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koolkat14 Blog

Happy Eid!

Short blog here, right now I'm at Jerantut, Pahang and not at Ipoh, Perak as I thought we would be going. :P Anyway, Ramadhan is over now and now it's the first day of Syawal. Admittedly though, I was a little sad to that Ramadhan's over now but on the other hand, I can't wait for Eid, which is today. There are a few reasons why I can't wait for Eid but eh, I'm too lazy to type them. :P

So anyway, I wish all my Muslim friends a happy Eid and I hope you have a good one with your friends or family! :D

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Adventures In Little Big Planet 2 - #1

Welcome to my new blog series, Adventures in Little Big Planet 2. From now on, I'll be making a blog like this for almost every week. Each week, I'll be showing about 5 levels or more or less in this blog. Most of the levels that I'm showing are the ones that usually deserves more plays than they have or levels that are way too good that I can't help but show it. And yes, me doing this equals to my exams is finally over. =P Oh and just so you know, I just simply suck at explaining stuff like this but I believe I'll be better over time so you're gonna have to bear with it for a while. Anyway without furthe ado, let's get started shall we?

Pitch Black Platformer

When you step in you see that everything is…black (except for the entrance gate, scoreboard, your Sackperson….you get the idea). So what do you have to do? Grab a paintinator and start colouring the platforms up, that's what you have to do. That's one thing I like about this level. On most parts of the level you have to use the paintinator and shoot the paint almost everywhere in order for you to find the platforms to get to the end. And often, they aren't always where you expect them to be. This is probably one of the most unique levels I've played and the paintinator was used in a creative way instead of just using to shoot at enemies (or friends) and washing the stickers off your clothes (which is often annoying). And using LBP1 music in an LBP2 level is always a plus for me. =P And here's a video of the level in case you want to look.

Bubble Bridge

Like most levels, this is a platformer level. Unlike most levels this one has plenty of pathways for you to pick, each one is as (or more or less) challenging than the other. The visuals are also great except for that one part where it's so bright; it can hurt your eyes. So if you come back to this level, be sure to go to another path. Plus, there are bubbles almost EVERYWHERE!! =D

Journey to the Puppet Palace

Another platformer level, this time made by one of my favourite creators, Stunkel. The story starts with something gone wrong in the puppet world so you have to travel to the Puppet King's palace to discover the reason things turned wrong. I don't really have much to say about this level, since it's been sometime since I played it but it's certainly well done. The music is also quite enjoyable to listen like the one that was played at the amusement park.

LBP "Power Up" Training Facility

If there's one level that uses almost (if not) all of the tools that was given in LBP2, it would be this one. Grapple hook? Check. Creatinator? Check. Each one of the tools was implemented really well so you'll have a variety of ways to get to the finish either from grappling from one place to another, or using the grabinator for…well something (I forgot =P).

Peril Comes in Many Sizes: A "Missing" Story Level

This is one of the levels that feel as if Media Molecule themselves made it. The gameplay was great, along with the visuals and even the story can make you wanting more. I'd say more but like I said, I suck at doing stuff like this. =P

And that's all the levelsI've got to show in this blog. Next week I'll try better in well...explaining. I'll be gone for a few days, maybe, maybe not. This is because we're going to my grandmother's house although when and can we is the question. Why can we? Well, my other grandmother is in a hospital right now due to cancer, I believe. My mother went to the hospital from the time I got home from school to late at night for the few days. I really hope she gets better soon.

That's all I've got for this blog. In the next one I'll give my impressions on Patapon 3 and trust me, I'm not that far into the game at all. Bye!

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Got a new game + other stuff

Yesterday, my family (except for me and my 13-year-old sister) went out for...who knows what exactly. Even I don't know. :? Anywho when they got back I saw my brother playing this game on the PSP.

patapon 3

It's one of the games that I want this year. In fact, I almost forgot that I always wanted this. How the days go by so fast....anywho so far I'm really enjoying it despite the fact that it's a lot different than the previous ones but it still has that same Patapon charm. :3 I'll give a first impressions about it if you'd want me to do so.

This week is exams for me, no surprises there. Today is Malay, Physical & Health and Add Math. Surprisingly, Add Math is easy, mainly due to the fact that I did a lot of revising on that subject. Unfortunately, because I spent too much time revising Add Math and kind of ignore the other subjects (although I did revise on some of them...a little) I'm rather worried whether I'll be able to do it well or not. The exams last until this Thursday and tomorrow I'l be having English, Civics and Physics. After the exams, it's school as usual on Friday and then....holidays!! I'm looking forward to it because my family and I will be going to Ipoh where one of my grandmother lives. At least I think we'll be going to Ipoh....

