Hey guys. I've been thinking of doing this blog for the past few weeks but usually I'm just too lazy to do it. :P Since it's now the holidays here, I've plenty of time to do this blog. Remember the monsters I'm showing are ones that I played on the PSP with the exception of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd which I have never played before. Now, let's begin with number 10.
10. Yian Kut-Ku
The Yian Kut-Ku is one the first large monsters a hunter would encounter in the Monster Hunter series and also one of my favourite monsters to slay or capture. I never had a weapon or armor from it but for being the first large monster I've fought, I think it deserves a spot here.
9. Diablos
While the Diablos is probably hated by many, this monster has become one of my favourites and also one of the very few monsters where I would use a Gunlance as my weapon to slay it. And there's nothing better than fighting two Diablos in one quest at the desert, one with normal colour and one black. I prefer the Black Diablos though, just because it looks awesome. :3
8. Kirin
It looks like a unicorn as you can see. An electric one. :| The Kirin is an Elder Dragon and one of the few that will not flee once you had dealt enough damage to it. In other words, the quest will continue until you kill it. The Kirin is also the smallest Elder Dragon in the MH series. It's also maybe the only monster where I use a Hunting Horn against it (although I may use it against other monsters. I can't remember). The Kirin can summon lighting, whether around itself, in front of it or at a hunter. If you didn't equip an armor with high thunder resistance, you're pretty much in big trouble.
7. Kushala Daora
Known as the Elder Dragon of Wind, Kushala Daora is the first Elder Dragon that I had fought. And let me tell you, he's not an easy one to beat. It can whip up a wind barrier around itself, making it difficult to deal some damage to it. Your best chance to hit it is its head. You could also poison it or throw a flash at it in order for the Kushala to stop using its wind barrier temporarily. Of course, the best way to stop its wind barrier for good is to break its horns. The Kushala has its ownthemealso suits it pretty well.
6. Blangonga
A monster that should not be underestimated by hunters that first fought it. Leader of the Blangos, the Blangonga can move and attack quickly and if you didn't time your attacks and dodges right, this one will be one of you worst nightmares...at least until you beat it. :P Despite being rather difficult to beat it sometimes, the armor that was made by it has snow resistance, which is useful against the Kushala Daora in the Mountains, quake resistance and low cold resistance. So it's worth all that trouble in the end.
5. Lao Shan Lung
The Lao Shan Lung is the second huge Elder Dragon I've fought and repelled in the Monster Hunter series. And despite it not attacking you, (except at some points of the quest, whether intentionally or unintenionally) it has a lot of health and if you don't equip a strong weapon, you pretty much won't be able to complete the quest. Unlike most Elder Dragon quests, you have to protect the fort from it and you either have to repel or if able, kill it (although I've never done that before). Possibly one the reasons why I put him in that spot is mostly because of this theme was played in Area 5. I said possibly. :3
4. Basarios
Lives in the Volcano and the Swamp, this is one the few monsters when I use a Gunlance against him. Basarios has a hard shell which repel most attacks and like some monsters, it can also charge at you but rather slow. In fact, compared to some monsters it's possibly one of the slowest moving monster I've encountered and prehaps also the easiest to fight against. :P Still, it can release poison or sleeping gas around itself so it's still harder to fight than the Yian Kut-Ku.
And now we've reached to the Top 3 of my favourite monsters in MH series. :D
3. Yian Garuga
Once a fearful foe in Monster Hunter Freedom 1, now it's one of my most favourite monsters to slay. While it looks like a Yian Kut-Ku, it's attacks are a combination of Rathian and Yian Kut-Ku with a few unique attacks of its own. In Monster Hunter Freedom Unite there are two types of Garuga, one with two ears and one with just one ear. Personally I prefer the one-eared Garuga because it looks a lot meaner for some reason. :? Sometimes I loved killing it for fun even though I don't really need its materials and such. :P The Garuga is one of the non Elder Dragon that has its very own theme, even although it's not my most favourite theme.
2. Lunastra
While both the Lunastra and the Teostra has the almost same attacks. I prefer the Lunastra between them two. In fact, Luna is my most favourite Elder Dragon to fight against, being a Fire Elder Dragon and all that. The armor made using the Lunastra's materials has anti-theft, which is perfect for going against theft-loving monsters. Even though she's fun to fight against, she's also an Elder Dragon you shouldn't underestimate. If you didn't equip an yourself with high fire resistance armor, you're pretty much toast. Besides that, Luna also has one of my most favourite themes in the MH series.
And now, my number 1 favourite monster in MH series is...
1. Tigrex
On your first fight with him, you'll most likely get tossed and thrown around by this monster quite a lot of times. Being an agile wyvern this monster is quite difficult even for the ones that have fought him many times. One of its attacks from what I remember is that it can charge at you and then it will turn around and charge at you again. It can also throw boulders at you and its roar can also hurt you if you're near enough. And if it's in rage mode, then that's your queue to stop attacking it and start running because once it's angry, it becomes faster and you could get killed easily. :| So you have to perfectly time your attacks else you'll probably be his next lunch. :P The Tigrex also has his own theme.
And here are the monsters that didn't make it into the Top 10:
Shen Gaoren
And that's my top 10 favourite monsters in the MH series. I hope you enjoyed it. And a big thank you to my friend Munchgun for helping me finding all of the pictures. Your reward...*releases an army of Melynx* :| Thanks for reading my blog! :D
-koolkat14 signing out. 8)
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