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Yippee More Tests for me ...................................................

Well after 2 weeks of waiting I got my biopsey's back and they show nothing.............why am I not surprised. This week I get to go back to the hospital overnight and have more tests done. I know they are going to syphion all my blood out this time, it's so cold here though that it may come out as ice cubes :D.

I got Rogue Galaxy this week, and I have really only watched the opening sequence. I am still playing Zelda and FFXII. I have been hard at work filling put and mailing the forms for my 2 businesses. I still think that Ron would be a good addition to my work force....although I may have to limit his internet access :lol:.

Andy, I saw the pic of you after the holidays and you looked great no Christmas weight on you at if I only had that problem. Yes Ron, I will still make your snickerdoodles...when I have slowed down to a dull roar. Anyway I hope all is well and Happy Gaming to all !!!!!!

What a week of B---S--- !

Hi everyone !!!!! Well let me just start off today's rant with what a bunch of BS I went through. Last saturday I had to go to the mall for some exchanges/returns. I decided to go to EB games and use part of my $100gift card. When I go into the store I asked the clerk for the new Zelda game (yes, Ron I do enjoy them). The kid proceeds to tell me that I should get the Devil May Cry 3 pack. HMMMMM I know that I didn't ask for that, so I repeated what I wanted. The clerk then proceeds to quiz me on RPG games ( BIG BIG Mistake buddy). Let's just put it this way I nailed him with some of the most obscure RPG's ever. Remember Crystalis anyone ? I did get my Zelda game and pre-ordered Rogue Galaxy.

Then this past Tuesday I went to the hospital for my gastroscope. When will the fun ever end for me ? They took several biopsey's of different area's of my stomach. The dr. wants me to get a Hematologist now as well. So far from 2 surgeries I am not getting a warm happy feeling from the medical proffession anymore. I don't know what they gave me , but damn I was loopy all day tuesday and part of wensday.

Well I am still working on getting my 2 businesses off the ground, and playing FFXII, and now Zelda. Most of my time has been getting state forms and other things to get the businesses running. Everyone wants a slice of the pie before it's baked yet.

Okay that is my rant of the week. I hope all is well and Happy Gaming everyone!!!!!!

PS-Andy are you ready yet for the match with the Stink?

More tests

Hello everyone!!!!! It's the first true week into the new year and already it sucks for me. I will be going back to the hospital next tuesday for more tests. Tell me that doesn't blow :cry:. I am not to sure what they are going to find, I don't think that there is that much left of me.

On to other news I am trying to get 2 businesses up and running at the same time so things have been hectic here to say the least. I really hope that the 2 businesses take off so I can hire Ron to work for me :D. On to other news I finally saw Ice Age II and V for Vendetta. Damn they were 2 good movies. If you can't tell I very seldom watch movies or tv unless it's the news or sporting events.

I am still playing FFXII, but I haven't had too much time to devote to it. I think that I will this weekend, because I am supposed to fast and behave for a change ,for next weeks tests. ( This is gonna be HARD not to misbehave). Andy, Stinky would like to know when you want to go head to head with him.

Happy gaming all and have some fun !!!!

Happy New Years

Happy New Years everyone !! Well I feel and look like something that the cat wouldn't dare drag in. I went out last night and had MORE then a few drinks. Who knew mixing so much stuff could upset your stomach:wink:. Well at least I stayed away from the scotch and tookillya. Hmmm I wonder if my doctor will have a problem with me going out after 5 months of almost house arrest.

I hope that everybody got what they wanted for Xmas. I got some real nice surprises this year. I got a $100 gift card to a gaming store. I know which games I want , I just have to wait for one to be released. I have to say the days leading up to Christmas I watched e-bay. Who knew people were crazy enough to spend $200 on the new Zelda. I know I like my Zelda as well, but I am not spending $200 on it.

On to other news, I got a PSP for Christmas as well. I just can't seem to get it to add to my collection of hardware. Ah well. Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and HAPPY GAMING !!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays !!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays everybody!!!!!!!!!!!! Well on to the health news. After undergoing a battery of tests, blood taking and drinking the most godawful stuff (next to tequilla). I get to go for the scope. My test date is January 9th at 9:30 am. The wonderful ( I am being SARCASTIC here) hospital didn't send the doctor all of my results until Thursday of this past week. Mind you they were supposed to be at my doctors on Monday. Hmmmm I wonder what the HMO's think of this ?

On other news, today I really MUST MUST MUST go Christmas shopping. Nothing like the last minute for me :D .
I did however make almost all of my cookies except I need to make another batch of pecan balls, and some more sugar cookies. I made about 15 dozen jam cookies and I didn't have a one. Maybe it is a good thing that I am sick I can imagine how much weight I would be gaining right about now :P.

On the gaming front I am still playing FFXII, although I haven't had as much time for gaming as I would like as work has really increased for me around here. Which is a good thing seeing how I need the money to pay for my prescriptions. This year for Christmas I didn't ask for anything, I mean lets face how can somebody give me my health back? Unless......unless there really IS a Santa Clause and he can pull a miracle out of his ( you fill in the blank). Anyway I want to wish all a HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!! May you all get the games that you want !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm it's DEJA VU all over again

Hi everyone !!!!!!! Well I went to the Gastroenterologist yesterday and funny I have to go back for more tests. YIPPIE , can you tell I am being sarcastic yet ?? This time they want more blood ( I thought that they took all of mine the last time), and they want an ultrasound of my liver,pancreas,abdomen,pelivc area. After these tests are done he will set up an appointment for me to have the scope go down my throat. Usually the only tubes I like going down my throat are the ones where I have beers going down them. Somehow I don't think this is going to be the same. So far all I want for Xmas is my health back nothing more or less. Oh yeah did I mention that he put me on a different medication? It seems that seeing how I have been getting so sick he thinks that this new medication will stop that.