So as soon as my exams are over I'll be making a blog series called "Adventures in LBP2" (I seriously need a more creative name) where I'll be showing about 5 levels from LBP2 each week. There are just so many of them I thought I would show them to you. The levels that I would show are usually the ones that deserves more plays than they have and sometimes there might be a level that is so awesome that I wanted to show it. :P But I won't put the ones that are MMPicked, bad level and such.

So that's all I've got for this blog. After this I'm off to study Physics. Must...resist....playing....Patapon 3.

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Celebrating my second anniversary on GameSpot

I never did think the day would eventually arrive. I was going to do this yesterday but my family and I went to my aunt's house to break fast there and by the time we got home, I was tired so I went upstairs, flopped on the bed and fall asleep. :P

So how did I get here? Well it all started with when I was still playing Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for the PSP. I got stuck on one monster that never fils to kill me in less than five hits. And that would be this guy.


The Tigrex, that never fails from making me run all over the place while trying to duck (and failing as well) from it's vicious attacks. After attemting to kill him for how many times I forgot, my younger sister (who's 11 during that time) searched through the internet to see if there's anything that could help in it killing it (although I'm against in doing that) she came across a website called GameSpot and there she found the anwer to defeating that beast once and for all and after a few tries, I finally manage to kill it (although I do remember trying to capture it). So we (my sister and I) started using GS a lot to find out on how to defeat the monsters we have trouble on.

After a while, my sister wanted to ask questions in the website but since she's 11, she's not old enough to do so. So I made an account (after the ones I decided to made have already been used) under the name "koolkat14", which came from my email but it's spelled "koolcat" instead and the 14 is actually my age during the year I joined GS. So that's what I mostly do with account. Ask and answer questions in the answers section for MHF2 and later Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and I probably would still do that if it weren't for the All-Time Greatest Hero contest.

That's when I start to get really active. During the contest, I received an invite from -SpikyBlueHero- to the SonicSpot union, which is also my first union. There I met many people who are my first friends. The All-Out Nintendo union became the second union and the first Nintendo union I joined. After that, well you can guess what happened. I joined pletnty of unions, many of them I resigned, joined some more and met many kinds people, some already left, some aren't as active as they used to be but most are still around.

And that's how I came to GameSpot. I didn't expect to stay this long really. Admittedly there are times when I feel like leaving the site forever. But I realised that this site is way too addicting and besides, I have many good friends around here. I do feel embarrased about all those posts I made when I'm still new at all the posting thing. I typed some pretty stupid stuff I bet and don't understand most of the stuff but little by little I became more sensible until I became of who I am today. I'd like to list all my friends on GameSpot but there're way too many and I was afraid I might hurt somebody's feeling's if I left him/her out. :(

Anywho that's all I've got but before I go, I wanted to show a level from LBP2 that I enjoy a lot. And it's called A Different Direction. This is a platformer with many paths for you to take so when you play it gagain, you might want to try a different path since it has plenty of ways to reach to the end of a level.

And there's also this video I want to show. It's someone who made a Lao Shan Lung in Spore and I have to say, it's pretty well done.


If a Lao Shan Lung actually did some those things in the game, we're all doomed. D: Anyway, that's all I've got for this blog, I hope you enjoy reading it.

-koolkat14 signing out. 8)

August is here which means Ramadan is here as well!

As some of you know already, I'm a Muslim. And right now it's the first day of Ramadan, which as most of you probably know, is a month where all Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. I'm really looking forward to this month because you can get plenty of blessings from Allah for doing many prayers and good deeds than the other Islamic months. It also helps us to refrain from doing bad things. I'm also looking forward to the Laylat al-Qadr (well that's how Wikipedia spelled it) which happens on the last 10 days of Ramadan and is one of the most special nights in the month of Ramadan. Of course when is that is unknown but I will most certainly pray a lot during those times.

I would've enjoyed the first day of Ramadan but unfortunately I can't due to....certain reasons. But once that's over, I'll be able to fast with other Muslims. Anyway, remember on how I said on making a blog about the levels that didn't get as many plays they deserve for LBP1 and LBP2? I'll be doing that tomorrow or Wednesday, if I'm not too lazy. And I hope all my Muslim friends have a good fasting this month (if I do have any on GameSpot that is).

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Now I'm back...

