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kryptofreak120 Blog

New Blog Header (Rate) (EDIT)

I couldn't resist :P. GameSpot is so awesome in how you can customize things. The ever-so-awesome one of Kratos Aurion (from Tales of Symphonia) was getting I decided to credit yet another deviantART user 8). Yep...I found five of the most awesome swords I've ever seen in one pic, one sword of which looked like something I'm putting in my fan fic in the fourth story. It was too awesome to pass up :roll:. Speaking of my fan fic, I'm still trying to revise my chapters. If you looked at my dA entry, you probably saw that I said revising Part 1 Chapter 2 and 3 would be my hardest job. I'm seriously not kidding. I had the idea of what I wanted it to be the first time I was trying to write it...then it went completely wrong. In other words, I might've said I'd have it done today, but it's much more of a daunting task than you might think.

But yes, the sword. If you've ever heard anything about the divine dragon of darkness and light, Ragnarok, then you'd probably get the theme here. I definitely won't spoil this (like I spoiled the fight between James and Brian...which will happen due to a certain reason that I won't tell about yet ;)) too much, but In the Darkness will feature two new swords (or one...I haven't decided, but I might split them up into two, both light and darkness) for James Cerosa: the Ragnarok. These will actually be stronger than the Raem, which I did base off of the last boss in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for a reason...[snickers] you'll have to wait and see why 8). If all goes as planned, I should have Chaos Chronicles fixed-up and on-track soon...or it could be an embarassing crash n' burn :P. Hope it's not the latter of the two :lol:.

Other than that, I can't wait to buy the DVD for Click. Yay, I f**king love that movie :D! Ummm...what else...VG Cats is awesome (I've seen every comic now ;)). Oh, and another major order of business: you probably saw my last blog, which was an Editorial. Yeah. That was in hopes of possibly getting it featured and obtaining the awesome +1 Orator of Distinction emblem. GameSpot's checking all blogs marked as Editorials, and if they find your discussion good, they'll feature it in the SoapBox page and even reward you with the emblem for it. Don't think it's just for the emblem...I'm actually quite the discussor. I LOVE debating over issues that I have good experience and/or thought process in. Of course, gaming debates are both, since I tend to see the points that both sides make and equally weigh the choices before deciding.

If you've bothered reading through the blog or at least looking at these few lines, then I'd like some rates and opinions on my new blog header :).

Until then 8).

EDIT - Changed it a bit and added a new line of text (as well as putting the word "Ragnarok" going down instead of across).

Fanboys Take Things Way Too Seriously...(Console Comparison)

Consider this my first attempt at an editorial :P.


As I've noticed since the next-gen console wars have begun, people have been disputing, bickering about, flaming each other over, and acting irrational on which console will come out on top. Now, I'm all in favor of the Wii, but that doesn't mean I think the other consoles suck. They each have things to offer up to each player, be they a Sheep, Lemming, or Cow. But apparently people don't understand why the console war exists. Three companies, each with an equal chance of coming out on top, are going for supreme domination over the market. The fact is, none of them will reach it, because each console has its flaws that fans don't seem to think are true. Let's take a look, shall we?

Wii (Positive) - Nintendo's console is probably one of the most interesting I've ever seen, and it's also my favorite. It uses motion-sensory in a way never thought possible, to the point where it actually works. You can use the Wii-mote for a multitude of things, including slashing, shooting, aiming, blunting, conducting, driving, etc. (as well as using its built-in mic). It's also the cheapest of the three consoles, but it gives you a lot for a little. It boasts an impressive array of launch titles, and even better games to come in 2007 after the holiday season. Nintendo is intending to market the Wii for all ages, old or young, and even get old gamers to start playing again. Aside from intense gameplay where you feel like you're living the game, the graphics aren't bad, either. Though only confirmed at a little better than the Xbox graphics, I feel like like I'd rather see the Wii graphics than the PS3's.

