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Router issues

Well, I've made it down to 13 left. We switched to mac here at Garrisonnet and unfortunately, I can't get onto the wifi with DS. So, I'm going to be unable to acess the wi-fi for a while. It sucks. 

Augh Get in the &^%*!! Ball!!!

Ok, so for the last ten days I've been stuck in Leaf Green in the Safari Zone throwing bait and rocks and balls and species oriented slurs at the Kangaskahn. They are lvl 25 and I see one out of every ten or twelve encounters. About every four times I see a Kangaskahn, I see a pinsir. The stupid things will not get into the balls and after 2 actions usually flee. I even got one to stay in the ball till the third bump, only instead of stars the frickin thing pops out and flees. I swear, I'm going to delete the game and create a new character named MassaChief and just go in all guns blaizing. 
Here's a typical run:1. Paras2. Nidorina3. Kangaskhan (throw rock, throw rock, fled)4. fem nidoran5. Paras6. fem nidoran7. fem nidoran8. paras9. paras10. kangaskhan (throw rock, fled)11. exeggcute12. doduo13. doduo14. paras15. exeggcute16. paras17. exeggcute18. doduo.19. paras20. fem nidoran
So, yeah... it's really freakin annoying and I've spent 4k in winnings just in the safari zone. I won't bore you with the next twenty. I didn't get it then either. But I did slip and catch a paras which is stupid because i don't need one. Ugh, well 386 steps and 15 safari balls to go until I have to pay another 500 to do it again.  

One Down

I caught a shuckle! One down! 
In other news, I hate comcast right now. My cable company and I have had some slight issues regarding what service I have and stuff like that. I call and ask why something is suddenly not working and they say, you aren't signed up for that. The cable modem runs the phone now, so when the modem is fried I can't call to get help, little stuff. 
This week we got a new Airport Extreme base station. 802.1n baby. Zoom zoom zoom. However, now my DS can't get onto WFC, and I have to figure out why. Then both of my MyBook external hard drives which used to be set up for PC are reading as having disk errors and need wiped. Ugh. That's annoying because we bought them to hold our Itunes library. So I have to redo that whole dang thing. 
And a friend of mine sent me a facebook invite, so if you look for me there, or are from here and want to friend me there, just let me know.
Back to Leaf Green and the Sliph co tower for Lapras and Kangaskahn

Watch Doctor Who. I command you.

Anyone who wants to know why I have the quote in my forum sig file probably has not seen the new Doctor Who. 
I'm not from the UK, I love their sci-fi. Doctor Who has been on BBC from 1963-1987 as a kids show on Saturdays, and Americans like myself grew up watching the show on PBS late at night. There have been so many Doctor Who stories that even the biggest fan has never seen all of them. (I think). 
In 2005 a fan who became a BBC bigshot brought the show back and it has been setting records over there as a 1 hour program for "Family Audiences" Look, if you are a gamer, you probably also like comics, sci-fi, MC Frontalot, Optimus Rhyme, ect.. I dare you to not like Doctor Who to my face IRL after I've had a couple pints. "I cut you so bad you ... you gonna wish I hadn't cut you so bad."
The show is amazing, doesn't pull punches, and has twists and turns that both geeks and their sexy counterpart geekettes will enjoy. The quote I have in my sig sums the character up very nicely.  So, This coming friday night, go watch Sci-Fi. See what I'm talking about. You'll have fun. I command it. 

The new and improved Pokemon want list

150 mewtwo
151 Mew (non hacked)

244 Entei

245 Suicune
251 Celebi
378 Regice
381 Latios
385 Jirachi
466 Electivire
486 Regigigas

These are not available yet: If you see one it's a hack. Trust me. 
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin
493 Arceus

That's it. I'm at 480. I have 2 stars on my trainer card, and holding.

I have extra plates, exp shares, everstones, and much much more. Even if it's just to get me the entry on my Pokedex and give it right back, your assistance is appreciated.


451 down, 46 to go

Hey everyone, Just updating y'all with my pokemon stats. of 493 known pokemon, I have seen 453 and caught 451 (The two missing are 445 Garchomp and 080 slowbro that I've seen but never caught). It has finally started getting easier to say how many I have left until my dex is complete. The magic number is 42 (46 because I traded one or four away without having spares. But I'll fix that soon enough)!!