And currently in a mood to post like crazy...okay maybe not that much. In case you guys were wondering what I've been doing, I've signed up to a LBP fansite. I'm not telling where but you'll guys know who I am when you see me. =P Annnnd I've also been studying right now. The next exams is going to be in 8th of August so I wanted to make sure I'm well prepared and not study at the last minute. I may not be active during that time....all right I lied. I believe I will be as active as I often do. This site is too addicting if you ask me.

I've also been playing some games, Pokemon, Harvest Moon (I consider that to be one my guilty pleasures game) and LBP2. But mainly LBP2. Why? Well that's because I wanted to finish all of the levels I've queued. As of this blog, I still have more than 50 levels in my queue. So yeah, still have plenty more to go, which will take a while. Most of the ones that I played are pretty good and definitely deserve more plays than they should. That made me into thinking a sort of a hub level that links to the levels that deserves more plays than they currently have. Of course, I've got another level in mine. I just need to draw it out and see if it'll work or not...

Most of the time play them alone but honestly, I find it a lot more fun playing it with my younger brother and sisters. I also allow them to decorate my pod. One time they made it look pretty crazy but unfortunately I deleted it and forgot to take a picture of it. Anyway, here's the two pods out of the three that I use:

And here are the ones that were made by my younger brother and sisters:

And this one was made by my youngest sister:

Pretty great, huh? I was thinking of using the one in the last picture for a while since I think it's better than the one I made.

That's all I've got for this blog, in the next I'll be showing you guys some of my favourite LBP levels in LBP2 and possibly LBP1. I just need to take some pictures....

-koolkat14 signing out. 8)

A little break is all I need.

Hey guys. I've been thinking about it lately and well, as much as I hate to say it, GameSpot is surprisingly getting kind of boring to me. I'm not sure why. I just started to lose interest in posting and such. So I thought about having a break from GameSpot for a few days, at least until Comic Con begins, whenever that is supposed to be. I kind of forgot. Anyway, I'll still be, just most likely for only about an hour or two. I'll definitely comment on your blogs but as for posting in the unions, I doubt that I will do it. I'm just....I don't know, not in the mood to do it. So if it looks like that I'm not around here anymore, at least you guys know why. So I guess it's see you in a few days, hopefully.

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

My birthday is today!

Yup, today on the 26th June, is the day when I turn 16 years old. Of course, things around here went as usual and I may certainly didn't get any presents but the fact that your family remembers your birthday are like presents to me and that's good enough for me. Besides, I'm already thankful because Allah had allowed me to live for 16 years in this world. Anyway, I haven't got much to blog really, except for showing you a rather funny "Happy Birthday" song my father made up and sang it to me this morning.

Happy Birthday to you,
You were born in the zoo,
With the monkeys and kangaroos,
Happy Birthday to you.

I'll admit I was pretty embarrased about it. :P Until the next blog!

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Back to school and what I think of E3

So holidays are finally over for me and today is when I go back to school. Dear me, I feel like I've had holidays for months. Putting that aside, overall the holidays are great with the exception that I to go to my mother's mother house because she's ill and had to go to a hospital. Fortunately, she's out of the hospital a few days ago so that's a good sign that she's better but only a little though. And the fact that I didn't finish all of my homework. I don't know I just don't feel like doing it during the holidays. :|

Anyway, here's what I think of E3. I didn't watch all of the conferences, only watch the first 30 minutes of Sony's (which isn't live by the way) and missed an hour of Nintendo's live conference. :P From what I heard though, Microsoft's really bad, Sony's pretty good and Nintendo's the best between the 3 of them Overall, it was pretty meh, nothing surprising about it. Well, maybe except for the price for the Vita which is $250 if I'm correct and even then it wasn't too shocking, really. And it's the first E3 that I took notice of really. Still, there are plenty of games that got me excited for.

Rayman Origins - I love the Rayman games ever since I was a little girl. I've played Rayman 1 (although I never did manage to finish it) and Rayman 2 on the PS1 and Rayman 3 on the PS2. I played Rayman Raving Rabbids but even though I like it years ago, I didn't like it so much now. And after seeing the stage demo, I'd say it looks awesome. Plus, you can play with other people as well so I'll most likely play this with my younger brother and sisters. So it's one of my most anticipated games right now.

Little Big Planet for the Vita - As most of you know, I'm a big fan of the Little Big Planet series. I've played both the PS3 ones and the one on the PSP. Judging from the trailer, it looks really good and you can get all the tools from LBP2 so it'd be like a portable LBP2, right? Right?. This might not want me to get a Vita instantly but it's certainly caught my interest.