Wii (Negative) - Now for negative...though they have a lot of launch titles worthy of the crown, it seems like they haven't given up on marketing some titles that really shouldn't exist. Movie games need to be tossed, because I would rather commit suicide than be forced to play Cars and Open Season (I'm not making too big of a deal about this negative point, though...but I see no reason for a Disney invasion). Some people are saying that there can be serious bone stress problems while playing, as you may be tempted to make extreme movements and actually stand up while playing (they recommend you make subtle movements and sit down, because it doesn't take much to get a response from the controller). There's also the graphics debate, the motion-sensing debate ("Are they really revolutionizing the industry?"), and the price being too high and possibly being overwhelmed by the 360. Some are also speculating if it will really get more people of different ages into gaming.

Xbox 360 (Positive) - With an early lead in the console market, Microsoft's powerhouse is taking the industry by storm. The games mostly revolve around shooters, sports, fighting, and racing games, but there are a few impressive titles that are unique to the usual line-up (Kameo, Elder Scrolls IV, etc.). There's also Xbox Live, for online play with others, and Xbox Live Arcade with some pretty solid games, like Geometry Wars. Graphics are vastly improved from the original Xbox, giving a special rendering to make everything appear real. While I haven't played the 360 myself, I'll admit that it looks good enough to the point where I might somtime. For anyone who doesn't have enough money to buy the full package, there's also the Core System, though it doesn't have all of the features of the more expensive one (obviously).

Xbox 360 (Negative) - This one probably has the most problems of the three consoles. It has constant hardware failure, in which you get an error screen or something similar to tell you what's wrong. Then you've got the "three red lights of death", which is both annoying and insulting at the same time (as if the error screen wasn't enough, they give you that). The variety of games is somewhat aimed at mature gamers, which would be good if almost every game wasn't incredibly similar to another (Gears of War, Kameo, and others are exceptions). And if I remember correctly, games cost $60 (or was that the PS3?). I've also heard many complaints about backwards compatibility. Some of the most useless and sucky games from the Xbox were ported over instead of some of the better games, like Psychonauts (last time I checked). Unless they add more games to the list soon, there's no use for backwards compatibility.

Playstation 3 (Positive) - Definitely the biggest powerhouse of them all, and each individual console possibly being powered by a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris, Sony has made one monster of a machine that mows down the competition. What else can I say about the graphics, other than they make you feel like the game is real and could jump out of the screen and kill you? Like the Xbox, they have a somewhat limited category of games, but it's not to the point of choking on similarities. Their controller also uses motion-sensory technology, but not as actively as the Wii (but it does have a few cool ways of utilizing it). Among the awesomeness of the titles includes some equally awesome gameplay that competes well with the Wii in various ways. Like the others, it also has online connectivity, not to mention a sleek look to compete with the Wii and Xbox 360. Out of the three next-gen consoles, this one has the biggest system specs.

Playstation 3 (Negative) - First, I'll say that the PS3 is in the debate with the Wii over "who stole motion-sensing from who". It honestly doesn't matter to me, but it's something I wish weren't being debated. Seconly, the price is something you can't ignore. It has two versions as well, the lesser costing $500 and the greater costing $600. Many people, myself included, are wondering if the PS3 can survive on these prices, especially with the limited amount of consoles available at launch, which means incredible inflation and wide-spread disappointment. And is sacrificing low-cost aspects worth the improvement in graphics? Somewhat, but not really. I'd rather stick with decent graphics and amazing gameplay (Wii).

Back-to-Back-to-Back Comparison - All three of the next-gens have different specs. Going from least to greatest: Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3. This also means different levels of graphics (again, from least to greatest: Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3). Though some things they have in common in the online connection, sleek design style, and wireless controllers. However, the wireless took its toll on Sony's rumble feature (for a few reasons, either legal issues or the sensor bar). Different debates about each console are going around (wireless, errors, pricing, blah...), some of which are so stupid and pointless that I don't even know why people care. All of them have many different genres of games, as should be expected, but each is oriented to a different crowd of gamers. And do we have to be reminded of the whole "console availability" issue (inflation during shortage in supplies)? From what I can see, the Xbox 360 didn't start out with too many supplies, and the PS3 looks like it's in for worse, but the Wii might just have enough to please almost everyone. Yeah, the list of comparable things goes on...too long of a list to write about.