If anyone needs a HEATRAN because they fainted their capture attempt or because the just want an extra or something, I have 1 spare. A kind soul traded me a crapload of legends for my Shiny Spearow, so I hope he's taking care of little Shiny. He also took a munchlax egg and all the starters I had so I finally don't have any more charmander. Who knew charmander weren't popular on GTS.

Honestly, I have a #351 castform up right now on GTS requesting a #368 gorebyss which I had traded to me for evolution, and then traded back to the gentleman. So I can GTS it but I don't have one of my own. Honestly a castform! No one has grabbed it. 3 days on GTS. Totally insane how this trade system works. The only guaranteed trade I have found is Munchlax, offer up a lv.1 munchlax and you almost always get your trade, I have had that trade happen within an hour on occasion.

Right now on GTS there are 4 gorebyss available, for a lvl 70 chimchar, a manaphy, a regigigas or a dalkia. Good luck kids, yer not getting those anytime soon. There are 2 Garchomp, both who want garchomp in trade. They should get together, seriously. Finally, when I searched for Slowbro, I got a communication error and booted off the GTS. This is dumb. The GTS needs to be policed by someone at Nintendo. What happened to all the talk of anti-hack enforcement we heard from Nintendo? People shouldn't be able to ask for manaphy if they haven't seen one before! Its about as rare as Jirachi, because if you went through the Hell that was Ranger, you got your egg and you got a reward. Same for little wishmaker. If you preordered colluseum (which I did not do because I was still very much not into consoles, you got a bonus disc that auto unlocked your Ruby or Sapphire and allowed you to get a special pokemon.

GTS is a great idea, but come on! Either keep legendaries off the GTS, create a new category, or start cracking down on hacked pokemon in trade. YOU CAN'T TRADE FOR A LEVEL 9 OR BELOW Dragonite!!! THAT IS A HACKED POKEMON!!!!!!!! Easiest way to do something about it is the same thing they do to vespiqueen, in order to ask for a vespiqueen, the system auto checks the gender to female. So do the same with the level up pokemon!! If I can't get a frickin Dodrio below level 31 dont let me ask for one in the first place. It is wi-fi! If you need to push a firmware update, you can now because you just send it as a mystery gift, or do it during the handshake process logging on to GTS, or connecting to the network in the basement. Just solve the problem. Wow. Guess I should have made this a rant.

Race Delay

Thank God the Pocono Race is being televised on TNT and that's a cable station that won't cut the race short. I am happy to announce that a few minutes ago Greg Biffle confirmed that he still has not finalized his contract yet, but he hopes to stick with Roush-Fenway and be in a Ford of Tomorrow. We can kill the rumors that he is being courted by Hendrick and Gibbs.

A lot of Gamespot friends ask why I watch NASCAR. "Krypto, how can you stand that? It's just a bunch of rednecks turning left." You have no idea how wrong you are. With the passing of Bill Jr last Monday, I figured I should probably explain it to you kids. In college from 1997-1999 I was a full time driver for Pizza Hut while in college because I had bills to pay. I worked days with no class and weekends 8 hours a day in a station wagon, or Chevy S10 delivering pizza to McPherson Kansas citizens (who are lousy tippers). It got to the point that on Saturdays I was able to navigate the streets of the small college town with my eyes closed based on where we started and when we turned. That's a lot of time in a vehicle.

If you have not driven yet because you are too young, you need to know that driving is a very strenuous activity. A driver must keep control of the car itself, must keep track of his gauges, the environment and other drivers on the road. I made my share of mistakes and am very glad I wasn't fired or jailed by cops. It's a fact that during sundown, it doesn't matter how you plan it, you will always be driving into the sun. So, focus on nothing, notice everything, react in a heartbeat. And in town, that's at 25-35 miles an hour for 8 hours.

While I drove I didn't listen to music, I listened to Motor Sports Network and the Busch races on saturdays and the Winston Cup (it wasn't until 2004 that Nextel took over). Baack then it wasn't the Rock Concert/Superbowl/Air Force Open House experience it has become today. The drivers were tough, the danger was real and the racing was just the thing to keep my mind firmly focused on the job of being safe on the road.

Driving at 35mph in Saturday traffic in a college town is a task with a DC of probably 10 on a 20 sider. Add +2 for every 2 hours in the car consecutively, so at 10pm on that last delivery the DC is 18 on a d20. Any D&D 3.5 player knows at this point you are relying heavily on bonuses when trying to get anything above a 15. Experience gives you a +2, focus is another +2. Now roll a d20 and add 4 to that number. if you just rolled a 14 or more, congrats you just made it to your delivery, and back to the shop to work close-up.