Well has anyone finished there holiday shopping ( those who celebrate it that is). I know I haven't done a damn thing. The rate I am going I will have it done next year. Too be honest though I am really not in the spirit this year. Although I have started my cookie making madness. Yes, Ron I will make you some snickerdoodles and mail them to you when I feel better. I have helpers that are helping me make the cookies which I am making jam,peacan balls,vanilla sugar cookies,peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.

On the gaming front I have been playing FFXII and really getting into it. I do like the tactical way that you have to play this game. I also have borrowed a friends PSP and playing Spectral Souls. I really haven't been feeling myself to really just sit and play for hours. Although having to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes or so to get sick may have a part in that.

Andy, I spoke to Moneypenny she says give her a call, they are willing to help you train in your fight against the Stinky. Take care all !!!!!!!!!!

Happy Gaming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn it's December already

Hi everybody and Happy December to you all. This is now the offical start of the HELLIDAYS. Where people are rude to one and other, and they don't care if they step on your cold corpse. ( That is after a day of shopping). Well this year Thanksgiving was just a bit different for me. Yes, I did get sick but my family ended up making me some soup after that.

I am looking forward to going to the gastrointerologist so that he can give me a special diet to go on or whatever I must do. Let me tell you goldfish crackers get boring after a day or 2. ( My favorites are Parmesian and Original).I do have some good days but they are few and far between.

Ok, let's get to some lunacy first. I will not repeat NOT be getting a PS3 with all the glitches,problems and people getting shot for them. I will wait for a price drop and the system to be a bit more stable. As for the Revolution ( I know I KNOW the Wii) I will try and get one of those after the New Year's I think. I have to wait and see because I have been swamped with work.

Andy ,I hope that the SAS or whomever you are training with, have you working out with full body armor. The cat is eagerly waiting for you to try and make it up the stairs. As for the 15 quid question he was listening to an old Iron Maiden( Yes, I love old skool metal :twisted) record and I think that was in the lyrics. Andy perhaps you should train with Bond, he may be a better trainer :D.

Happy Gaming everyone !!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi all !!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it !! Well there is a new wrinkle in my recovery plans, but at least I feel 1000x better now. I now have to go to a Gastroinerologist. I have been having a few problems eating :cry:. TRUST ME THIS SUX !!!!

The eating problem is gonna cause a bit of havoc on Thanksgiving dinner for me. My family has decided to make a few things just for me because I can't eat some of the traditional things. ( I am gonna try like hell to eat some mashed 'taters though) I will tell you that since losing my gallbladder I haven't been eating that much at all. The Stink ( cat) has been eating very well. Does anyone see a problem here ?

I have been gaming again and for that I am extremly happy. I am playing FFXII,Stella Deus, and SMT:Devil Summoner.


2 months to the day

Well today is 2 month anniversary of my first surgery. All I can say is TG I feel SO MUCH BETTER after my 2nd surgery. I will say that I am really starting to feel like my old self again. There are several things I still can't do, but I am on my way to recovery and for that I am so very thankful.

I have 1 more visit to the surgeon and then I am home free. Yes, the surgeon has to check the internal stitches and external incisions. At least the pain is for the most part gone unless I try to do to much which is almost all of the time.

I am feeling better and have started to play Final Fantasy XII . I like the game so far and I like the premise of politics being in the game. Finally I can game for longer then maybe 10-15 minutes at a time.

Stinky seems to be happier that I can get around alot better now. Although I do DARE anyone to come upstairs and visit me and pass him by without getting swatted on the leg or worse. (Andy I have $20 on the cat )

I wanted to THANK EVERYONE for there kind words of support while I went through this very trying time in my life.


2 Days after surgery ...........................again

Hi everyone !!!!!!  Well it's 2 days after my surgery again........boy I have a feeling of deja vu......but this time I am feeling alot better. Not saying I don't hurt and am sore, but I feel much better all around. This time around I felt everything in recovery which ISN'T a good thing.

This time I was in the hospital longer for the same day procedure, but when I got home I slept for a few hours. I will say that my pharmacy is trying to kill me because they wouldn't fill the prescription my doctor gave me until the next day which meant 1 night of agony. Go figure after all the money I gave them after my last surgery.

This time my cat has taken the defensive stance towards anyone who comes upstairs to see me/ take care of me. He's now checking out everyone who comes through the door to visit or feed me. To be honest I haven't gamed yet, but right now I am way to sore to sit in one position for too long to game. I am hoping that after my doctor's appointment next week I will be in much better shape to game.

I hope to start in on Indigo Prophecy and a few other games this weeked or I can just sit and play Ms.Pac-Man all weekend long ( that is much easier to play right now ). I got the new Audioslave cd before I went in for surgery so I may just listen to that until Sunday when I can watch the NFL all day long.

Have a great weekend everyone !!!!!

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