So there you have thoughts on this entire thing. Comment if you want...I guess 8).

Now That That's Done...

Status - Level 19 (close to Hell...), 16.45%, 6670+ posts, new tags, nothing else new.

Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - Unknown.

Current Mood & Rating - Somewhat pissed, 7/10.

Currently Playing - Metroid Prime (trying to get the Space Jump Boots early, but it won't let me :x), AdventureQuest.

Currently Watching - Happy Tree Friends & Friends.

Stupidity of the Day - Time Spiral (the new MTG set...I'm beginning to suspect that it's MUCH better suited for building on previous expansions, rather than becoming its own...the reason: it's nearly impossible to make a correctly-working multi-colored deck).


Okay, so I got the rules up and everything. None of my current friends need to worry about that. Just any new ones :P. I had a lot of homework to do tonight, but not as much as I thought (shut up Michael...). Anyways, I just finished touching up my Green/White Selesnya Token & Overwhelm deck a few minutes ago (only took a few minutes to put the finishing touches on it). I would've done some more of the stuff at the top, but...I was too tired tonight -_-'. By the way, I finally read your chapters, Isaac :P. Rachel said she'd take time to view them tomorrow :). As for the Stupidity of the Day, I suspect that Time Spiral, the new block in Magic: the Gathering, is more of an expansion than an individual set. It literally has more than eleven different mechanics and 304 cards total, including the "timeshifteds". No matter how hard I try (believe me, I've tried), I can't do much more than make a mono-colored deck. It's doing wonders for my other decks, though...

Now then, as I was saying before a so rudely interrupted me with a violation report, deviantART has been good and bad for me at the same time. It's a good way to see if I can get more readers, but it still needs to get up off the ground. Though I suppose it doesn't matter yet since I just barely started. Like I said before (but it was editted out of the last blog), I was questioned by xAshleyMx if I'd been stealing her work. It's been resolved, so don't worry :P. Let this be a lesson to you all: never mistake praise for theft :P. Nope...I'm not removing anything I just said there. There's some really interesting and awesome stuff on dA, like some pictures of Naruto that make me feel like the show should look like that. Of course, it will soon when they get past filler hell :lol:.

Yes, I've been a bit lazy lately. Sue me. I've also been a little b**chy because of my amounts of homework and the two ToS violation reports filed by two dumbass users. Whoever they are, they aren't handling the matter maturely at all. I suspect I know who one of them is, and I don't have a clue about the other. Perhaps they'd like to brush up on the rules here on GameSpot? Yep...this has turned into a rant :lol:. Let's change the subject...speaking of homework and school in general, I have Thursday and Friday off for a grading inservice and something else. I already know that I'm getting a bunch of different letter grades (the lowest is a C). Then again, the only grade that matters is what I have by semester. But yes...I'll probably have the revised part of Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 1 Chapter 2 - The Annihilator of Darkness, Pt. 1 (holy f**k) done by either Wednesday or Thursday.

Two more things: the first, I've been going to VG Cats lately. Awesome stuff :lol:. Including the whole chocobo breeding by cat Aeris, Link burning down the Great Deku Tree after and blaming "the curse", and the most recent 20 comics, I've nearly laughed myself to death :lol:. Anyone wanna recommend some others I should look at? Second, this is specifically for alx222000: why exactly did you not suspect a serious answer to the Quiz Room? Because I DID give you the "correct" answer -_-'. You know, I suppose it doesn't matter. Guess I'd better figure out the next question...oh yeah, and I'm about to be the Game Master for the SSB 4-Way Brawl in another union :P. Cheers to me 8).

Until then 8).

kryptofreak120's Profile Rules

My profile will soon be viewable by everyone again. With this being the case, I can start making friends again. This blog will be a reference for new friends, and if anyone makes a gigantic deal about the following, I WILL close down my profile again. These rules also apply for anyone who's not my friend but still wishes to observe me. Everyone who wants to visit my profile needs to be courteous enough to respect me.