A nerd can do the math on that for me, but it's kinda difficult.

Now, if you understand driving and have driven on the Interstate, you know that it becomes even more difficult to drive at higher speeds, and if you have to drive 400 miles you are expected to do so with a break to get out and stretch every 2 hours to avoid fatigue, keep your focus and to generally relax from the tense body contortions you have had to do in order to keep the throttle steady, to keep the car driving straight, and to make sure your traveling opponents are doing the same and won't cut you off, forget to signal or get you into trouble. You can not assume other drivers are watching out for you, you have to be aware of them and drive defensively and sometimes agressively in order to avoid a crash, accident, or injury. That's just at 65-80mph.

NASCAR is driving for as long as 6 hours straight, 400-600 miles, in a car that feels like an oven. The heat in the car can get so hot that drivers must wear fire suits and routinely complained of 1st to 2nd degree burns on their legs. I mean even Oak Ridge National Laboratory is involved in some teams space age enviromental comfort strategies. Now, add 100 to 120 miles to what you were driving on the interstate. That's a DC 35 or more. Trust me.

The drivers aren't the only athletes. Tire changers, gasmen, jackmen, and crew chiefs are all prone to ripping a bicep grabbing or tossing a goodyear. They change tires and fuel up a car in 12-15 seconds. Jiffy lube takes 30 minutes to do my car. Mechsanics are athletes. They have to be! Now, the crew must also be smarter than your average athlete too. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Applied physics, Aerodynamic specialists and even statisticians are required in a Nextel Cup race team. The engineers to make the car, the engine, the aero package... come on, these people are not only smart and strong, they are Spartan super soldiers, because unlike the panzies at NFL they race 37 times a year. 37.

If you thought it was rednecks turning left all day, you really need to start watching TNT during this next six weeks and learn how much of a thinking man's sport this is. Redneck? No, Nascar is the ultimate in Redneck-Geek. Them's our peeps! Think of Master Chief and the gang doing endurance, math, and agility training all at once. Dude, I love this sport, its Science, its Cars, it's FAST! Not to mention it has personality which WWE wishes they could script. And yes, Jeff Gordon married this lady:

Ingrid Gordon

Yeah, Belgan supermodels dig NASCAR drivers, and multimillionaires, and winners...

So, if I blog about NASCAR in the future, you know why I am always so excited to see a race or learn news about my favorite sport.

Pokemon Update

Last night I got my day care pokemon back and I have to say I was very impressed. The ev training option is a great choice and I heartily recommend it.

I don't have the second DS yet, but when I do, I'm giving freezerburn111 an Avalanche TM. That was a great job guys.

With the day care's help my pokedex now stands at 441 seen, 439 caught.

My want list was being edited but now it's much much shorter. If you have a chikorita, kangaskahn or a hitmonchan, I'm looking for these, and I'm dreading the task of starting Leaf Green over in order to get to Saffron again. I also have a gameboy player, but no Advance anymore. I traded in my SP to help pay for Diamond and Pearl. So, doing Saphire enough to get the rest of the Emerald Hoen dex and pick a Joto starter.

Oh, and I got my first Shiny in Pearl. About 4:30pm today, I caught a Spearow, my favorite flying type. If anyone has the best ev and moveset for a Careful Spearow.

School is actually a lot of fun this summer, and I'm about to start the 2'nd half of this Semester. I'll have my second class start in several days and that'll be a relief because it's not an upper class, but unlike this one I'm in now, it is an on campus class.

Has anyone seen my pants?

I joined Live Journal

Hey gyus, I wanted to let everyone know that I just joined Live journal and you can friend me there as Pokemaniac74. Some dead journal has my Krypto74 username there so I decided to embrace my addiction. More later...

RIP Bill France Jr. Legend of NASCAR

I wanted to take a moment to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Bill France Jr. I guess we know why the rain delayed the race on Sunday, because he passed during the race today at 1pm. I am glad to hear it was peaceful, but I did tear up during the final Crank it Up on Fox that they dedicated to him. Watching on the HD channel with the digital sound made the whole thing just that much more special.

That's all I have today. Thanks.
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