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Pearl/Diamond update

Well Gang, I woke up at 7:50 this morning and went to gamestop before my wife woke up. I picked up both of my reserves and then proceeded to take NCJames and his Chimchar Krypto to his first badge in under 4 hours. I got defeated by the first Galaxy commander and then switched over to diamond.  I'm doing my serious stuff on Pearl, but Diamond is my "play" game. Turtwig, chic character, wandering around until I get the first evo, then moving forward. I'm also hangin out in the early areas close to home there to see if there are any rare ones I might have missed in the other one. So far I have Shinx, Starly, turtwig, and bidoof.

My Pearl's Dex has Chimchar, Shinx, Starly, bidoof, Geodude and Onyx, Abra, zubat, magikarp (Gotta keep it from evolving till it gets thrash, lol) and one other that I can't remember right now.  I'll have my friend code for pearl in my next post at the Clan forums.

So far it's awesome. I slotted in my ancient copy of Yellow and checked to make sure everything was ok. I can't believe I ever played it, it's so clunky and hard to use. The 4th Gen really spoils me. I love the music, the character design is awesome, I can't wait to start porting in all my dudes from Emerald and FR. but there is one big thing I need to point out: Remove the HM moves from your 3rd gen Poke' because they can NOT be transferred with mail or HM moves. (I'll be a lil busy later, myself, but it's going to be a while. Anyway, I have not spoliered myself yet and have been working on leveling up and just experiencing the newness of the game. Pearl already has 4 hrs of play on it and Diamond isn't too far behind, I'm playing as I type. I've been naming my pokemon in pearl. Diamond is getting the "No nickname" treatment. That way I can tell what I need, and where it came from and at a glance tell which wafer I've got in the DS.

Big shout out to my Clan buds! And to those of you who keep spamming me for their unions, quit. I've only got time for one Union and I'm a slacker there as well. (I promise to post more after finals are over this Friday)

In Sports: Congrats to #24 team fans, he finally won Phoenix and tied with ol #3 Dale Sr. for career wins. It was pretty heartwarming to see Junebug reaching into the car to give him a hug after that victory lap with the flag. History really means something for these guys. 

Congrats to Casey Kane on the Cover of Nascar Illustrated, sounds like being an owner is more fun than being the driver this season.

Condolences to all the Dragon and Dungeon magazine fans. Friggin WotC is ruining my Pen and Paper gaming life.

I'm gonna go take a nap, the grand to lvl 20 is so much more tedious than I remembered it. I'd kill for an EXP share right now. LOL





A few changes...

Hey folks, its time for an update. The doctor changed my meds a bit and that helped me get up and get to school, but now it's a 13 day deadline for five papers and Diamond and pearl arriving in two weeks....   Good Good Smile!!!


Of course that reminds me of this little you tube bit.  Original work from Japan which I found to be hilarious.


Anyway... you may have noticed that my friend code list got a lot shorter. Well, sadly I've had to trade in some stuff to finish paying off Diamond. I also made a bit of a mistake and traded in my Nightmare troubadour and Spirit caller for the latest yu-gi-oh world champion 2007, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin and on a whim grabbed Izuna: Legend of the unemployed ninja.  It's a mouthful. It's also everything Pokemon mystery dungeon was, except way harder and a lot more suited for that kind of dungeon crawl. I wanted mystery dungeon to be something very different.


I've got a frickin allergy induced upper respiratory infection and the md is just gonna give me penicillin again instead of finding out why this keeps happening every 3-5 months. Feels like an asthma attack only you got snot running all over and green boogers instead of the nice clear yellow ones you normally get.


I master balled Raikou as soon as I saw him. Heh first time I've ever used a master ball in all three generations. Of course I've got six because I trade starters with myself. I'll play till Saffron and get the mb and trade it to the main cart... Been doing that since Gold and silver, I seriously hope they redo GSC soon. Updated with all the stuff from D/P and the new ds web browser feature... hoo boy.


Well, I'm gonna go to bed... or near best I can.


13 days...

Can I get a hells yeah?

Yours truly took on Groudon and Kyogre in emerald and using a lvl 56 dragonite named IantoJones (Torchwood teaboy) and nothing but repeat balls I Pwned and now they werks fer me!!!


Dex now sits at 241 on emerald. That's 241 actual pokemon for me to find and keep on D/P in less than a month, heh

Pokedex update

Not only did I catch a Febas last night, but I also got him all evolved to a milotec. My National dex stands at 160 in Emerald and I've got 4 in a row at the battle dome. But here's the awesome news... I b eat the final four in Fire Red and got the ruby. I have 127 of the Kanto dex. As soon as I can get the sapphire I'll be able to trade the kanto dex over to my emerald and be almost done. Meanwhile, my Dragonair is 4 levels away from evolving.