1 - Any reports coming from that are basically unjust will not be tolerated. I'm on GameSpot now. I reserve the right to not change anything offensive if I don't find it offensive. If you take things too far, I'll repeat this: I'M NOT GETTING RID OF ANYTHING. Even if the report asks me to, it's not happening.

2 - I have the right to swear. If you're on GameSpot, or even, you know these words. If you have a problem, you're not my friend. I have a right to free speech and censorship when needed, which I do use to my advantage. I censor words that need to be censored. Damn, hell, ass, crap, and some others will be used.

3 - I NEVER mock or insult other users unless jokingly. The fact that you take it seriously tells me you can't handle me. I don't put up with abuse reports if they're because I somehow insulted you. I don't mean it, so shut the hell up. It's the internet, it's all in good fun. Deal with it.

4 - You are not in-charge of what I say here. This covers all three of the previous rules. is an access point to my profile, but you have no right to try to regulate my right to free speech through them by what you see there. GameSpot is more wide in their standards of rules, so don't think you're being self-righteous by denying my rights through the sister sites.

5 - If you feel I need to take something down, you resolve it through a PM, not through an abuse report. Furthermore, if I really am abusing the system, you use GameSpot for that. Have at least SOME dignity and common sense. I'm doing my best not to make enemies, but if I do make one, they started it first, not me.

6 - No spamming me unless it's a blog game. That should be a given.

7 - This is not your place to boss me around. You're my friend, and that's somewhat of a priveledge. Take advantage of me or threaten me, and I'll block everything from you: PMs, blog access, etc. I'm not a pushover. Don't mistake kindness for weakness.

8 - I don't mind union invites. Please keep them to a minimum if possible, but I won't drop any friends if I get too many. I understand how the process works, and I respect what you're doing as you try to help your union. If you really want me joining, a friendly PM along with an invite is your best bet.

9 - Yes, I like Krypto the Superdog. I don't expect you to like it, but don't mock it in front of me. I rarely talk much about it anymore. Also, similar bashing of other things I like isn't a good idea. I can stand it, yes. I'm very tolerant. But if it's just downright mockery, you're off my friends list.

10 - If one of these rules is broken by anyone, friend or not, I'll make either just my blogs or my profile as a whole "friends only" and I'll take appropriate action against the one who wronged me. Settlements can be established, so if you accidentally break a rule, there's a good chance I'll forgive you.


Memorize these if you must. If you're good at making and keeping friends, this should be no problem for you. This blog will be linked at the top of my page.

It's Definitely Been Awhile...EDIT 1

Status - Level 18, 73.5%, 6600+ posts, s**tload of new tags, one new moderation (will explain later).

Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - 30+%.

Currently Playing - AdventureQuest.

Currently Watching - The Man Show.

To-Do List - Review Isaac's chapters (I'm kicking myself for not doing this already :evil: ), revise current fan fic chapters, achieve awesomeness status on AQ (almost complete).

Weekly Deviation - Majora's Mask makes for better art sometimes.

Current Mood & Rating - Average, 8/10.

AdventureQuest Status - Character page and AQStats page.

Stupidity of the Day - Moderations (oh no, I'm not's just that I got one on, it was for not completely obscuring offensive words in my blog...yeah, that falls under GameSpot, since I haven't been on in over three months).


Okay, first, blah. Secondly, like I said on FicWad, I've "moved" Chaos Chronicles to deviantART (under the same username, because Aeonis was taken). It's in hopes of reaching more people with my fic (I've already got quite a few, but I'd like a few more possibly). Already attracted attention. Some good, some bad. Not too much to do on there, but all I can really try for is uploading stories and poems. I've started to revise my current chapters and make should I put this...make sense. Too many plot holes for my tastes XD.

On GameSpot, I finally made it out of mini-level 20 (level 17, which strangely had a horribly small level cap). Level 18 is much easier now, with a pretty tremendous cap. In fact, I'll be leveled up by tomorrow. Yeah, I posted in all of my unions last night. Deal with it :P. More tags to come, hopefully some more game reviews soon. I REALLY need to brush up on my reading (what better way than Isaac's fic ;)?). Yeah, some of my unions are dying...not good. In fact (here it comes...:roll: ), perhaps some of you might be interested in joining The Creators' Guild :)? If you like making/playing union games of all types (including the SSB 4-Way Brawl, which was created by the leader of the union, alx222000), this union might need you ;).

