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Another surgery is needed

Hi everyone :)!!! Well this week I went back to the doctors. After my test results came in on Tuesday, it has been determined that I will be going back in for more surgery next Wenesday.
At this point I need some relief after 6 1/2 weeks of agony,misery and pain.

At the rate I am going I won't get out of bed until sometime next year. They are telling me that I will have a lot of relief from this surgery. I can only hope so. I will say that I am doing pretty well in my fantasy football leagues.......and I am the only woman in them as well so NO the guys aren't giving me a break.

I started playing Stella Deus and it's a pretty good game from what I have played so far, I just can't play for any extended periods of time without getting into some serious pain.

I want to THANK ALL OF YOU for your kind words and support during a very difficult time in my life. Be well all and have a great weekend.

1 Month Ago............

Hi all !!!!  Well it's been a month since surgery and I am not feeling any better . Today I went to the hospital and had a battery of tests. Right now I am feeling like the glowing pin cushion they had me drink /injected me with so many different things. I am hoping that they find out why I am not feeling any better and give me the proper medication to get better.

On the gaming front I really haven't been feeling myself to game, but when I have been I have been playing Stella Deus. I will get to Xenosaga III , I just want to feel better so that I can enjoy the experience. I am so looking forward to FFXII.

Well I can see this weekend that I will be working on a website and watching some football. Maybe I will crack out the SNES and get some of the older RPG's to play again.

Have a great weekend all !!!!!!

2 weeks after surgery

Hi all !!! Well it's been 2 weeks after surgery and the only good thing I can say so far is that I can move around. I am still in pain and taking the pain medication. If I didn't know any better I would say that the drug companies want to make a mint off of me. It's interesting trying to go up and down stairs when the phone is ringing.

On a lighter note, Stinky has become more loving cat towards me. Now he's not as lovey as my Pepsi was, but what Stink lacks in love he's been my protector. It's been a real LOL riot over here when my dad tries to give me some food. I go back to the doctor's tomorrow so he can tell me all the news on the good,bad, and ugly.

I will tell you that I have seen alot of movies seeing how I have been in bed these past two weeks. I am hoping to start gaming in a few days. That has really been driving me nuts that I haven't been able to game. I hope all is well and HAPPY GAMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Days after surgery

Hi everyone :) .  Well it's 2 days after surgery and I feel like 2 semi's have hit me and kept on rolling. I am on a few medications so if you PM me and I don't answer right away I am probably asleep. They found 3 tumors which tthey removed and I am in some serious pain.

To be honest right now I don't even have the energy ( GASP GASP GASP) to play any games. I have been sleeping so much that I just remember to eat, take my meds watch a little tv and back to sleep. I am really hoping that I feel alot better for my birthday. When I got home from the hospital Wens night my cat Stinky hissed at me as if I was the devil. Later on though he was asleep on me like I was a lounge chair.

Anyway I hope all is well and I will get to Xeno III soon I hope !!!!!!!!!

10 Days until surgery

Hi everyone !!!! Boy this summer seemed to just fly by, I can't believe that it is already Labor Day weekend. Where does the time go ?? I can't believe how much stuff I have to do before next Wensenday. Maybe I can get my cat to help out. I just realized that this is the first time I have been REALLY sick and my Pepsi isn't here to make me well again. ( That blows)

I am so looking forward to getting Disgaea2 and Xenosaga III this week. That will help me through the recovery effort. I will be going in on the 6th for surgery,and coming home the 7th or 8th depending upon a few things. I have someone coming over to take care of the cat those few days. If I know him he'll be happy to have the whole bed to himself.

I have a few people coming over the day I come home over ,and the day after to help me out. I know me I will go absolutely haywire being stuck in bed. Yes, Ron I will NOT ( ok I will try not to) go up or down the stairs. Make sure that Stinky isn't waiting at the top of the stairs to trip me down them.
At least that weekend will be the start of the NFL season and I have to make sure that my picks and my survival leagues are picked well. Have a GREAT LABOR DAY EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY GAMING

6 Months and I still miss my Pepsi

Hi people and I hope everyone's summer is going well!!! Well it has been over 6 months after laying my beloved cat to rest and I still miss him terribly. Yes, Stinky and I still look for Pepsi in all of his hiding spots. There are times though that I think Stinky feels his presence and is comforted by him.

Well on to some different news. I went to EB games a few days ago and aside from the pushy sales people I was told that they no longer accepted PS or N64 games or systems. Funny, I was told to bring anything I wanted to sell there. So go figure. They are pushing the preorders of FFXII. They keep telling people that if they don't order the game now, they won't get the game until the middle of next year.

Right now I am playing about 6 different games ,and getting ready for surgery. I figure that I am going to be out 4-6 weeks with the surgery so I had better load up on a few games, so I preordered Xenosaga III and Disgaea 2. Yes, I went with the whole manga series with the NIS preorder deal. I also am working on a few websites which should be interesting while recouperating.