Over in Mariokart DS I just unlocked Daisy. So I now have 20 cars to play with.


I am major league stuck in Yu-Gi-Oh Spirit Caller. I'm at the Paradox brothers and Jaden sucks.


My Brain Age went from 32 to45 in a week, and all because I'm having a serious bout of "Don't wanna get up or do nothin'," depression. Its so bad I called my shrink for an appointment. Hopefully he'll be able to get me in before my grades have dropped below c level. Two papers past due and another one in a week will be assigned. I need to read my texts and write the damn paper. Sadly I just can't seem to get myself motivated.


Got stuck in wind walker, so I tried FFIII again, and now I'm on the surface but there's nothing there. I'm in the 70's inTimsplitters: Perfect whatever. Still goofing around with Cooking Mama, which is fun, but not real exciting, y'know. Oh and my Animal Crossing:WW House is almost paid. Then I'll get stage 3.


As far as the rest of my life? Well lets just say that it's called a mental disorder because it isn't rational to be down on myself as much as I am. I'm 32 and back in college, retired from Customer service, two wonderful pets and my wife who makes my day brighter just by walking into the room.
There is no reason I should be behind in school and skipping weeks of klass because I can't get up, take a shower and crack some books. Doctor Who starts again in 8 days. Yep, Saturday after this one. And if comcast can get the lead out and fix the signal, I'll have it by Sunday morning. So, yes, I'm not doing so good. But I thought the net should know about my Milotec and my championship Sticker. I know the net realy gives a rat's...



Messing with the Dex

Messing I'm not content to just fill a pokedex. It's important to me to actually have all the pokemon. So I've been trading from ruby to emerald as we get closer to the big day. I had Sapphire and LG. I'm sad to report that Sapphire was in the DS that got lost. The LG unfortunately is missing... I had my main pokedex on LG and was waiting to swap em over when I beat the final four and got the national from Oak. Now I'm starting over. Ugh

My new Addiction to Animal Crossing Wild World

Ok, I'm officially Nutty. I have an unnatural love of a game where all you do is pick up junk and talk to folks. Think about it. No guns, no sex, no violence.  Just plant trees, drink coffee, use a shovel. OMGWTFBBQ. I can't wait to get up in the morning and throw open my gates to let folks in. I am having a blast! Brewster is cool and I'm trying to visit every day and have coffee. I Totally dig this goofy game!

On a side note: why are all the adult females in the Soul Society so large chested in Bleach? Wouldn't that make them topheavy and harder for them to swing a sword? I'm wondering when we'll see Brock/Orihime PWP fic?

So disappointed.

Ok, I really ought to be reading philosophy for a presentation today, but I had to express my dissapointment about the new DS Inuyasha game. I sold it back after 2 weeks.  2 weeks!!  Can you believe this crud? I have never done that before. I just got so annoyed with the thing. My wife is very upset that I have already traded Rogue Agent and Nintendogs. It's not my fault one has a freakin impossible hand gripping scheme for a FPS on a DS, and the other I had to keep teaching the same trick over and over because the software can't understand my voice from one day to the next. I really liked that one too, but it was jsut way to finicky. I kept trying to match my old tone for commands, and it annoyed the heck out of my wife.  So I got rid of em.

FF3 is good. I'm playing mostly the Yu-Gi-Oh GX spirit caller. (I want NT but no one in Pittsburgh has it). I have Mariokart DS finally and yes it's still as fun as it was when we were drunk in various college students dorm rooms (back on N64). I'd have to imagine how it is drunk, as I don't do that kind of thing anymore.

I have been completely neglecting my Guild Wars characters and my Guild mates. I'm shameful. Call me a PC afficionado, I haven't played a game on a PC since 2006. (ok that's less impressive if I say 1 month, is all)

Eagerly awaiting Pokemon Pearl and Command and Conquer 3. I think that vista is going to kill the PC industry and people will flock to the more stable and now more familiar Apple.  (Runs any windows game without a shell program, allows right clicking finally, less virus potential, simple maintenance programs, widgets) If Game informer Magazine's article with Valve is to be believed, they may not be making much more for the platform any longer and that's why I have to jump ship before the rats start.  Y'know?

I am gamer... Hear me whimper at the coming of Vista.

First Post

Hey folks. First Post and stuff... Just wanted to put something here to show I'm alive. I'll add more later.
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