Tomorrow, I have a Magic: the Gathering tournament/set release to go to (for Time Spiral). I'm gonna buy me an entire booster box :P. Yep, I'm also gonna be so hyped up on caffeine and sugar, I'll be foaming at the mouth :lol:8). There won't be much to do except try to come off a massive sugar hangover the next day :lol:. Then again, I also have a Consumer Product Report to do in Biology, which sucks, because I don't wanna do it :evil:. Damn school -_-'. Oh enjoy a new MTG set while it lasts ;). I remember splurging on Guildpact and Dissension...those were the days :D. I feel like someone's gonna say something about this :P.

Oh yeah, and GaiaOnline's going alright. My dream avatar is a few miles away still (if not several light years). You try getting something like what I'm trying to get -_-. While I'm at it, I might as well say that I'm looking forward to a few games in the future - Baten Kaitos II: Origins, Final Fantasy V Advance, Final Fantasy VI Advance, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Super Paper Mario, Children of Mana, and pretty much everything, save a few games, on the Wii. I can't wait for Christmas :P. Oh, and for anyone who still hasn't figured it out yet, despite obvious signs, among other things...

I'm absolutely NOT interested in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Final Fantasy III!

Plus I hate how they delayed Metroid Prime 3: not fair, Nintendo. First you make us wait forever for Twilight Princess to come out, now you do this? For shame...I know that it needs to be perfected and all, but still, for shame. By the way, the games mentioned in the actual paragraph above...some are out right now, and I hope to get them soon. Yeah, that's pretty much it for now. So...

Until then 8).

EDIT - Moderated on I think I know who did it (because of a few good hunches). I won't say who, but doing so isn't being very mature about the matter. Plus, coming from, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone gets the message that I'm not going on there anymore...?

Well...This S**ks

(Stupid censoring)

Again, I'd rather not do a status blog. But basically, I use my dad's laptop for my various daily activities on the computer. Unfortunately, since it is my dad's, he sometimes needs it for work. And guess what? That sometime is now. This wouldn't be as bad if our "main" computer didn't suck to Hell. It needs a new anti-virus program, a new spy sweeper, a new...everything. I can't fix the screen specifications to be right (brightness, how big or small the text appears, contrast, etc.). We just need new damn hardware for the thing. Otherwise, I'll have no computer to use (in a sense, because the main comp's so bad that I'd rather do homework instead of go onto it). The good news, if you can call it that, is that my dad'll usually bring it home with him after work, which is when I can use it. It's still not very good for me...

I know...none of you feel sorry for me :cry:. Think of it this way: now I might have a reasonable excuse for not posting in some of my unions.

Don't Feel Like A Status Blog...

So I'm posting a blog for no particular reason :D. Okay, I suppose there are a few reasons...

Weekly Deviation - Good God that's cute...

Number 1 - I really wish I had one of those costumes from the deviation :oops:.

Number 2 - Might as well say that I posted in most of my unions the night before yesterday (I was starting to get too tired to do the rest, so don't demote me). I'll get to the rest later...or eventually...whichever I feel like...blah.

Number 3 - Yay, the Wii :D. Lots of games I wanna get at launch, but a very bad move to move back Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Necessary, maybe, but still not a good idea to delay it. At least they still have Twilight Princess at launch -_-'.

Ummmm...that's really about it. Not much else to say, other than I'm tired right now, and I'm not gonna be making a status blog yet :P. Feel free to comment...or know, I don't give a f**k right now :D.

WTF!? (Caps)

Despite what you think, I'm not stupid: I already know why I skipped level 16, and I've known since two days after I joined GameSpot. What I'm wondering is that I've heard that level 17's cap is fairly high (and gives more points per activity), but I barely even got 6%, and I did plenty of stuff last night. Has everyone else who's gotten to/through/way past this level gotten this as a level cap, or am I just jumping to conclusions? Either way, I'm pissed off at this :evil:.

To All Unions I'm An Officer In...

