeling I'll get it sooner or later. I kind of feel sorry for my mother for having to take care of three sick children in the house. I'm thinking of helping her but I'm afraid that I might get a fever from three of them. I don't know what I should do, really. :?
On gaming stuff, I'm really addicted to Valkyria Chronicles right now. It might be my most favourite RPG ever, beating my most favourite series, Monster Hunter *gasp* and trust me, that takes a lot to beat my most favourite RPG series. I'm currently at Chapter 12 but I decided to stop and level up my squad first by doing skirmishes. If you have a PS3, you must buy it especially if you like RPGs. And if you're wondering when I'll stop asking you guys to play it, that'll be until you play it (or grew tired of saying it). :P
I'm also playing a new game on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky using the same team, me as a Mudkip and my partner is a Riolu. Well, actually my younger sister insisted on me picking Riolu as my partner the first time I play it and now I like Riolu a lot more than I used to as well as Mudkip and oh, plenty more Pokemon that I grew to love with (and hate with). I really like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series a lot more than the usual Pokemon RPGs, mainly because it's a dungeon crawler and I love dungeon crawlers. You also may like some Pokemon a lot more than you usually do because of them having their own personalities. Or at least, that's what I think. :P
Anyway, today begins the mid-year school holidays (as soon as school's finished of course) for two weeks and I'm quite pleased that it finally came because it kind of comes really slowly (that or it's just me). Anyway, here's some of my plans:
Do homework: Fortunately the teacher either give us a lot (but not too many) or just a little bit of homework. And I intend to finish it before the second week of holidays are here. Now if only I could overcome my lazyness....
Do revision: Just because it's the school holidays doesn't mean that I won't study for two weeks. I'm still deciding on what subject should I learn on what day, though.
Do some workout: There's going to be a Taekwondo tournament after the holidays and I really want to enter in the competition this year so I'll most likely be doing plenty of exersices and practicing.....with a hope I don't injure myself in the process. :P
Playing games: This one is so obvious I guess I don't need to elaborate on this one. :P
Oh and I can't forget about the E3. I can't wait for it to come but I'm keeping my expectations low so as I won't be disappointed with anything. i'm hoping we get some info about Project Cafe, the NGP, Sonic Generations, Uncharted and plenty more that I can't remember or too lazy to type. :P
I'm not sure on what should I do for my next blog but I was thinking of doing these:
- Top 10 favourite games
- Top 100 favourite videogame soundtracks
Like I said, I'm not sure but I'd appreciate it if you guys give me some ideas. :D Thanks for reading my blog!
-koolkat14 signing out. 8)
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