What's wrong with Sony

HI again everyone !!!!!!!  Well let me get this MAJOR rant off my chest and then I can feel a bit better. It finally happened yesterday. I have an older PS2 model ( the big bad boy), and it finally crapped out. So I called Sony , as I have in the past to courteous,friendly, customer service people. Well yesterday after going through about a 20 minute interrogation I was told that my PS2 had died. Mind you now I had my PS2 repaired from Sony about 1 1/2 years ago for free ,and was told at the time that if I ever had that problem again that it would be free of charge to fix.

After speaking to this rude customer service person ( she asked is the PS2 mine or my child's). She also told me that I  was too old to be playing video games ( go figure I support this company!!!). She tells me that for the low price of $45.00 shipping and handling not included I could get a refurbished unit and the turn around time for that is 3-7 days. I was also offered for the low low price of $65.00 I could have my old PS2 fixed ( although there was no guarantees that it was going to work) , and that it would be fixed in 15-30 days.  

After my interrogation with her I told her that I would call her back and let her know what I chose to do. The last time that this happened to me , I spoke to a very nice customer service gentleman and he said fed ex my ps2 with a brief note explaining what the problem was and my address where to mail my ps2 back. What happened to the nice customer service people ???? I do love Sony and the products that they have, but either they need to hire nicer customer service or the person that I was speaking to was PMSing that day.

On to other news.....I didn't get the kittens from the Humane Society. They said that 2 different people wanted one kitten. It would have been easier had I had Tom Ridge ( old director of Homeland Security) torture me to see if I was qualified for the kittens. I did have a friend call me up and tell me of a place that has kittens and for $20 I can get 2 kittens and some kitten food. I am still thinking that Stinky needs a companion , because there are times when he gets very depressed.

With that my rant is over ............................

Power and Peace to the People   8)

What's up with that??

Hi everyone !!! Spring has sprung and hope springs eternal right??? Anyway I have to vent here and trust me I DO want some of your opinions. I went to a video message board ( I won't say which to protect the innocent). There was a person in need of some help, I in turn told this person how to get a certain item. Well after a few trolls and knocks, it seems that a different person said the same exact thing that I did and they got credit for being right? I for one don't care, but don't ask for help if you are just out to troll.

Well on a happier note, I went out over the weekend and I have to say I saw 2 of the most adorable kittens going.They were 7 weeks old and one is black and white and the other was all black. Where I live the Humane Society was having an adopt a pet weekend. Let me say this much that I never had questioning like I got from the people that were there. Then they handed me 3 forms to fill out before I MIGHT ( notice this word) get the 2 kittens. Now I do have to think about getting the kittens due to the fact that my cat Beezer ( aka Stinky) might go nuclear on them,and that I don't want to happen.  I will say that Stinky is really turning into an RPG cat. He's doing all the same things that Pepsi used to do and a few other things as well.

Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and enjoy the nice weather that we are all finally getting !!!!!!!

Two weeks

Well it has been two weeks already after burying my cat, and it feels like I did it yesterday at times. My hands have finally healed after digging him a small grave in my father's backyard. It is so strange after having him for 18 years , that he's not around. Yes, I do look for him in all his favorite hiding spots until my other cat Beezer (aka Stinky) comes looking for me.

I went to the mall today up here and bought a few new games. I bought Grandia III and the new Shadow Hearts game. I am still playing through Dragon Quest VIII it just doesn't feel the same without my buddy Pepsi with me. I will give Beezer credit he has been by my side since Pepsi died.

I have to say that when I went to the mall today the EB store was semi-crowded,but you had to hear the sales pitch the males were making to the kids. The one sales person stated to a few parents of the kids that were in the store that they had better pre-order Kingdon Hearts II or they wouldn't get them back in for months, and did they want their children whining that they didn't have the hottest game going. I understand that their job is to sell games, but when is aggresive too aggressive???

Yes, one of the sales people tried that same sales pitch to me ,and I told him that if I am going to buy the game that I will come in and get it. I used to pre-order alot of games with my old EB games, but the newEB store that I went into had really pushy sales people. 

Anyway I am off to start to play Grandia III, I think that I will hold off on the new Shadow Hearts game until I am done with Dragon Quest VIII and Grandia III.

R.I.P. Pepsi 12/21/88-03/04/06

Well last Saturday I made a very tough decision, I had to put my cat down that I have had for 18 years. He had been very sick and I felt that he had to die with some dignity. I remember that when I got him he fit in the palm of my hand.

I will say that he was a great cat that loved to watch me play RPG games. I never had a cat that could sit still while i was playing anything from Dragon Warrior III to Shadow Hearts Covenant. He did however like the music to most of the games and never judged if I had a problem with a boss battle from any game.

Anyway I will miss my buddy...may you Rest In Peace and I will see you in Heaven one day. 

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