Sly: Thieves in Time - I've never played a Sly game before but this one's got my interest for sure after watching the stage demo. I guess right now's a good time to get the Sly collection huh? Maybe after playing that I'll be more excited for this game.

Sonic Generations - Man, I've never been this excited for a Sonic game before especially after watching the City Escape gameplay. This one is defenitely in my most anticipated games. All it need is some levels from Sonic Heroes and I'll be a happy girl. :D

And here are the other games that caught my interest during E3:

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Tomb Raider

Uncharted 3

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

ICO & Shadow Collection

The only disappointment is that there's nothing about an English version of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Why, Capcom, why? Why must you be so mean? :cry: Oh well, here's hoping the announce it later this year.

Anyway, I've been thinking about something. I'm thinking of showing a community level in both LBP1 and LBP2 at the end of my blogs. I'll do it but only if you guys really, really, REALLY want me to. Seems like a waste to do if nobody's gonna take a look at it. :P

Anyway, that's all I've got for this blog. Until the next one!

-koolkat14 signing out 8)

Usual update, holidays are here and my plans for the holidays

Before I mention about the holidays, I thought I might tell you on what am I doing right now. Anyway, life for me is doing pretty well. I already know the marks of some of the subjects and so far it's not too bad. I got an A- in Mathematics, a B+ in Biology (which is an improvement for me) and History and a B in Malay (which is really obvious) and....yup, I think that's all I know. I do know some of the marks I had on a paper for some subjects but I really can't be sure on what grade I got. And fortunately no C's, D's E's or G's yet although I've a bad feeling that I'll get an E or a G. Especially for the you-know-what subject. :P

There's also been a case of fever going around in my family. The only ones that didn't get fever are me, my mother and my father. In other words, all of my younger brother and sisters got fever. My youngest sister got it first then the second oldest sister got it and then my younger brother (by drinking my youngest sister's water, at least that's what I heard from my mother). I'll admit, I'm surprised that I haven't got it yet, although I do have a feeling I'll get it sooner or later. I kind of feel sorry for my mother for having to take care of three sick children in the house. I'm thinking of helping her but I'm afraid that I might get a fever from three of them. I don't know what I should do, really. :?

On gaming stuff, I'm really addicted to Valkyria Chronicles right now. It might be my most favourite RPG ever, beating my most favourite series, Monster Hunter *gasp* and trust me, that takes a lot to beat my most favourite RPG series. I'm currently at Chapter 12 but I decided to stop and level up my squad first by doing skirmishes. If you have a PS3, you must buy it especially if you like RPGs. And if you're wondering when I'll stop asking you guys to play it, that'll be until you play it (or grew tired of saying it). :P

I'm also playing a new game on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky using the same team, me as a Mudkip and my partner is a Riolu. Well, actually my younger sister insisted on me picking Riolu as my partner the first time I play it and now I like Riolu a lot more than I used to as well as Mudkip and oh, plenty more Pokemon that I grew to love with (and hate with). I really like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series a lot more than the usual Pokemon RPGs, mainly because it's a dungeon crawler and I love dungeon crawlers. You also may like some Pokemon a lot more than you usually do because of them having their own personalities. Or at least, that's what I think. :P

Anyway, today begins the mid-year school holidays (as soon as school's finished of course) for two weeks and I'm quite pleased that it finally came because it kind of comes really slowly (that or it's just me). Anyway, here's some of my plans:

Do homework: Fortunately the teacher either give us a lot (but not too many) or just a little bit of homework. And I intend to finish it before the second week of holidays are here. Now if only I could overcome my lazyness....

Do revision: Just because it's the school holidays doesn't mean that I won't study for two weeks. I'm still deciding on what subject should I learn on what day, though.

Do some workout: There's going to be a Taekwondo tournament after the holidays and I really want to enter in the competition this year so I'll most likely be doing plenty of exersices and practicing.....with a hope I don't injure myself in the process. :P

Playing games: This one is so obvious I guess I don't need to elaborate on this one. :P

Oh and I can't forget about the E3. I can't wait for it to come but I'm keeping my expectations low so as I won't be disappointed with anything. i'm hoping we get some info about Project Cafe, the NGP, Sonic Generations, Uncharted and plenty more that I can't remember or too lazy to type. :P

I'm not sure on what should I do for my next blog but I was thinking of doing these:

- Top 10 favourite games
- Top 100 favourite videogame soundtracks

Like I said, I'm not sure but I'd appreciate it if you guys give me some ideas. :D Thanks for reading my blog!

-koolkat14 signing out. 8)