Well Gang, I woke up at 7:50 this morning and went to gamestop before my wife woke up. I picked up both of my reserves and then proceeded to take NCJames and his Chimchar Krypto to his first badge in under 4 hours. I got defeated by the first Galaxy commander and then switched over to diamond. I'm doing my serious stuff on Pearl, but Diamond is my "play" game. Turtwig, chic character, wandering around until I get the first evo, then moving forward. I'm also hangin out in the early areas close to home there to see if there are any rare ones I might have missed in the other one. So far I have Shinx, Starly, turtwig, and bidoof.
My Pearl's Dex has Chimchar, Shinx, Starly, bidoof, Geodude and Onyx, Abra, zubat, magikarp (Gotta keep it from evolving till it gets thrash, lol) and one other that I can't remember right now. I'll have my friend code for pearl in my next post at the Clan forums.
So far it's awesome. I slotted in my ancient copy of Yellow and checked to make sure everything was ok. I can't believe I ever played it, it's so clunky and hard to use. The 4th Gen really spoils me. I love the music, the character design is awesome, I can't wait to start porting in all my dudes from Emerald and FR. but there is one big thing I need to point out: Remove the HM moves from your 3rd gen Poke' because they can NOT be transferred with mail or HM moves. (I'll be a lil busy later, myself, but it's going to be a while. Anyway, I have not spoliered myself yet and have been working on leveling up and just experiencing the newness of the game. Pearl already has 4 hrs of play on it and Diamond isn't too far behind, I'm playing as I type. I've been naming my pokemon in pearl. Diamond is getting the "No nickname" treatment. That way I can tell what I need, and where it came from and at a glance tell which wafer I've got in the DS.
Big shout out to my Clan buds! And to those of you who keep spamming me for their unions, quit. I've only got time for one Union and I'm a slacker there as well. (I promise to post more after finals are over this Friday)
In Sports: Congrats to #24 team fans, he finally won Phoenix and tied with ol #3 Dale Sr. for career wins. It was pretty heartwarming to see Junebug reaching into the car to give him a hug after that victory lap with the flag. History really means something for these guys.
Congrats to Casey Kane on the Cover of Nascar Illustrated, sounds like being an owner is more fun than being the driver this season.
Condolences to all the Dragon and Dungeon magazine fans. Friggin WotC is ruining my Pen and Paper gaming life.
I'm gonna go take a nap, the grand to lvl 20 is so much more tedious than I remembered it. I'd kill for an EXP share right now. LOL
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