As of late, I've been fairly busy with several other things, including the pressures of school and other commitments. Starting today, I'll make sure to post every other day (including today, of course) in order to keep active in my unions. Please forgive me if I haven't visited in a while.

Various Things

Status - Level 15, 69.34%, 6200+ posts, 150+ new tags.

Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - I have no idea, since I know I haven't been hitting the cap lately, and I contradicted my last estimation.

Current Mood - Neutral.

Mood Rating - 5/10.

Currently Playing - AdventureQuest.

Currently Watching - Dirty Jobs.

Stupidity of the Day - The amazingly hard process of figuring out why the Flash Player won't download...

AdventureQuest Stats - My character page and my AQStats page.

Weekly Deviation - Crystalline Fire...

GaiaOnline Profile - Don't mock me...


Yeah, I signed up for GaiaOnline. Sue me. I wanted to try it out, and it looks like fun (though I was expecting something else, but it'll do). The only problem can be really slow, and some pages don't load up at all. I was trying to access my profile, but the background wouldn't load -_-'. Other than that, I'm getting a good start on things. Stupidity of the Day: GaiaOnline runs on Flash Player 7 or higher, but some areas go for 9. I'd been trying to install it since five months ago, and I just now managed to get it to work. It's been hell since today, though :roll:. Ummmm...I don't think I have anything else to say in this paragraph.

Onto stuff concerning GameSpot. I haven't been hitting the cap each day, and I have a s**tload of tags on daily updates left to do (last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, yesterday, today, and the Wednesday two weeks ago). Altogether, that's around 200 tags XD. I'm sorry to all of the unions I'm in. Lately I haven't been able to post in most of them (been somewhat busy...). Strangely enough, when school starts tomorrow, I'll actually be more active (I'm not gonna go through the painstaking process of explaining it, but I will say this...THERE IS NO AGGRO RESET!!!). Typing that out made me laugh so hard :lol::lol::lol:. I think I'm just rambling on now...

AdventureQuest/video-games-in-general stuff now. Okay, so I've been farming gold and experience for a week now, trying to get money for the uber sets (Reign and Shadow). They're awesome in both looks and potency (Reign for attack, Shadow for defense). Now I just have to hope they nerf the quest that leads to them and make it much easier with easier monsters (no, everyone on the AQ staff agrees that they made it too hard, especially for high level players ironically). That's why they've guaranteed that they'd nerf it very soon. I need to start playing my other video games I bought a few weeks ago again...and also Baten Kaitos. I should really finish that :|. Nothing else to see here...

School stuff. Bam, school's tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to go back, but it looks like I have to (as do a few of my other friends here on GameSpot). I wonder if I'll be able to figure some of this stuff out, like where my classes are. I also need to get a schedule change at second semester so that I can continue a class (I forgot that little tidbit the first time I did my schedule...). Like all of my friends, school's gonna be Hell for me. I have to buy supplies tonight, then I have to brace myself for tomorrow and the next day, because it's not gonna be thing I do wish they'd do, though, is make a lane for everyone who runs to class (which is basically me), so that I don't have to plow through everyone :lol:. They tell me to slow down, and I reply by telling them to get off their lazy asses and join me. That's my only real way of exercizing: running around the school. It's efficient to say the least ;).

Few more things to cover. I saw the movie Click yesterday. That was some funny s**t! How many people other than me have seen it? Here's probably one of the funniest lines in it (keep in mind that it's about 11 years in the future) -

"In today's news, Britney Spears has had her 23rd child, and Kevin Federline has actually decided to get a job! In other news, Michael Jackson, the first man to successfully clone himself, is sueing himself for molesting himself. Full story at 11."

Yeah, that's just what we need: two Michael Jacksons running around. Here's an idea: why don't we just create two Chuck Norrises and have their kicks meet each other? Now, the movie was very funny, yes, but as the story progresses, the mood started to get sad, and at the climax...well, I almost cried. Tried to hold back the tears as best as I could. Coincidentally, Steve Irwin died yesterday :(. Things were very depressing yesterday. R.I.P. Steve.

That's about it. Until then 8).